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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Hope you woke her up and told her. "If you don't wear yer mask propper dear. you could catch something." Save a mask-less person a day. That's my motto. For those that don't like to wear a mask; a tip. Keep a sausage in your top pocket, and if you get the threatening looks, take it out and start nibbling.
  2. More quackery! Two or more? Well 20 is more! I stopped drinking coffee a few years back when I discovered that i got a better feeling by drinking reishi wine.
  3. Now that over-paid Ronaldo has gone, I think we will see United cement a top four place easily. City Gunners United One other - perhaps Chelsea, but i hope Geordies.
  4. TBH with you, I look upon the whole thing with amusement. The more the English RF fights the better. Let's have more of the same. Great stuff Clarkson. Is Harry's only connection with it all is Diana; his mother? If we are skeptical of the official narrative on her death, then so would Harry be.
  5. If the Duchess ever gets to walk naked in Dagenham, I think she should be allowed to wear swimming goggles. But of course then she wouldn't be naked. It's a dilemma all right.
  6. As I said. I must have slipped through the net. I did NOT take my passport to the bank to get my ATM card.
  7. Clarkson is not advocating throwing batteries or cows at the Duchess is he?! I take it excrement is human or animal waste. Not likely to hurt her unless she got a hit directly on her eye.
  8. Thanks for that Owl. What happened when you admitted the terrible deed in court? We had regular afters at the 'Cat and Sparrow' back in the day. Not 50 of us, but a regular 8/10. Can't recall any peelers coming round.
  9. Well I must have slipped through the net. No passport for me. I didn't take it to the bank. I couldn't, I don't have it.
  10. I changed my ATM card the week before last. Didn't have my passport. But they accepted my Pink ID and Thai DL.
  11. The fee to leave Laos without 'correct' documentation was 30k baht a few years back. I helped to get someone back to Thailand.
  12. """""Don't change what I wrote, I didn't say all of Isaan but don't go out of a small village in Isaan as it has been reported. To swim across the Mekong I wish you good luck.????""""" The going can be hard when the river is in full flow. But if you are not that great a swimmer; hire a boat and rower.
  13. I'm happy if when you say living in the wilderness in Isaan is like being in prison. I don;t agree. If you are on overstay, simply swim across to Laos and go from there.
  14. Time for the Ozzies to do proper trading and get out of bed with the manipulative US. Oz is one of the few countries in the world who should be self-sufficient in everything. And while I'm bigging up the down-unders; dump Charles and become independent.
  15. Up here animals have priority. Be they chickens, pigs or cows. I hurt a duck with me pick-up. Didn't kill it. Man said it was his special breeding duck. Gave him 300 baht.
  16. Overstayers on par with murderers? If you reported yaba dealers up her you would be quickly taken out.
  17. Bang on the money there gamb00ler. And of course they all have that little camera on their mobs. Don't want to get into a Gary Powers mess.
  18. Let's hope the luck doesn't run out. Better to go for a win every time. One win and one loss is better than two draws. I didn't see any WC footy except the goals of Eng v Iran, TBH, I'm more happy watching the English game over all seven divisions. I like a couple of Scottish teams as well. I always look for Hamilton, Cove and Banks O'Dee. Mildred does seem to like doing portraits, but she has done other things. She likes fantasy stuff. Always reading the books by Lilin, who has published a set of four books focusing om her dreams. There is nothing much in the way or art schooling around where we are. Perhaps in Udon. Rick would know. Lots of stuff about art on the www. Is Ting a fantasy or could she be real? I've got a couple of cracking avoes to plant in the farm. One is just 6 months old and getting on for two metres high. very thick at the base too. Cold this morning. I was the only one not wearing a gansey or coat when I escorted Mildred to her bus Dogs at it again. Rubbish everywhere outside. I was rubbishing David Popovici in the Owl Log, but he did come through in the 200 free; with a silver. He is the fastest swimmer in the pool but not a good turner. Can expect great things from him in the Long Course season. I think Biderman's 200 free world record could could go in the summer.
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