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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. The 'O's don't get big crowds. If they get 10k it will be good. Shame on those Iron's supporters. WHU have nicked 000's down the years. They should get behind their neighbours. Orient for the Ch Lg in 4 years. Yea!!!!
  2. Over 28,000 for the Ipswich game last evening. Not bad for the third tier.
  3. Agents in other provinces can do the deed much quicker. Could the OP not get his PP and sort it out somewhere else? After all these agents only need a bar-code to do it.
  4. I'm nowhere near Pattaya. My visa was issued in one day. Sorted out the bank stuff in the morning. Paid. and gave all the docs to the agent. Had a nice somtam feast. Went home. Got a text at 4ish saying my visa was done. Great service all round.
  5. And don't be a little mouse. Thump the table a few times, and tell them if they don't sort it, you'll bad mouth them down the 'Puzzy Bar'.
  6. The pair on the grass started all the problems, not the apple on the tree.
  7. IMO, there are generally two types of anti-vaxxers. The first are the ones that have seen through covid, and think that the experimental jab, for something that is in all probability not going to harm them, is not worth the risk. The others are against most modern medicine; and that would include all vaccines. They have done their research, and believe that big pharma call the shots; and their main aim is making money, not keeping people healthy.
  8. The anti-vaxxers that you refer to, are probably against any vaccination for anything. They would probably emphasize that no disease ever has been stopped/eradicated/controlled by a vaccination.
  9. This small bank probably didn't have enough money in the safe. Lady didn't want to spill the beans on that, so made up an imaginary problem.
  10. Although we all support our teams domestically, when our 'rivals' are playing the foreigners we all shout for them don't we! Merry Xmas to all footy fans around the world. Except France, Portugal. Germany, Italy, Mexico, North Korea, USA, Australia, Cayman Islands, Peru and China.
  11. I'm never that blunt. When she throws a cat, or a cleaver, at me and I'm upset. I might say 'Witch on a broomstick' or something like that. Just had a cup of coffee given me. Had a sip and no salt detected. Must be waiting for her Christmas diamond.
  12. I don't agree with the content of your post. And No! I don't think men have walked on the moon. Or the sun for that matter; far too hot. But could we go in the winter when it's cooler?
  13. It sounds as though you could be a stick-in-the-mud as far as research goes. Prefer to stick to the 'official line' do we? You are perhaps still in the majority; but for how long? They called people that doubted the JFK tragedy; Conspiracy Theorists' (CPs). And a similar label was given to those that doubted the men walked on the moon. Princess Di died a nasty death, as did David Kelly. A couple of million people demonstrated about the Iraq war. Were they all CPs? Perhaps someone made something up? Or did one particular country get a little upset cause Saddam started selling oil in Euroes and not dollars? Didn't Libya do the same later on? The BBC was broadcasting that Building 7 was down, when behind the newscaster it could easily be seen intact. Are there still people that believe that a man in a cave, with no internet access could orchestrate 9/11? Are there? The Times of Israel were told, and published as much, in November 2019, that a pandemic was on the way. Covid started in a lab. No! It jumped from bats. No! It jumped from pangolins. No! It's a relative of viruses of the past. Anyone that thinks differently is a CP. No virus has been shown to be pathogenic though. Can't even isolate the thing. Perhaps some should learn to see things from other perspectives. And although it is difficult, keep friendly with those who do see things differently. For they could well have a view worth listening to, and find themselves on the right side of history later on. Maybe not that much further on either.
  14. Owl Log - 25-12-2022 - Christmas day in the doghouse Not opened my Christmas pressie yet. Not got it yet. I know Mildred has got me a little something cause I bought it for her in Big C on Friday. I started a casual conversation with Mrs Owl about a week ago. "What would you like for Christmas teerak." "Often farangs give wives diamond." Don't think I could go a diamond, but I've got her a new cup. She dropped one on the floor in the week after getting angry with me. Bloody dags. At it again. I know that Thais love them but, dear me, they are so untidy. And on the same morning a charcoal bag broke as I was bringing it round the front to get a fire going. I intended to brew another 5 litres of reishi wine ready for festivities. I'll start that today. Luckily I've still got a couple of litres stored in the fridge. On Friday morning Mildred had to be in school early for the yearly parade. Dropped her off at 6-55 outside the hospital. The day before, another school was preparing for their march through Ban Dung. Musical instruments ready for the off. Crowds (mostly mums) wait in great anticipation. Some masks could be seen. Little soldier gets into the virtual family snap-book. I had a wander round, and got a couple of nice pics of the town shrine area. Very well manicured. We had decided not to put any more fertilizer around the palm trees. When we started with our partner, I strongly suggested that we use natural stuff, rather than chemical fertilizer. Of course I was shouted down by the Mrs. But someone had a change of mind, and now cow poo poo is back in favour. Buffalo poo poo too. Any kind of animal poo poo will be fine. Also sugar residue and cassava waste. We bought 300 sacks from a couple of places. Three bags for 100 baht. started putting them in the farm on Wednesday. One for each tree. Mrs Owl inspecting the goodies. Fortunately it met with her approval. Next thing was to slash each sack. This slashing does a few things. Firstly it stops bad people half-inching them. It also allows the rain to get in and make poo poo soup. The trees just love it. No rain, but I'm keeping them crossed. Still another 75 sacks to find for number 2 farm. But destroying 300+ sacks at 4 baht a go?! To explain about good nut production to the Mrs, I likened it to babies. They are ready quite a while after they are germinated. In the case of nuts, it's between 18 and 20 months. And the way to ensure good regular harvests, is continually enriching the soil. Of course, water plays an important part, but now that all me irrigation pipes are destroyed, it will have to be good old fashioned rain. And with the poo poo laying there getting dryer by the day, I'll be doing a bit of praying over the holiday. Kids were enjoying the trampolines, but the following day (Wednesday) they were gone. Some village must have hired them out for the holiday. Mildred's latest painting. Skin textures/tones getting better. Mrs Owl was watering the plants outside. Later I noticed that Mildred's pineapple had been knocked over. Lucky to have noticed it. If the roots had dried out that would have been that. Got it sorted and put it in a different, safer place. Nice to see Poo has found new friends. The Big Mango Lady is in hospital. She got taken ill on Monday, and Ban Dung Hospital sent her straight to Udon. People gathering to talk about it. vid out and about.mp4 The village Buddha is progressing nicely. Started the inside bit. Spotted a youngster building a house for her friend in Ban Dung. She's already moved in. Not a mobile in sight. Great!! Just a couple of Christmas hats to be seen. People are getting ready for the big celebration later this week. I've got me reishi wine ready. I'm limiting myself to half a litre a day. It's not that strong; about 25% I reckon. But it's easy to add a bit more Lao Khao if I feel the need. Footy round up. Well played the Arges. Only the Scots played yesterday. Usual teams won. Why not play on Saturday and Monday? Sure they could! Most EPL clubs squads are huge. In years past, two games over holidays was the norm. I was in Liverpool one year and on Easter Friday Everton played away at Burnley; and won. On the Monday they played each other again at Goodison. I was there in a crowd of 73,000 to see The Clarets get their revenge by winning 1-3. Good week game in Manchester where City knocked out League Cup holders Pool; 3-2. Is Messi gonna stay with PSG for another year? He might be the highest paid footy player in the world if he does stay. Eat ya shorts Ronaldo. World scene. Zalenskyy flies to the US and visits congress. He gets to smack a wet one on Nancy Pelosi. I saw the pics. No tongues as far as I could see. More weapon money promised. but with the repub's now in charge they might find out where the dosh is actually going. Cold spell finished in the UK. Warmed up considerably in the last few days. That's Global Warming for ya. Abandoned my urine regime for the rest of the year. Fed up with constantly trimming my eyebrows. Start afresh the first month in 2023. That's just next week!! Time definitely goes faster as ya get older. Darts are on at the Ally Pally. I'm impressed with that big German guy. Finished 170 to win his round contest. World number 3, Michael Van Gerwen, the man to beat IMO. Still cold in our area. No rain; or forecast. That's 45 dry days. Last year's dry spell lasted 119 days. Keeping em crossed. Sipping me reishi wine as I type. And singing; '''Christmas day in the workhouse and the goose is getting fat;;;''' forget the rest. Only one thing left to say; Merry Christmas y'all.
  15. If there had been freedom of the press, open and balanced debate on MSM, then covid would not have get started, the climate change saga would have been demolished and we definitely would not be fighting the Ruskies. Then England would not be suffering at all. Looking forward to the King addressing the nation later on today. He seems to be doing OK. And his son.
  16. Thanks for that Brian. Many 'facts' and 'research' is simply junk science. it is properly estimated that 40% of scientific medical papers are just nonsense. There is an 'old-boys' network reviewing mach of these papers. I would personally put that 40% much higher. I've just been listening to Martin Summers insisting that covid was a bio-weapon developed by the US, to be used against the Chinese. He gives various reasons why he believes what he does. Others believe that c-19 is a variation of SARS or MERS. I've get my own views on covid, and they are not either of those two. But to return to the OP. There is just a minute relaxation of debate. The populas is being steered in a certain direction and IMO will not change direction or waver.
  17. Thanks for that Brian. I'm pretty well versed on c-19 thanks. I've my own views on covid, and if I posted them, I could be off on another holiday. What is opinion? My opinions are based upon experience, research and being able to see the truth among a forest of lies. They could differs to yours Brian. But hey!! Let's not any differences come between us, and good debate.
  18. AFAIK the phrase conspiracy theory was coined, after JFK's assassination, by the 'Warren Commission.'; Exec' order 11130. It was used as a 'catch-all' phrase to deny ant anti-official narrative a voice. Been used ever since to cast a shadow over people trying yo uncover truths, and censure debate. As far as c-19 is concerned, there is a loosening of the narrative. But it's very controlled. The flood-gates are far from being open. The 'dam wall' is yet to break, although there are cracks appearing. So much money depends upon the 'official' view being upheld. As far as other topics are concerned, there is no MSM attachment to anything other than the official line. In the UK, GB News started to examine a different covid lines only to hit problems. The same with Ms Hartley-Brewer a good while back. She had her wings clipped and was never as bold again. Fortunately there is the alternative media. And it is growing, especially with the enlightened young. whose viewing of TV and hearing radio is becoming less and less.The film Died Suddenly has hit 15 million on Rumble' and over 50 million worldwide. So alternative views are getting out.
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