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Everything posted by Nemises

  1. Ah Ok, what a joke they are. Thank you! Much appreciated. Also and more importantly, my current statement balance (and online balance) doesn't match the previous 12 month's total deposits less total withdrawals leaving me about 20K short. I'll sort that with them in person when I return. Hope yours balances!?
  2. If so, could you please request an online statement be emailed to you and advise if the Balance column figures are incorrect like mine are? (Takes less than a minute). Attached is what’s showing on my statement that I requested and obtained today. I’m presently overseas and just wanted to check with others before contacting the bank. Thanks in advance 🙏
  3. The guy is only in his ‘60s, hardly too old to be exercising. So exercise definitely would benefit his sleep.
  4. Healthy food and plenty of exercise ensures a good night’s sleep. No need for drugs, alcohol or substance abuse.
  5. proposed changes to the 90 year old current tax residency laws They obviously won’t be happening this year, so does that mean you will stop the scaremongering until next year? Or will the prophet of doom rack up another 600+ posts continually banging-on about what might happen one day?
  6. Last night the Senate passed some new tax legislation Surprisingly there was nothing passed about tax changes for pensioners living abroad. Appears our resident scare monger got it all horribly wrong. Or maybe it’s on tonight’s Senate agenda … 🙃
  7. Another reason never to buy in Thailand.
  8. Pretty sure your Coober Pedy joint is worth about the same value of Taylor Swift’s 2-level, 6-bedroom Sydney penthouse she’s currently staying at!
  9. Some members don't pay any rent when they go back to do their 2 years - everyone's circumstances are different. For the information of other members, the going rate for a 2 bedroom unit in Perth is over $600 per week!
  10. And did you / can you help the OP on where he too can get a Perth apartment for $240 pw? Didn’t think so 🤣
  11. For $240 pw you must live in a housing commission apartment. Here’s the going rate ($630 pw) for everyone else in Perth:
  12. Therefore his non-applicable, misleading and baiting post should be removed because this thread is about going back to Australia for 2 years and it would be impossible to waltz-in off the plane from Thailand and immediately obtain government housing in Perth, as there were over 18,000 on the waiting list as at Oct 21...obviously a lot more now. https://thewest.com.au/news/social/perth-housing-crisis-waitlist-climbs-for-public-housing-in-wa-c-4723578
  13. LOL. Too funny, On one of Australia's largest and most popular rental platforms (realestate . com) there are currently 116 x 2 bedroom 1 bathroom units available for rent in Perth. The cheapest is 630 AUD per week, that's a lot more that your so-called "240 AUD" 🤣
  14. Or… “What’s your opinion on the likelihood of future OAP Tax changes for those living in Thailand” - strictly only one post per member permitted.
  15. Reading their 💩 on AN is more than enough.
  16. Bring in a pet sitter! Costs nothing, they usually have great referrals, love pets and pooch stays happy at home in his/her normal environment!
  17. Good to hear! Wonder why so many on here don’t believe what you’re saying is true?
  18. I too have a number of visa shops I can use in BKK & Pattaya but currently looking for one in Khon Kaen. So if you or anyone knows of one there, please PM me 🙏
  19. +1 about not transferring B800k from my Aus investment portfolio to sit in some Thai bank earning sweet FA.
  20. Marry a Thai government employee for virtually free medical and hospital cover. Next.
  21. Lots of beautiful girls (with respectable jobs or students) are in Isaan and not many tourists. So a single guy, who doesn't care for polluted beaches and millions of tourists and/or undesirable expats, can have lots of horizontal fun in Isaan and never ever get bored.
  22. A single guy in Thailand with no family but who has money can have a lifestyle that only movie stars or millionaires would have back in their homeland - for a fraction of the price! Lots of different beach resorts, islands, provinces and beautiful Thai girls to fill their time. Those lucky guys would be wondering about the married guys stuck in one place with one female for the duration of their retirement.
  23. The police will be out in full force. Double demerit points.
  24. And he will be hiding the $1M cash under his bed right?
  25. Better still why don’t you start a new thread about possible AU tax changes? Because what you are speculating about (and filling these pages with) may not happen for a long time, if at all. This thread was once helpful with facts and general information about the AU aged pension. Not any more.
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