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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Tree still leaning at number 6 pond. Ponds 1 to 4 are full. Others are 50%. Just about to move three Avo trees from outside the house to the farm. Just enthusiasm needed. DinL Nan. Very mysterious. Mrs Owl thinks she might have a new born. A girl this time. Just can't be sure what is true, or not, with that one. Both of them really. SinL Pook, is only 40 metres away at the MinL's house. Looking after Grandma. I have to give her a kilo of cat biscuit every few days. She says that our old cat - Jack, who left us when we got the dogs - is knocking up the ladies. But I don't know about that. He is not that kind of cat. A bit of news on the mobile. I put it in a plastic bag, and left it in the fridge overnight. Just tried it. Seems to be the same as before. As the shop-man said; "Kaput". Leccy went of at 05-15 this morning precisely. Came back on at 08-15. Three hours exactly. Fishy!? TBL! I did ask him to come back. Not heard anything.
  2. Yes! Good you ask cause it could fall at any time. Its the catfish that were in the pond right at the start. They buried into the soil and made it unstable. In fact there was a song about catfish destroying a dam called 'High Hopes.' Are there any Classical music lovers on the thread? I've heard a piece of music and want to know what it's called.
  3. I was told by a lovely young lass, many years ago, that I could water divine. Didn't know what she was on about til I came to Thailand. Like the shaking of the sticks to get the lottery numbers. I could do with a win. About 6 million would be nice.
  4. Not right on this occasion Owl. As Danny Blanchflower said; "If we score more times than them, we should win." Ditch ChatGPT Owl. Just ask me! Another quickie. Recent FA cup game this one. Spurs were leading 10-1 at half time. Finished 13-2. Who was on the end of such a thrashing? Clue; She really wanted to go to Birmingham.
  5. Improving for sure. And Leeds fresh fron that good win in Suffolk. Look forward to seeing them charge up the league. But!! They don't call the Championship the toughest league for nothing. Good guess with Portsmouth Owl.
  6. I like salmon. Everything has to be put into perspective. Was not California once part of Mexico? Perhaps they should return it.
  7. Went to Ban Dung yesterday. Must have seen at least a dozen MGs. A few yellow cars. Almost a trademark colour. Don't know if they do a leccy one yet. They are taking over.
  8. Money doesn't get transferred anywhere as such. It is essentially a peer to peer service. Sometimes involving money from three or more countries.
  9. Really! I didn't know that. Surely hydro-electric power is clean enough? Let's hope the Americans can see through the nonsense.
  10. I reckon that there has been such a rush to get a foot into the leccy market, that cars, bikes and scooters etc, have simply not had the testing that new technology demands. I am dismayed by the UK's approach. Surrounded by water. Tides go up and down (have done for a while), and we are mucking about with giant windmills, that don't work on a wind-less day.
  11. Owl Log - 02-09-2023 - Sunday afternoon Oh dear!! What a catastrophic week? Nothing very high in the serious stakes, but for me personally; a disaster. So I have to apologise, in advance, for such a poor Owl Log. Had about 20 pics on the mobile. I like to use that for snapping when I'm out and about, as it slips easily into me pocket. I also use the Minolta Dimage. Not any better, when the light and subject is perfect, but it has a x40 zoom and is better in low light. But it's bulky. But back to the mobile. Bought a chip for it last week, with the aim of down-loading WhatsApp and LINE for free calls Well! I never got that far. Suddenly it wouldn't work. Wouldn't transfer the pics to the computer. And it got worse! Couldn't turn it off; or on. Just kept repeating the 'VIVO' opening message. Took it to Ban Dung yesterday. The expert said to come back in an hour. I was full of hope. He knew some English - or German - and used that international word; 'Kaput'. Then explained to Mildred that the '''????''' was not working and it had come to the end of its useful life. No charge. But I passed over 40 baht to say thanks. Today we (me and Mildred) undid the whole thing. Took out the battery and put it all back together. A different message. As well as the VIVO message, there was a little message at the bottom; 'wiping data. Please do not perform any operation.' It don't do nothing; just repeats in a cycle of about 20 seconds. So it's a new mobile. Not got any dosh, so later in the week. Perhaps. Onto the Minolta. Took a few pics, and went to put them onto the computer. No card-reader lead. Looked everywhere. Missing. I did think - as I intimated last week - that something was going on with the three big Thai events. Pheu Thai guy getting the PM job. The King's son visiting from the states. And Mr Thaksin braving the authorities by coming back to Thailand. A visit to the King; and eight years condensed into one. Mind you, he is not well, and has to spend the time in hospital. I'll send some flowers, with a nice message. Bella - our opposite neighbour in the village - and farm neighbour, has gone to Singapore to work. Her hubby (the one who humanely put down our dog with a hoe, a few years back), said she had an executive job in a furniture manufacturer. Or something like that. No rain for a week. Historically we are still in the 'monsoon season'. So where is the rain?Fortunately the rice paddies are wet, and there is a couple of weeks in/on the ground. Will be putting another couple of Mildred's pics on the wall after posting the log. That will be 21 on show. There is room for another 6. Then it's another wall. A potential problem then arises, as Mrs Owl has some well established, big buddha posters, there already. Said that I climbed to the hospital roof in Udon. Been looking for the pics that I took when I was up there. Post them in the week. Hope to see one of our regulars this week in Udon. As soon as I'm settled I'll give him a call. And I'll visit MACRO for me 2kg cheese block. And get me 90 day. Something quite funny last week. But beautiful too. Mildred has a school art lesson on Mondays. We had bought a batch of 12; A3 Artist's Paper (200 gm), a while back. Then there was a Monday off, and the following week, the teacher didn't show. Last Monday she took everything she needed to school. Paper, paint brushes. Came back in the evening no paper. ''Where's all yer paper Mil?'' I asked. ''Some of the students did not have paper, so I gave it all way.'' Called into the Art Shop yesterday to replenish stocks. Owls get their first point of the Championship season at Elland Road. Fulham ran Man City ragged for the first 30 minutes of their match. Then City got into their stride. The Irons topped EPL after their match at Luton on Friday evening; until the games on Saturday. Orient get smashed at home. Saints get whacked at Sunderland. Foxes lose at home to Hull. Tennis on the go. And F1 underway. Who cares!? Right then. The quiz question from in the week. On Boxing Day 1963, Fulham beat Ipswich 10–1. The match was also notable for what? a/ The Thames had a particularly high tide and water was breaching the 'Riverside stand'. b/ A hat-trick was scored in record time. ------ correct c/ Jimmy Hill - TV pundit - came on as linesman after the original official twisted his ankle and went off. d/ Match was going to be abandoned due to a floodlight failure 10 minutes from the end. The game was stopped for 6 minutes before the lights returned. Note: The floodlights had only been installed 4 months earlier. e/ 9 goals score on the second half. Only one true, on that day, at the Cottage. It was (b) The fastest hat-trick in the history of the English football league at that time; 3 minutes by Graham Leggat. Sadio Mané (Saints) beat it just a couple of years ago in 2015.. This was Fulham's largest victory in their Football League history Ipswich got their revenge, in the return fixture, only two days later; 4-2 Another! Bill Nicholson was offered the Spurs position as manager on the morning of an incredible match. 6-1 at the break. 10-4 at full time. What was the unfortunate club to be on the end of such a score-line? a/ Leyton Orient b/ Grimsby Town c/ Portsmouth d/ Everton e/ Northampton Town The start of Spurs 'Glory, glory' years. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  12. Surely you can think that the earth is round, and at the same time, doubt that men ever went anywhere near the moon? As for a flat earth! Not flat like a piece of paper. Maybe more like a discus, or even a giant doughnut. I'll settle for a spherical shape until the truth about the Antarctic is revealed.
  13. Just a quick post, to show my last transfer, using WISE, and a debit card
  14. These, 'thought to be' statements, are often simply made up. They are not challenged by the MSM, and are gradually - through constant reinforcement of the same, unopposed, narrative - etched into people's minds. . It's in the schools now. The farmer - and the cow - is now being demonised. As is any free-thinker, who happens not to agree with the GW/CC absurdity. Mr Assange once said; '''The most effective weapon leaders have, is keeping the people in ignorance.'''
  15. Why didn't Mr Thaksin do it instead of running off? Goes for Yingluck too. As much as I support her, she should have stayed and fought her case.
  16. I don't think so Tim. Not for me anyhow. Seeing as you brought it up, and at some risk to my AN membership, I'll respond. HIV, AIDS and any of the covids - including c-19, and its variants, - are not as we were/are told by the authorities. I could say why - in an in-depth essay - but as I say, at a risk to my membership. I have too many friends on this platform to chuck it all away by telling the truth as I see it. But I must add, that it is refreshing for a m--------. to post a constructive view, rather than a threatening one.
  17. He has stayed away all these years. If he had stayed to fight his case, even if he had lost, he would have been out of clink by now. If he knows the case against him was unjust, he should have fought it. Not come back grovelling on his belly for a pardon.
  18. Shouldn't have read the 'head'line. But I did, and now I've split me cuppa rosy. But on a less serious note. Why is the OP referring to him as she?
  19. If someone was convicted on ''trumped up - political motivated'' charges, wouldn't they be fighting to clear their name, rather than crawling on the floor, asking for clemency?
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