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CG1 Blue

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Everything posted by CG1 Blue

  1. It seems almost cruel to me that the Democrats are letting Biden continue when he's clearly in cognitive decline. The stress of being POTUS at his age has clearly taken it's toll over the past 4 years. Not only that, but the grief of losing a child can take it's toll mentally over time. I imagine it's only pride (not wanting to be a one term president) that keeps Biden hanging in there. I dread to think how he'll cope with the presidential TV debates later this year. Surely the Dems would want someone who can put up a better fight against Trump? Or is it as someone else suggested the fact that Harris would never step aside to let a credible candidate come forward, and they can't kick her out because of her diversity credentials?
  2. Exactly that, and arrogant consultants making poor / ego driven decisions. I lost my brother plus a close friend's daughter through their negligence. One being an ongoing legal case. Interesting to hear a GP actually said that to you!
  3. I don't think Harry saw his dad on this visit to the UK. He went there to see King Charles 😁
  4. RIP Dean. He's from my home town(ish), Southend on Sea. By all accounts he was a really nice fella. Sadly from my experience with the NHS, I'd say he might have had a better chance of survival if he'd stayed in Thailand. The negligence in UK NHS hospitals is off the scale these days. https://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/24066030.southend-man-fell-ill-thailand-dies-aged-41/
  5. Agree. I flew out from BKK in December. First we had to queue for an escalator that took you down to the immigration area, and that was a bun fight with some jumping the queue and nobody organising it. That queue took about 15 minutes. Then when we finally got down the escalator we had to guess whether to go right or left (I think left was for Thais), so we gambled on right. Then joined a snaking queue with about 6 rows. The booth staff were taking so long for each passenger and we were in the queue for about 45 minutes. Utter shambles, at the country's 'flagship' airport.
  6. What I find beyond belief is hearing people defend the breeding and ownership of these type of dogs. These dogs are capable of easily killing people. I respect the fact that if the dog is brought up in a loving home, the risk of an attack is greatly reduced. But even if you love dogs that much, why do you need to own one of the breeds that are so equipped to kill? I bet 90% of XL Bully owners have them as a status symbol, and most of the owners are probably of a similar mindset to this Jaywick waste of space.
  7. Something similar is already being proposed - I heard it on the radio last night. Unfortunately I can't remember the group making the proposal. It would involve background checks on the people, accommodation checks (e.g. do they live in a 10th floor flat) and various other things like a test they would need to pass. This would apply to any dogs over a certain weight, i.e. deemed large enough to kill a human in a fight.
  8. What's the point of having a 3ft high balcony rail? As a 6ft 3' man you'll not be able to lean on it to admire the view, and it certainly wouldn't prevent you from falling if you lost your balance one day. Why not just have a 1ft high rail, or no rail at all? Maybe just a row of nice plants...
  9. This is the trouble. It's very easy to find statistics on lives saved from lockdowns. But we'll probably never be told how many lives have / will be lost due to the impact of lockdowns. "people can recover from childhood obesity" I'm sure you know full well it's not that simple.
  10. One of the many serious consequences of over the top measures taken during the pandemic. Nobody in authority seemed to weigh up the dangers of COVID 19 versus the dangers of locking the world down. The 'slow burn' effects of lockdowns etc. will take at least a decade to heal. And sadly the resultant death numbers will probably dwarf C19 deaths. In the UK the government were pushed into strict measures by the mainstream press and political opposition. They should've stuck to their guns.
  11. I think you're over interpreting the outcome of the case. It's not as black and white as you make out. Others have explained why above. You also don't seem to be aware that Hamas have been 'ordered' to release the hostages, and we all know that's not going to happen. Or do you think they will? It's blinkered views like yours that cause and prolong wars. Try to think more constructively.
  12. Personally I would have just ignored them and carried on. Why should we be worried about 'provoking the Chinese', especially a bunch of entitled student pro CCP activists? I don't agree with Dr K's way of handling it (he's an attention seeker), but I also don't agree with appeasing bullies like the passive aggressive shouty man.
  13. I agree Dr K comes across as a bit of a tw 4t. But why should he give in to bullying from a group of Chinese activists? Especially the Chinese guy who starts shouting at Dr K for 'touching' the Chinese girl. Apparently this is a popular tactic in China. Over reacting to something to get the other person in trouble so you can sue them. Funny how shouty Chinese boy was so quiet when then the big younger English guy confronted them towards the end of the video. Typical bully. A selection of the comments online: The "don't touch her" overeaction was purposeful. They wanted to create an scenario where they could win, because they realized they were not going to win with their request. It is a manipulation tactic. Hong kong stands with you ,Dr.K. loved your performance You got my support man. From California. How dare they come here and dictate what you can do in your own country. Montréal, Quebec Canada. Great playing and in a democratic free society you are a beacon of light. The show must go on Support for your stand from Australia. That guy appears to be a CCP officer who’s not used to hearing “No”! Hell Yeah!! Thank you so much for your beautiful speech Dr.K. We Japan stands with you. We’ll follow you for protecting freedom of speech As a Chinese, I also stand with the YouTuber. Don't know what those guys are doing and watching this video makes me feel embarrassed.
  14. I believe the woman who was killed was the sister of the girls' mother (their auntie). The father wasn't working due to mental health issues. Sister was over from Thailand staying with the family. The girls' mum was at work. Sounds like he killed them all then took his own life (or the auntie fought back and got one fatal stab in). Earlier reports did say he called the police and told them he had concerns about his mental state, and the police advised him to seek medical help. Who knows if that was before or after he'd killed them. IOPC investigation ongoing. Awful tragic story.
  15. So tragic. A complicated case. I wonder if we'll ever find out the truth of what happened. From other reports: "Kanticha Noon, 36, had arrived in the UK on December 27 and was staying at the family home with her sister Nanthaka's husband, Bartlomiej Jakub Kuczynski, and their daughters, seven-year-old Downreuang and Jasmin, 12." "Nanthaka had been at work in her job as a caretaker in Norwich when the tragedy unfolded, which is 'why she survived.'" "She confirmed that Mr Kuczynski had 'a mental health issue' and that 'he didn't work any more'" "Post-mortem examinations carried out on Sunday found the 45-year-old man died of a stab wound to the neck, while the 36-year-old woman died of a number of stab wounds to the neck. The bodies of the two girls will be examined on Wednesday." Sounds like the father called the police after the killings: "A man called 999 from the property on Allan Bedford Crescent at around 6am on Friday, but police were not dispatched there. Officers made the discovery about an hour and 15 minutes later after a member of the public alerted them at around 7am." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12992435/Woman-36-dead-stab-wounds-body-father-two-daughters-7-12-childrens-aunt-visiting-Thailand-stay-sisters-family.html
  16. Are you kidding? If this had happened in London the victim would be dead or seriously injured. Those Thai kids must've been using the blades simply to scare the guy. Not that that makes it right, but just saying. I feel 10x safer walking alone at night in Thai cities than back home.
  17. I think the bloke in the black t-shirt has been eating his mate's dinners
  18. It sounds like you've made up your own definition for right wing extremism to add weight to your arguments. Do you have your own label for the actual right wing extremists such as the National Front, EDL etc? Are they 'extreme extremists' or something?
  19. You discredit yourself by using the the term 'right wing extremist' too often. You should look up what an actual right wing extremist is. Calling these MPs right wing extremists is like calling every Imam an Islamist extremist.
  20. Is this the same South Africa that's in bed with Putin? The same South Africa that abstains from votes against Russia's invasion of Ukraine? South Africa seem to be part of this alliance between Russia/Iran and others. https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/6/2/a-russian-love-affair-why-south-africa-stays-neutral-on-war Cape Town, South Africa – In April, a delegation of senior officials of South Africa’s ruling African National Congress (ANC) undertook what the party said was an invitation from “a long-standing ally”, Russia’s ruling party. It travelled to Moscow to discuss what the ANC said was the “recalibration of the global order”. In October, South Africa abstained, like many other African countries, in a United Nations General Assembly vote condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine which began in February 2022; there were 143 votes in favour of the resolution. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20231220-russian-israeli-relations-crumble-over-gaza-war-analysts Now, Russia's President Vladimir Putin is among Israel's loudest critics and has refused to denounce Hamas's bloody October 7 attack. Instead, his war against Ukraine has driven Russia into a different coupling, this time with Israel's sworn enemy Iran.
  21. This scaremongering should have been made illegal by now. Enough is enough! The global economy has lost trillions (or quadrillions?) due to Covid lockdowns and other measures taken by the authorities. It'll take years, maybe decades to recover. It would be almost impossible to calculate the number of deaths caused by lockdowns etc. Authorities are probably too scared to do that analysis. The Covid worshippers saw the measures as sacrificing economic activity and enjoyment to save lives. They really didn't think it through. Economic catastrophes cause more deaths than a virus. That's not even taking into consideration the effects of scaremongering on mental health.
  22. Would he attack other dogs? If you're going to be camping among other dog owners, that might not go down too well...
  23. Ok, it sounded like you were suggesting these warnings are only in EVs, citing that as an advantage over ICEVs
  24. Not sure how old your last ICE vehicle was, but there are plenty of warnings in modern cars. My ICE has the number of remaining fuel miles visible at all times, and I get warnings (visual and annoying bong sounds) when it drops below certain levels.
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