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Everything posted by walt1

  1. Just did a transfer from BB to another Thai bank and went thru same as always. Hopefully stays that way.
  2. On my last two transfers Wise took out the money the next day from my US account and held it for five days before transferring to my Thai account. It seems they are holding the cash in limbo for some reason. Are they earning interest or just short of Baht?
  3. Having the same type of problem with transfers from the US also. Taking 5/6 days. There is a thread going in the banking section if interested.
  4. I have been using Wise for several years now and it was always a few hours or if transferring for long term stay in Thailand the next day. This month I got the same micro deposit explanation; it ended up taking 6 days. They did apologize and gave me a free transfer up to 1000 GBP about 1300 USD so that was cool, did a transfer today and the same thing it will be 6 days again. The last time this happened the $ was up vs the Baht. Could the reason be they are low in Baht supply and don't want to buy?
  5. If I were the durian farmer I'd be watching my trees at night. Thieves will poison dogs before trying to steal later.
  6. VT1 is in a good location but don't stay on the Thappasit road side the road noise is very loud. Also, only one pool for both buildings.
  7. Boy o Boy a campfire or burgers on the grill must send some of you into a frenzy.
  8. I use Skype my number. About 50 USD/year you can choose any area code you want. It works well for me with getting the codes. People stateside can call it just like a local call.
  9. I need to double check I guess but IIRC as long as you file the yearly 1040 tax form the ITIN remains valid.
  10. My bill went up about 1000 Baht or so to just under 5000. I'll gladly pay that and more as long as the power stays on. I think having brownouts or low voltage as the lights are dimming up and down for the past hour. Nobody using a welder either.
  11. I have never received the form and contacted Manila on November 1st. They replied not to worry you would get it next year. On February 1st get an email from Manila that my benefits would be cancelled if I didn't return the form in 60 days. Sent it out the next day and for the past month it is sitting in some mail office there in Manala. I did get both Feb & March payments. This system is totally worthless.
  12. I posted Manila reply in the 1st post. If could be possible that Thailand is now biennial report? Sure is a hell of a way to run a system when so many other options are possible.
  13. Manila is why I'm concerned. They more or less said don't worry you will get one next year.
  14. Went last year and stayed at VT6. It was gridlock on 2nd road for at least 2 hours and even after that it was slow moving and backed up. For cars to leave VT6 the guards had to block traffic it must have been crazy at Central parking ramp. No way would I drive in and leave after, but if I did, I would find a nice bar for a few hours. With a designated driver of course.
  15. That is a good idea Pib and not too hard, but I read on the other thread that Ubonjoe mentioned above, that they need to have the barcode or won't work. Worth a shot though. I'll wait a bit and see if it shows up.
  16. I'm still waiting nothing as of yet. It seems Manila might not know what they are talking about as they told twentybaht the same as me and then he gets his form. It doesn't fill me with hope that Manila is right about getting one next year.
  17. Nice to know I'm not the only one Twenty Baht. It could be Thailand is now every other year report.
  18. I will wait a few weeks to see if it shows up and maybe contact the stateside office. I guess I will find out for sure come January.
  19. I use my Thai address for everything government related and have received other mailings not related to the 7761 in the past. If it comes to the worst and it is canceled hopefully the contact with Manila could prove I tried. Thanks for the input.
  20. I did not receive anything so far and taking the advice from the other thread on this subject and contacted the Manila office, this is what they said. Thank you for contacting the Social Security Administration's Federal Benefits Unit at the U.S. Embassy in Manila. *********** Please note that not all beneficiaries will receive the reporting form SSA-7162 / SSA-7161 this year. If a beneficiary is not selected to receive the form this year, the beneficiary will receive the form next year. If you have not received the form yet, you will likely receive it next year. Please also note that the form mailed out is barcoded specifically for each beneficiary and, as such, is not available online. I have read thru the 2020 thread and didn't see anything like this discussed. The others talked about reporting thru Manila after November. I started SS payments 2 years ago and with Covid no forms were sent out so have never reported. I was under the impression that Thailand was every year report, maybe something changed? Do I just wait until January and hope that the payment arrives? Thanks
  21. Are you using WIFI if so it's better to hardwire your device to the router. Try unplugging both your device and router regularly to reset the connections. You should be able to clear the cache on your app by following the settings menu.
  22. Just did a transfer at 1245 PM and was limited to 20,000 THB. Only took 6 seconds to arrive. Hopefully back to normal soon but it is strange.
  23. What you will need to do is get a visiting family 60-day extension to give you time to season your 400,000 deposit. It needs to be in the bank 60 days before and to be safe 30 days after application until you receive 1 year stamp. My office likes this method over the monthly transfer. It is much less hassle to do a regular ext. but you need 65,000/month or 800,000 deposit.
  24. For sure don't bin it, someone could use it. You could donate it or to make a few baht contact an auction house to sell on consignment.
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