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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. That explains a lot.
  2. What does their color and or genitalia have to do with their competence? On a certain level my heart goes out to people like you, that seem to be seething with hate for Trump and allowing him to live inside your head on a daily basis/ Is it very painful? Sounds like it.
  3. If I were single, I'd be spending twice what I'm spending now...
  4. I was responding to you when you said: "Do you read what you write? You're the one who threw in the bit about illegal aliens not paying for health care and all that stuff. If you want to confine it to social security payments, the payments illegal aliens make into social security are definitely a net plus for the government. As for the rest of your nonsense, it's what you usually resort to when you have nothing to offer which is virtually always. Come on, for a change link to something that actually backs up what you claim." Now you're howling for me providing the link you asked for that backs up my claim that illegal aliens cost taxpayers more than they contribute. Significantly more.
  5. Non-citizens working in the county legally have to have ITIN and they have to file. If they earn enough, they have to pay. I believe they do not pay into social security.
  6. Where do you come up with these numbers, AI? "Census Bureau estimates that the median annual earnings for all workers (people aged 15 and over with earnings) was $47,960; and more specifically estimates that median annual earnings for those who worked full-time, year round, was $60,070"
  7. Do you believe there are fewer than 11 million illegal aliens in the US? “Illegal immigration costs each American taxpayer $1,156 per year ($957 after factoring in taxes paid by illegal aliens).” “Each illegal alien or U.S.-born child of illegal aliens costs the U.S. $8,776 annually.” CBO: Medicaid Spending on Illegal Aliens Has Cost Taxpayers over $16.2 Billion Under Open Border Czar Harris | The U.S. House Committee on the Budget - House Budget Committee
  8. We were talking about Social Security, and now you changed the subject to all taxes, including sales, gasoline, and every other tax. And how do they know what their total income is? They have no way of knowing. As is typical, they made it up. And the leftist "study" you linked claims there are less than eleven million illegal aliens in the US.
  9. Dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt....
  10. Kelly Loeffler
  11. So, he was about tied with Kamala Harris, she was 91.5% as I remember, yes? Let's hope he can do that with the entire federal workforce. I thought you were going to bed, no? In any event, you're off-topic again!
  12. Trump was naive in his first term. It just did not occur to him that so many people would work against his agenda. Not this time. In all fairness, Obama came in, ran a tight ship and got a lot done, it was just all bad. And he intentionally divided the country, and because their phony press still had a bit of credibility, the left managed to blame Trump for it. Biden, and then Harris screwed the pooch media wise, and their phony press lost what little credibility they had. Project 2025 Baby!
  13. Things are not already real interesting?
  14. Hey, what happened to the "journalists" that were going to be arrested if Trump was elected?
  15. Go with God brother, write if you find work.
  16. You were posting off-topic. It's a public forum and the topic is:
  17. More leftist nonsense. Illegal aliens only pay into SS if they are working legitimate jobs, with legitimate companies that make the deductions. And they get their medical and other benefits while they are in the US, and the bit they "pay" in hardly covers it.
  18. No, we were discussing how great Kash Patel would be as the FBI director, and I responded to your off-topic post: "I thought he was only a self declared billionaire as I do not believe that he has ever released his tax returns since becoming POTUS 1st time around. If I am wrong would someone care to post a link to them." Now you want to lie about it, but it was you that started the whole tax returns idiocy, not me. You only have ten posts and you're already lying and going off topic. You must be a leftist.
  19. Another link regurgitated from a leftist unable to actually have a discussion I see.
  20. Then I think he lied if he actually said he'd release the and did not, which I disapprove of. Do you think everyone's return should be public or not?
  21. How do you know there are no prosecutions? It took the Biden Administration New York almost eight years to prosecute Trump. The same leftists that are howling that Musk has access to Social Security for "privacy issues", are howling for Musk to make everyone's information public before even an investigation, much less a conviction. You guys crack me up.
  22. No, your point was that Trump's returns should be public, not everyone's. While it would bother me if he said he would release it, and then didn't, I do not see the point of it. If he is a tax evader, put him in jail, If he is not, let it go. I can't log into your return, why should I be able to log into Trump's?
  23. My favorite oil was "Shave-Secret".
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