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Posts posted by Tofer

  1. 3 hours ago, candide said:

    I never made any prediction. Read my post. My point is that, for the time being, there is no additional benefit as deals are similar rollover and continuity deals.

    Future deals may be better or worse, but the current t ones don't bring any significant change, I.e. no additional benefits.


    So, I miss quoted you with this one did I?


    On 2/5/2021 at 4:59 PM, candide said:

    they bring no additional benefit to the EU deal they roll over.


    Then perhaps you should have inserted 'currently' as your second word in that sentence...., or maybe it was more of -


    6 hours ago, Tofer said:

    perceived expectations of instant gratification.


    Which is it? Please make your mind up, you're confusing everyone.... 


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  2. 21 hours ago, candide said:

    the deals are similar or whatever you call them, broadly equivalent etc...


    Correction - not what I call them, but what you're referenced articles call them.


    21 hours ago, candide said:

    they bring no additional benefit to the EU deal they roll over.


    Time will tell...


    However, I am again impressed by your powers to predict the future, since your claims, at this stage, little over one month since we fully parted company with the EU, are somewhat premature.


    19 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Too bad there’s no evidence to “parrot” for your unsubstantiated claims. 


    Your part answer to that one is provided in candide's post...


    21 hours ago, candide said:

    the articles which, by the way, emphasise my point, that the trade deals are not identical, as you highlighted - "substantially" and "broadly equivalent", would confirm.


    Regarding the future predictions aspect, i.e. analysis of the new deals benefits, you're right - there is no evidence, and there isn't any to parrot. No serious commentator would commit to such a statement of future prediction, since they don't posses the crystal balls that the remainers are blessed with.


    It wasn't me who stated....


    21 hours ago, candide said:

    they bring no additional benefit to the EU deal they roll over.



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  3. 44 minutes ago, candide said:

    They are not called rollover deals and continuity deals for no reason! ???? Even the UK parliament calls them rollover and continuity deals.

    You don't hold your breath and you are wrong! I have linked sources in previous posts, I.e. 

    As a result of the above agreements, trade with a significant number of countries will largely continue on similar terms to those in effect prior to the UK’s exit from the European Union, while trade with countries where a trade agreement has not been reached will continue on WTO terms


    So far, the new agreements are “continuity” or else called “roll-over” agreements, meaning that they seek to reproduce the effect of the agreements between the EU and the partner countries. As such, they are based on a “cut and paste” of the corresponding EU agreement with the term “European Union” being replaced by “United Kingdom” and a host of other consequential technical adjustments, such as, to maintain alignment of the timetables for the phasing in of tariff reductions and adjusting the governance arrangements.




    Will you produce an analysis supporting your point, I.e. using reliable sources? I won't hold my breath! You'll come up with the usual reflections.


    So you're just parroting the articles which, by the way, emphasise my point, that the trade deals are not identical, as you highlighted - "substantially" and "broadly equivalent", would confirm.



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  4. 18 minutes ago, candide said:

    For the time being, freedom of negotiating agreements has not brought additional benefits. "Same same before"!


    Really! So you've read them all and analysed them to boot - I'm impressed...


    With your superior knowledge, I beg you avail us mere mortals of the terms of the 68 trade deals completed.


    I won't hold my breath... ????



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