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Posts posted by citybiker

  1. Her and her lot invited them in, perhaps it should have been right that she reaped what she has sown. I'm hating MI5 a bit this morning.

    Hating the security services that protect ‘all’ UK citizens from the scum & vermin of society which is Islamic & other forms of terrorism not just the British PM.


    As for inviting them in, it has been consecutive Government’s & Labour under Blair was the worst of all.


    Well done MI5 & Police.


    Bizarre analysis to hate those who wish to protect.



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  2. can agree with you on one point: the EU (and the Uk is still a member!) has failed to properly protect its external borders. The unregulated influx of refugees made the brexit result possible. The distinction between true war refugees and economic immigrants did not happen at all. No one understands why European politicians are so strongly promoting the Islamization of Europe. Unfortunately, then, the whole has shifted to the question of immigration from EU citizens. Is the Polish plumber,  cucumber tiller and nurse really the problem? in another point, I have to contradict. the eu has shown a lot of patience and has built many bridges for uk. if 65% of the ni population is for the remainding in the eu, why not search for them a Solution on that basis.

    I concur, UK borders are poorly protected & that fault is blamed at consecutive governments, due to the influx of haulage going through UK ports it's become an easy target for people smuggling, and unfortunately UKBA require significant uplift in manpower (which I believe is promised). UK's smaller ports and harbours are barely monitored at all.


    EU patience & built bridges, Can you define/narrow the focus?


    The solution to NI is for the RoI to respect the mutual agreement in Belfast, yet Dublin have continued on its aggressive stance, both sides of Island of Ireland are capable of continuing in its current format (soft border) it's political bickering that's causing the issue.



    [mention=231957]Grouse[/mention] technology is part of the NI border solution, tim.


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  3. Can somebody pls explain the logic of having no southern border in the EU, and yet they seem to need a border between the 2 parts of Ireland? Ships set sail from Italy scooping up every boat leaving Libya - I believe the people smugglers notify the so called "rescue ships" who race along and pick them up turning the occupants lose in Italy, that is even worse than a no southern border scenario. I just can't understand the logic at play. Anybody?

    There’s various (non-EU) open borders that manage to track & regulate for years yet it’s the EU which are refusing ‘any’ U.K. proposal.


    The EU’s overall aim & goal is simply focused on a authoritarian methodology, and Brussels must be seen as supporting its MS no matter what (understandably) however the EU’s most consistent reply/feedback to ‘Any’ UK Brexit proposal is ‘insufficient progress’ on just about everything.


    Smuggling is also another issue, a back door into the U.K. is a significant issue for the UK. Using Eire is just another ongoing tactic.



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    NI was being offered a continued open border and trade with an individual EU member (Eire).


    The Republic of Ireland wanted it, the UK government agreed, the EU agreed.


    The DUP vetoed it.


    "The DUP’s fury had been prompted by a leak early on Monday of a draft 15-page joint statement from the European commission and the UK which suggested Britain had bowed to the Republic of Ireland’s demands by accepting that “in the absence of agreed solutions, the UK will ensure that there continues to be continued regulatory alignment” with the internal market and customs union."

    The Guardian.






    It’s been the DUP stance from day one to be treated ‘equally’ within the ‘United Kingdom’ and not be separated just to please Eire.


    They’re veto was fully justified.


    Eire & UK want a no border option (Dublin, Belfast & Westminster) it’s the EU (Brussels) which are enforcing the border issue as HMG proposal wasn’t seen as good enough for the EU.



    That fringe party still holds keys to No10 no matter how look at it.


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  5. I do not remember seeing the UK in such a mess since the last 50 years.
    Every headless chicken has more plan.
    I'm sorry for the UK. 

    I don’t see the situation as a mess rather than poor politics of today, agreed, PMTM really needs to get a grip but the Irish Government are simply doing its level best to detail the whole Brexit process, even the DUP have warned Leo & chums to wind their necks in.

    Brexit negotiations are ongoing & challenges are expected, especially after 40 yrs of membership.

    The NI border topic was always going to be extremely complex, although Eire/NI mutually agree to no border it’s the EU enforcing the it, so the trouble makers are at source.

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  6. A brief extract from the book ‘Clean Brexit’ Why leaving the EU still makes sense.



    Brexit is more toxic in the Westminster bubble than the repeal of the Corn Laws which, like Brexit, disadvantaged the politically entrenched elite to the benefit of the general public. The authors ridicule the warnings of Project Fear, with evidence. One sample, according to the OECD Foreign Direct Investment to the UK in 2015 totalled $33 billion. On 2016 the total was $254 billion, of which $178 billion was committed after the June vote.


    Summary, gives a common sense levelled approach, along with Pro’s & Con’s, now I know nothing in the world of reality will convince or sway any opinion, judgment of emotive factor of the staunch Pro EU campaigner however individual research is always encouraged let alone recommended when posting unbalanced, unbiased narrative and not expecting it to be counter challenged.


    In a respectful manner of course..



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    Shall we wait for the Brexit deal first before you make any assumptions?.....unless you've inside info from Boris of course. Not that he will survive for much longer, the same as Mrs May... :laugh:
    I've never seen a government that's so divided as the present Tories.

    The Tories maybe in element devided however compared to the opposition, Boris will survive for now, expect another minor reshuffle in early 2018 (maybe).

    Labour, are in a total mess and brief summary so far since the Brexit result:

    Initially, didn’t respect or accept the referendum result until pressured to.
    Confusing their voters, also misleading them on student fees/loans etc
    A leader who wants the U.K. to return to the 70’s with its infrastructure reclaim
    A run on the pound prediction from their shadow chancellor as they’re economic policy is scarily worse than laughable.
    A Home Secretary who is mathematically incompetent.

    All this talk of models, forecasts etc is justifiable to an extent, the major flaw is Brexit is unknown territory and the Government is starting from scratch, that was coward Cameron’s fault due to his arrogance.

    Now the time is focus constructively, progressively along with calm level heads and ensure the U.K. aims and achieves what’s best primarily for itself, security, Industry and of trade, if a mutually beneficial deal can be achieved through diplomacy all very well, unfortunately the EU is more interested in money and authority and ensuring no other MS considers the move. (Which is unlikely anyway).

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  8. Thankfully not being part of the Eurozone is one saving grace and part element, the U.K. unfortunately remains politically linked along with abiding with EU trade regulations.


    In general now, a brief insight comparison to those who think the U.K. will mirror Greece post Brexit, the U.K. is much more resilient and prepared. (Due to BoE infrequent stress tests) since the last crash.











    180% of GDP




    Roughly less than half that, Abiet still not good but comparing Greece is a non-starter.

    Some countries can’t afford to leave the EU & Eurozone, and any government putting their citizens and electorate in that prick & hard place situation should all be sacked.



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  9. To be honest, I still think that the worst is yet to come, I would love to be proved wrong believe me but the UK economy is primarily consumer driven as far as I can work out.
    Consumer spending & confidence is well down, as is productivity, consumer credit (car loans & credit cards) is booming, the Bank of England thinks that 75,000 jobs in the City of London's financial centre could be lost, look at the last set of figures for car manufacturing, woefully bad and no one is buying them either. 
    And to cap it all the EU economy, if latest figures are anything to go by is now on the up, OK, unemployment is a little high but that could soon change, so all those people that voted to leave because a bit like Germany and France we were paying the Lions share into the EU pot and subsidising the likes of Greece, Spain etc are now finding that their economies are beginning to boom and we are beginning to bust.
    The EU wants, in my opinion, to punish the UK for being an upstart daring to challenge the establishment, I would love for other countries to take the same route as us but I fear that they will wait to see the punitive Brexit bill levelled at us before proceeding, the experiment is over, it has failed and by voting to leave we are setting a precedent.
    I read somewhere yesterday that the the EU investment Bank is going to owe the UK Billions of pounds until about 2050, if that's the case just take what we supposedly owe the EU from that and give us whatever is left.  
    I have pensions and investments that are supposed to look after me in my lazy years as I enjoy retirement, the fall in the pound has put a dent in that, not so much as I can't go out have fun and enjoy myself but the good old GBP don't stretch as far as it used to a year or so ago, fortunately I have another pension coming on stream next year so not all doom and gloom.
    If you have read this far then let me qualify the above by saying that I truly hope to be proved wrong, I want to see UK Plc boom, to shock the world and prove every naysayer (me included) that this was the best ever move made by the UK people.
    Please Gawd make it so :thumbsup:

    The U.K. has 16% invested in EIB amongst other EU assets, the EU also has to replace alternative net contributions left by the U.K.

    Nobody likes change, in many people’s eyes Brexit has bought uncertainty while others see an global opportunity (myself) and the U.K. will continue to trade with the EU. Unknown territory is fraught with challenges, the focus should be a pragmatic, level headed mindset.

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  10. These will not be low level munchkins

    Understandably certain top tier ‘may’ relocate, the point & focus being that many of the global Bank’s will of course have subsidiaries bases within the EU.

    Goldman Sach’s is one of a few I can mention that intend to expand within the City if London, another is considering 800 out of a total 8,000 to be EU located.

    The mass exodus is unlikely to happen due to infrastructure, IT, and language factors, ill await anything further tangible.

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  11. OK will/when will Hamilton surpass Schumachers 7 world championships and 91 race wins?
    My thoughts:
    He will almost certainly surpass Schumachers 91 wins by 2020 if Mercedes continue with making a superior car.
    8 World championships is a far more difficult target, as he will have new blood challenging him in the next few years.

    Max certainly

    Bottas, is learning from Hamilton but only a few years younger

    Vettel, more at home on the dodgems, past his prime and should be put out to graze 

    Riccardo, very likable chap but only good to make the numbers up on the podium

    Ocon, can do better with with a better ride

    Räikkönen, too long in the tooth

    Stoll, maybe...


    I think Mercedes will struggle to maintain a reliable car for Lewis but it is possible. Red Bull & Ferrari will ensure the pressure is firmly applied to ensure Lewis is unable to go for his 5th.

    Max, Ricardo, Vettel & Bottas all the ability if less clumsy mistakes are made in the opening laps for 2018.

    Potential from Ocon & Stoll if they’re given a reliable car.

    2018 should be interesting.

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  12. I hope there is comming a trade deal, and i am sure their will be one.
    But the Deal must be fair, and not on the cost of "one side".
     I have the stance , that the Bil for leaving ( outstanding bills until brexit) the Eu Britain has to pay  for.
    They accept the depts, it makes they way ,for a deal.
    The Eu  is on this stance split at the moment, i wished their would be more "hardliner"
    In case of a "no deal" ,GB has to loose more.
    Gb is oversating their economic power excluding the financial industrie
    back to the extension of Europe in to the east
    Building up a strong nation,power,or union,will always not be easy. Yes in the first stage the strong countrys will not benefit, but the final result is the way, and thats a great Union and power,with over 400 million people, where mostly stay behind the idea of the EU.
    Even i not Benefit from The EU, and i have more to handle the negative effects, i still a strong beliver in the Eu, and even hate some of their stupid laws , the benefting of banks and multinationals
    but if i see the great picture and not only my circumstances ....
    Its the greatest project of the 19th and 20th century, it will build up a great future for their citizens

    We both agree the deal must be fair, unfortunately however the EU has other ideas on this element & which is why no figures have been submitted (due to the legality).
    Bear in mind, for a deal to be fair it should not punish the leaving MS either, although rebuffing all current proposals have shown the EU is acting more than a monster but a gold digging ex-wife in a tantrum (excuse the latter part).
    Overstating the economic power? 5th in that status isn't overstating, despite the Currency turbulence/ fluctuation which is normal the situation hasn't nose dived.

    I'll repeat & emphasise in the most respectful manner, we are & will remain European neighbours and friends it's the EU political element that I wish for an amicable divorce.

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  13. I am a Eu citizen.,and seen the Uk never as a strong and reliable  partner of the EU  and my feeling is, that it  will not hurt the EU , it will hurt GB.

    Im my opinion , GB was made the wrong decisson in the pole to leave the EU.


    The hope of GB is, less foreigners, more saefty and specialy, more support for the middle and lower class as well less buerocratic hurdles, amd less presure on slarys.


    The opposite is happening. The  GB  gverment is lowering taxes for multinationals and Banks and financials. Thye doing non for the normal people.

    The price of the tax burdon  will pay at the end the normal workforce.


    So no benefit for gb, and a question remain will GB exist in future, in case scottland voting in favour of EU.


    I know the Eu is not perfect ,its buerocratic,its a monster, but the idea of EU ,is just as perfect as it is,it is strong ,it is future.


    I am not sad Gb leaving, the EU will further expand into the east,where People strongly belive in the EU and its vlaues. and this countrys will support the Eu in the future.Countrys like the Ukraine are much more "europe" than GB.


    The EUis building up a great future,for great people ,if they can overcome their internal problems,like buerocratic hassles and the support of financials and multis in favour of the normalpeople.


    small problems,compare to other countrys


    The EU is building up a strong power into the future.


    I hope the EU will stay strong,and dont deliver any Deal in favour of  GB


    In 1995 the GBp shraed out of the Ecu( eupean curency system),normaly there  Europe had to say already Stop!


    As Gb citizen i would have voted in favour of the EU




    Interesting post, although you are 'aware' that a no deal Brexit 'WILL' affect certain EU nations economies, industries and supply chain so not just 'One'sided.


    If the EU wants to bite its nose off to save face (Ie: deter other MS considering following) then more fool it. However, I'm a firm believer that despite the EU being such a poor trade* negotiator (Canada & Japan being prime examples and evidence to support my argument) then common sense will prevail.


    I'm also aware that certain eastern bloc countries rely more on the EU than the other stronger economic MS's.


    * note I state poor at trade not Overal negotiations as talks are ongoing & incomplete.



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    Plus...as per usual with many claims by Trump are false, what are the numbers? something like 1,200 proven lies by Trump since coming to power. As we know Brexit campaign was primarily based on falsehoods, no wonder why Trump expressed support and apparently likes Farage.
    Unemployment lowest in 17 years: False

    Would that be mutual Brexit falsehoods as both sides were equally to blame.

    At least the UK unemployment is the lowest for 40 years, which isn't false.

    Anyway, moving on positively.

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  15. But it's undeniable that Brexit is the stupidest thing this country has done and that says all you need to know about the majority.

    Or possibly only viewed as stupid 'by some' as you disagree with the result?

    Along with another poster posting voting data (one source isn't balanced either) to focus on lame point scoring.

    The majority are being classed as under achievers, poorly educated and under 50 and of course living in areas of high unemployment, and of course the other focus is its a very emotional topic and thus less facts and evidence are being supplied to support posters arguement.

    Personally, I'm a natural pessimist, realist and staunch EU sceptic but I hope overall both the UK & EU can move forward minus the unfortunate dislike and mudslinging and have a more constructive positive strategic mindset.

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  16. Full accountability is in Westminster and has always been there. EU is just the scapegoat.

    EU scapegoat, would that be a remainer viewpoint of evidence supplied?

    I don’t believe this so called ‘hard’ Brexit will occur which primarily hard line remainers are focusing on, common sense will eventually prevail as many MS’s will ensure they’re local economies have minimal affect.

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  17. And so the scapegoating of the EU continues. It is your own MP's who are responsible now. Nothing will change, except that Britain will be a bit more isolated.

    I’d be interested to see how many MP’s will remain in Westminster once full accountability returns, scapegoating isn’t the term I’d use however I’ll yet again emphasis that interference will not be tolerated.

    Lastly, CAP, trade, security, intelligence sharing will continue (albeit amended) along with unnecessary EU policies slowly removed but total isolation is highly unlikely, it didn’t work for project fear & unlikely to work now.

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  18. So you admit that your comment about unelected MEP was wrong? That's a good start.

    And you advocate European elections with candidates running in every country?

    That is exactly what the "Europhiles" want.

    Maybe you should think things over, you seem very confused about Europe at present.




    Thanks for unnecessary, unwanted advice & far from confused.


    Relieved the U.K. made the appropriate decision in voting for Brexit.

    Here’s another reason:



    Lastly, of course Brexit is so stupid, Euro debt is currently at an average of nearly €30k per EU citizen, someone has to pay for it.


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