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Posts posted by Tofer

  1. 16 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    That's a when, not a how. 


    Look up your word "manifest" and then the answer to your question will be made obvious.... as in "obvious" from the definition of manifest.


    Or do you still not yet understand that we are leaving on that date, i.e. finished with the EU membership. What else would you call the UK's status after that timeline, other than a sovereign independent country, or do you need the word sovereign explaining for you as well?


    I need to go to bed, that wall I keep banging my head against is giving me a headache.... Goodnight!

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  2. 4 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

    Never understood, and still don't, why there is some kind of defensive attitude when  someone is called right-winger, as if that is something terrible.


    Well why raise the point of his leanings, as if it's some excuse for his opinion, when it's clearly, in your mind, irrelevant? Why not simply address his statements with an educated counter conviction. ????

  3. 16 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

    No, I am highlighting the utter hypocrisy of Brexit, and the cronyism and corruption that is endemic from the PM down, which makes a mockery of this whole concept of 'taking back control', not that any brexiteer has ever been able to define what that actually meant.


    How about some facts then, instead of opinionated hyperbole, since that's quite some defamation of the PM.


    And if you don't know what "taking back control" means since 4.5 years of debate and explanation which is as clear as the nose on the end of your face, then there's no hope. 

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    On 12/2/2020 at 6:05 PM, 7by7 said:

    @Tofer, you have now made three posts in which you've tried, and failed, to prove me wrong since you said 


    That's a matter of your personal misguided opinion, since.....


    On 12/2/2020 at 6:05 PM, 7by7 said:

    I did not deny that EU law was used in Chindamo's AIT hearing. However,


    Finally you concede my answer was correct., although it took you an inordinate length of time and convincing for you to comprehend it! You have, in fact, quoted the answer to your original question which, bye the way, shows you contradicting your opening statement... 


    There is no "however" and hypothesis necessary, the subject ended with the actual court decision being evidence of the EU's control of UK laws, as per your original question. Further pontification is absolutely irrelevant.


    On 12/2/2020 at 6:05 PM, 7by7 said:

    The duty to rescue vessels in peril begins when the vessel in question becomes, as the quote from the article you, yourself posted, says  "in need of a rescue." Until the vessel in question indicates such, the French, or British, have no right, let alone duty, to rescue them. The only moral duty they have is to stand by in case the vessels do indicate their need to be rescued.


    Make your mind up! Is my quote correct or your spurious interpretation of it, since "in need of rescue" and "indicate their need to be rescued" are 2 completely different situations.


    In a dangerously overloaded and unseaworthy dinghy taking on water and at imminent risk of sinking, they are quite obviously "in need of rescue", not a detached escort for 12 nautical miles and however many hours on their journey in freezing cold rough seas and busy shipping lanes, during which they are undoubtedly in serious danger of drowning / hypothermia, not to mention the blatantly criminal activity of people trafficking.


    But hey, don't let the death of a few insignificant foreign migrants, that the French are happy to see take the risk to be rid of, bother your pedantic attitude on the subject. I'm sure you sleep nights very well, knowing you are right, as per the letter of the law..... I'll concede that one on the grounds of your apparent questionable morals.


    On 12/2/2020 at 6:05 PM, 7by7 said:

    But to assume, as you did, that once we are free of the shackles of the CCT there will be none, that all future deals the UK makes will be tariff free shows enormous naivety on your part. 


    There you go again with your creative imagination, and false quotes, since I never said or implied such a statement. Go on, prove me wrong, quote my ACTUAL words.... ????


    I rest my case. ????



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  5. 22 hours ago, 7by7 said:
    On 11/27/2020 at 4:33 AM, Tofer said:

    Ah, but they are UK trade deals now, independent of the EU's protectionist levies and taxes.

     As they are merely transfers of EU trade deals then any levies and taxes contained therein are still extant.


    But tell us, what are/were these EU protectionist levies and taxes?



    Still waiting for an answer.


    Since you are still crowing about your unanswered questions, like a broken record.


    Have you never heard of the EU CCT - Common Customs Tariff?

  6. 4 hours ago, david555 said:

    It is not crowing it is just mentining a fact .....


    Strange you understand sometimes my bad English ....and when the topic is embarrasing ...then a sudden not ....????

    End game coming close  brexiteers ...getting nervous ...? Your vote won ...so now enjoy it living under it ..???? .





    I live in Thailand, so not really my problem, certainly no nerves.

  7. 20 hours ago, david555 said:

    Here read this then you know little bit more about Mr Orban ..... the fact why he is vetoing and E,U. putting him under suspicion as E.U. money is wrong used ...... (seems to happen now in U.K. too with those Covid 19 needs ordered to friends from certain politician(s) ) ???? to deliver,


    Pot calling kettle, I believe the EU have not produced any audit of their accounts yet......

    • Like 1
  8. 19 hours ago, 7by7 said:


    The usual Brexiteer response when challenged on a false statement they have made. You are unable to name a single UK criminal who has been released by the ECJ because, as the link I provided to the role of the ECJ proves, there are none and never have been!


    However, you began with


    It is not I who is displaying ignorance; it is you.


    By 'EUC of human rights' I assume that you mean the European Court of Human Rights. This is not a court of the European Union and never has been. It is the court of the Council of Europe. Brexit will have zero effect on our membership of the CoE.

    Winston Churchill first suggested such a council in Parliament in 1943, and again in his Zurich speech of 1946. It was brought into being by the 1949 Treaty of London, the signatories to and so original members being Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. 


    The CoE now has 47 member states, including all 27 EU members. 

    As already said, the ECHR and it's court are a function of the CoE, not the EU.


    How many UK criminal convictions have been overturned by the ECtHR? 


    Well, from Full Fact in September 2015.

     But that only counts the cases which actually reached the court; most are dismissed before that stage is reached. UK loses 3 out of 4 European human rights cases? More like 1 in 50, actually



    Point taken, I confused the 2. Happy now  -  I was wrong. A phrase we'll never hear from you I suspect.


    Having said that, on much the same subject - Deportation of the murderer Learco Chindamo (Italian national) was prevented by the EU Freedom of Movement Law - The Citizens Directive 2004. Leaving the victims wife Frances Lawrence "facing up to a lifetime haunted by her husbands killer because his human rights are considered more important than her own".


    Another issue being freedom of movement across borders, which the EU have no effective policy towards illegal entry. The Express wrote, "Brussels paves the illegal immigrants road to UK by ruling they can't be detained" - Ghanaian national Selina Affum using a fake passport attempting to enter the UK could not be locked up or detained pending deportation proceedings as ruled by the ECJ.

    So hear we have the EU Court of Justice not preventing, i.e. aiding, the illegal immigrants 'criminal activities', in their attempts to cross illegally to the UK, aside from perpetuating the criminal and life threatening trafficking gangs activities. Not to mention the French's aiding and abetting the channel crossing of illegal migrants by escorting them as far as British waters in the Channel. Now I understand why the UK Home Office is frustrated in their efforts to stop this activity and return illegal migrants, thanks also to the lefty lawyers using these laws to prevent it. Not for much longer thank goodness...


    So there you have it, the EU are not so lilly white as you would have us believe.

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