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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. I don't think these tests show anything much. If you walk barefoot on the ground, preferably not concrete or unnatural terrain, there is an energy that can be felt by some attuned people. The subtle change in that energy, when water is not too far away, can be felt by some people. Virtually everything natural has a energy. I think out ancestors were more aware of it. Waves of energy are all around us, at all times. Consider the moon, and the effect it has on our oceans. Our blood is 90% water. Does it influence us; especially adult women?
  2. That was a long-rooted <deleted>. wasn't it sir?
  3. At 15-40, driving to Ban Dung today, we were met with n almighty downpour. As heavy as I've experienced it here. Slowed the pick-up to no more than 20kph for a kilometre or so. Visibility down to less than 50metres. Then as quickly as it started; it ended. North Ban Dung was dry. The South of the town had some. Picked Mildred up from school, and did the shopping. Got back to the village at 6-30. Water everywhere. Hope the farm go it.
  4. That's very fast RD. Most farang don't go more than 40kph on the open road. Less in town.
  5. I think the moon. When the moon is in a certain spot the sea rises quite a lot. In Liverpool docks the rise can be 6//7 metres. I think the record is Newlyn in Cornwall. Water went up over 7 metres one day there.
  6. There is indeed. According to the Mr Policeman who fined me 40 baht, when I was on my way from Ban Dung to Kumpawapi via Non Mek. In Ban Dung, I was holding Mildred, and she did a little spew - as babies do - on me shirt. The wife said we could get one in the Non Mek market. So I took it off to drive. Nice policeman was waiting for the topless farang to come along.
  7. I Not only feel threatened by those crude handyman's tools, I don't like putting metal in me mouth. The self-extraction I do is simple. Get some twine; fishing line is no good as it stretches. Double it up and lasso the tooth. If it slips off, file a little grove in the tooth, with a nail clipper nail file. Or it could be that the knot is not securing the tooth, and slipping. Then the important part. Wrap the end of the twine round a bamboo. Don't pull the bamboo. Get the twine taunt, and just twist. Keep going with the twisting til the tooth is out. Can hear the rasping noise as the tooth pulls away from the bone. But it's only for a second or two. Saves time money and although a bit painful, you have not had any injections.
  8. Right then Danderman. You have got me interested. ''''They give money to trolls who spew misinformation via talking points to low information types, who then regurgitate the talking points in places like this.'''' And who would I contact to start being a troll, and raking in the dosh?
  9. Wot yer keep on about this Stratosphere for Danderman? Most of us couldn't give a <deleted> if it was there or not. Let alone cooling. Who cares; other than you? I'm more interested in the rain.
  10. Some farang try to imitate the Thais. The other day I saw one riding a m/c without footwear. If he had crashed into a bus, he could have hurt his feet. Broke his toe even. Did have a crash helmet on though.
  11. As the EVs get older, I wouldn't be surprised to hear of them having a generator in the boot.
  12. Thanks for that in-depth answer. Many of us do not like dentists, and prefer to do extraction ourselves. I asked the question because although I have pulled teeth a few times, the sound of the tooth being ripped from the bone, can be a little off-putting. The pain, can be easily controlled by a little mind yoga. So if you had a remedy to ease the sound I would be all ears. When I lived in Africa, I heard stories of a travelling holy man. He would travel - on his camel - to remote areas of Northern Nigeria offering tooth extraction and castration..
  13. Don't like the look of those things. And nearly 1000 baht. Prefer my trusted method.
  14. I also had a problem like that on the M4. I was travelling from London to Port Talbot (heading west). Mine was in a Ford Zephyr 6.
  15. 1 hour ago, Somjot said: Feel free to ask any questions. =========== If one was not wanting to go to the dentist. Could be they were scared. Or skint. Or just don't trust them And wanted to pull their own teeth. What method would you recommend? I have my own method, that I've used for 25 years, but it can be a tad painful. Especially if the tooth is at the back, and a bit stubborn.
  16. When we use a zebra crossing here, I reckon we all need to wear one.
  17. I've seen experiments where a line of buckets were covered. Only one had water. Different W Ders had a go. Results varied, from worse than a guess, to almost perfect. But this is not true W Ding. Land has an energy. Some people can feel it, whilst others cannot. The presence of large volumes of water change the feel of the energy. TBH, I don't know why the stick is important. Except that it exaggerates the person's movements.
  18. Make you right there Garry. However, whatever level the water table is, the bore should be down at least 30 metres. Getting the right spot for a bore is not always easy. Experienced eyes look at the land and make a calculated 'guess'. I've got 5 bores. One is unusable, but the others are OK. Checked the water level on each on a couple of years ago. All have water between 5 and 8 metres down. In retrospect, with the oil palms, I did it all wrong in the early days. After drilling, I should have gone the solar route. Too late now. It's easy to be critical of others, and mostly of myself. But, If I could turn back the clock, I'd keep the oil palms (would not even have cut down 192 of them in farm 1), but would put the constant delivery of water at the very top of the essentials.. Oil palms are just like we humans. We have our night of pleasure, and 9 months later out pops the little one. In oil palms that period is between 18 and 20 months. Right now at the farm we are seeing the results of the weather 18/20 months ago. And it was very dry between Jan and March 2022. What happens to the palms when there is not the water - or nutrients - available? The would-be bunch of future nuts germinate as male. This is nature's way of protecting the tree from itself. A mature bunch of nuts weighs in as much as 40 kilos, and takes a lot of energy to maintain growth. These are female. A male growth weights half kilo, and requires precious little in the way of nutrients. There is a lot to it. And as they say; 'A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.' Perhaps, if things had gone differently, the present money fiasco with the wife wouldn't be so devastating for the family.
  19. I'm gonna take a look. Ten grand for the whole thing. Cheap or cheap?
  20. Sign on the side of builder's van;; "You have tried all the cowboys. Now try the Indians."
  21. I've heard that to get Thai citizenship (or is it same as UK, subjectship), one has to be able to speak and understand Thai. And what is the cost? Or is it maybe free! I'm interested.
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