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Posts posted by Joinaman

  1. 3 hours ago, ChipButty said:

    There are around 380,000 inmates around the country.
    Thailand’s prisons are overpopulated by 145 per cent, according to the International Federation for Human Rights’s 2017 report titled Behind the walls – 

    so 2,835 inmates with infection, but not deaths or ICUs, out of possible 390,000. make news ?

    How many HIV infections in the prisons ?

    Put them in lockdown  !

  2. 7 hours ago, placeholder said:

    And there you go again, not acknowledging that the reason that the numbers are so small is because of the strict measures taken to contain it.

    what strict measures ?

    people still cross the porous borders , people still do not social distance, people still do not wear masks properly, people still meet at parties and drink

    Measures, yes, strict ? Only if you want to follow the rules

    • Sad 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Let me guess:


    you complain about lockdowns, travel restrictions, face masks, etc.


    then you complain that the virus is no big deal, because only 400 people died.


    You seem to have a problem with causality.

    The lockdowns create very very few problems for me, and most "rich" falangs, unlike the millions of Thais who are losing their livelihoods and struggling to survive, 

    And yes, while sad for the individuals and families,  the 400 deaths are no big deal when looking at the overall number of deaths each day/year in Thailand

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Agreed.  They're trying to keep from becoming like India.  Which had things under control...until they didn't.  Just like Brazil.  The US.  Etc, etc, etc.


    Right now, better safe than sorry.


    Just like Thailand, had it under control, until they didn't, yet still so few deaths from Covid as to be almost immaterial compared to the daily death rate 

    but what was the number of deaths last year in India, compared to Thailand ?

    what is the number of deaths this year in India  compared to Thailand ?

    What is the population of India compared to Thailand ?  77 million, compared to 1.35 billion ?


    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  5. On 5/4/2021 at 1:46 PM, canthai55 said:

    The joys of living out of the city.

    Neighbor lady reads our water meter, comes by for the payment.

    Can be as high as 70 THB !!!

    That much ????


    Do they let you pay by installments ?

    • Haha 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Patong2021 said:

    I do not understand the mindset. A small group is so selfish and so intent on seeing that others suffer, make  noise that is  much greater than actual number.  Like   child who stomps and bangs when told he cannot go outside in middle of monsoon. You are more patient and understanding of these people than I am.


     No, What it shows is that the increased heightened measures, social distancing and mask wearing reduce transmission of an airborne contagious infection. In countries where  measures not respected, there were large numbers of infections. India is the extreme example of what happens when you ignore reality.

    Im curious about he heightened measures, l social distancing  and mask wearing

    So you say they respect these ?

    Why do i see Thais congregating , drinking, sitting in large groups, selling in small stalls without masks, walking around with either no mask, or masks under nose or chin

    Are you refering to yourselves when you talk of people who stamp and want their own way, and continue to force their opinion and scare people into doing what they want ? 

    Yes its out there. Yes it can be dangerous. Yes it can kill you, but in reality, the facts show you have a much greater chance of dying travelling to the shops than from Covid here in Thailand 

    Why keep choosing places like India to try and prove your point

    Can I choose Tonga to prove mine ?

  7. 2 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    You don’t seem to be able to grasp the consequences of an epidemic. Thailand has been fortunate in slowing down the infection rate. But, if the virus gets out of control, the death rate would far exceed deaths from the flu.


    Remember, in the year 1372, there were people in Europe saying “the Black Death, what’s the big deal? It’s only killed 10,000 people....” before it wiped out a third of the population of Europe.

    There you go again, using the word IF

    400 in 17 months is not a epidemic , it is such a small number that it would, without the hype, go completely unnoticed 

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 2
  8. Just now, Bkk Brian said:

    Really, how do you know there are a few in ICU's?


    Flu Has Disappeared Worldwide during the COVID Pandemic



    Because kind people on Facebook like to keep us informed on the local hospital numbers and cases , curtesy of the government

    It has not  "disappeared", but has greatly reduced  

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Covid if left to run rampant that's why its such a concern and why people may be feeling a little stressed about it. Aside from you obviously


    Covid is 5 times more deadly in hospitalized patients and far more contagious.



    Why would i be stressed about it, apart from reading all the hype.

    If is such a nice word that people on here love to use, just like could, maybe, possibly, They say so much, yet mean so little 

    If not for the media hype, how many people in Thailand would even know, or care about this "deadly" virus, with so few deaths

  10. 17 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    And was there universal masking and lockdowns when the flue was prevalent? I don't recall that being the case. Do you?  This year the flu has virtually disappeared worldwide. And no, it's not because flu cases are being misidentified. Actual samples have been drawn from various populations and there's virtually no flu virus to be found. And that's because it's far less contagious than covid 19. So social distancing and masking are even more effective in containing the flu.

    Any numbers on these non existent flu virus infections and deaths

    Seem to be a few in the local hospital in ICUs 

    So if we continue to work from home, keep schools closed , halt travel and wear mask all the time, the flu virus will be kept low ? Just like the Covid 

  11. 19 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    421 deaths, not much difference in numbers but a difference to the families they left behind. Its more a case of you not keeping up really.


    This virus is far more deadly than the flu and without measures imposed will over run the health service into total collapse. Yes the government will contain it eventually with its measures and vaccines. Until then we have to hope the numbers do not go up and they test, trace and treat as much as possible

    Sorry did not check the still low numbers today

    So 421 deaths in 17 months, out of 66 million ?

    average flu deaths 3,000 every 12 months

    Remind me again, which is killing the most people ? 

  12. 9 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

    sure go ahead come with all kind of explanations on why NOT to wear a mask, make a problem for police and all other people.

    you are not in your own country. just wear the freaking mask just like all Thai people.

    I wear a mask, just like Thai people, sometimes properly, sometimes just my mouth, sometimes under my chin, or even, go commando, and not wear one at all

    In Robinsons today, everyone i saw was wearing a mask, but many not covering nose. Outside, lots of Thais, not wearing a mask at all

    Indoors i wear one, unless in a crowded food hall, then i take mine off, like everyone else, but outside, or in a car, or on the motorbike , no mask 

  13. 4 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Having problems getting a test?


    The CCSA reported 1,630 new COVID-19 cases and 22 more deaths today (Monday), including two who died on the same day they tested positive and seven others who perished within a week of becoming infected.




    so far so good, 399 deaths out of 66 million in 17 months

    while Flu virus kills more than 4,00 each year, (12 months)

    So far higher chance for all the oldies on here to die from the flu virus, than the covid



  14. 1 hour ago, Agusts said:

    These days I see a lot of bikes bought remotely, on Facebook there are many dealers who do this, then take a photo of successful delivery with the happy buyer, it's as common as ordering a blender online....! ????


    You need to pay for shipping to you "and"  for return (that would be like a deposit), you can inspect the bike on arrival, not sure about a test drive though. Pay after via bank transfer or cash, if you changed your mind, they take it back, you already paid for that return....


    But it's a bit risky, buyer lose a lot if change his mind, you can ask them to do a video call and go around the bike and start it etc. and see it clearly - done it for me..., all paperwork will be in order for you to do the transfer later..., can check.


    Saying that these guys give a lot of discount for the risk and remote buying, you can haggle and you get it, I nearly bought one, but changed my mind, regret it now...!


    Visually you can see the bike is in good shape, as for the engine and other stuff, sometime they give one month warranty..., I think the most important thing is to check if the seller is part of a big dealer shop, and check their account history to see if they do this a lot and have experience, I wouldn't do this with a private seller...


    The prices for bikes in Bangkok is over 20 or 30% cheaper than equivalent in Phuket, and have a lot more variety. I bought my last bike flying to Patong, buy and ride it back, 1000km but in a relax 3 days...???? , will do the same for my next bike, maybe BKK,  Phuket bikes all overpriced, ex-rental rubbish, or dealer bought it from BKK and brought it here to sell for a hefty profit....!


    Good luck, I have Facebook account for big bikes for a lot of them if you need it ....



    Thanks Agusts, much appreciated

    this is what i thought it would be, just need to find the right bike at the right price and then someone who will also ship for inspection

    I believe some of the big bike shops will do this, but wil look and ask

    Its either do this, or wait till later in the year when i can travel to Bangkok and places without the quarantine on return 

    Any help for bike would be very much appreciated . can in box me if you have time

    Thanks again for your help


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