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Posts posted by Tofer

  1. 2 hours ago, Phulublub said:

    I think you might find the UK ordered 60 million doses from GSK/Sanofi Pastuer.


    I'm struggling to find that nugget, so would appreciate a link, especially if they paid over any money.


    I would also like to know if they refunded that money when they abandoned their attempt to produce it?

  2. 1 minute ago, david555 said:

    They tried... but not so at your U.K.'s satisfaction ....maybe the money was toooo low...for a good result ? ????


    The only thing they tried was to ensure the poor souls got to the channel border point, without any conscience for the potential consequences of sinking and drowning in unsafe and overcrowded dinghies.

  3. 4 hours ago, david555 said:

    So you know what to do ....it is all yours ....i would even not  mind if you would filling that tunnel with concrete 

    ....and cancel those ferrys...


    Yet more bitter and spiteful diatribe, completely misguiding the vein of the post.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Phulublub said:

    The implication is that UK came first in protecting its citizens.  Utter baloney.  Many countries have done FAR better than both UK and EU.  Take off your sunglasses.  The sunny uplands are many many miles away




    We were discussing the vaccine rollout, before you engaged in your spiteful diatribe about the victims of the pandemic.

    • Like 2
  5. 4 hours ago, Phulublub said:

    Pretty sure much of thre World is happy their leadership did not "safeguard" their citizens as well as BJ


    Probably wouldn't have been in half as bad a situation, if we hadn't had to comply with the EU's open border requirements, and accept all those French navy escorted illegal migrants from France. You know, that supposed safe country, where they left these souls to fend for themselves in the squalor of the Calais camps, and allowed criminal traffickers to pray on them relatively unhindered, since they were unwilling / incapable of controlling a small 30 mile stretch of coastline whilst receiving £10'sM from the UK government to prevent it...


    But you carry on blaming BJ, if it makes you feel vindicated.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

    In effect if you were not allowed to order -- then what is the point of preordering or contractng or even subsidizing vaccine  development costs. (pre-order is basically a subsidy in this case)


    If you stand on the side lines, don't expect to score goals...


    Glad we didn't invest in / order from the Pasteur Institute... That would have been pointless!

  7. 12 hours ago, Phulublub said:

    The UK are insisting that the first 100 million doses produced in UK are for UK.  But the first AZ doses used inthe UK were manufactured in...the EU.  The UK has also ordered way more than it can reasonably use immediately.  What are they going to do with the excess? Sit on it while others wait?


    Why should the UK, who sensibly forward ordered the required vaccine, be disadvantaged because others didn't have the sense or the organisational ability to do the same, and now complain about the lack of supplies? Then, like a bunch of spoilt entitled kids having a tantrum in a sweet shop, stamp their feet and scream - 'I want, I want right now'.


    Worse still they threaten to override companies contractual and legal commitments and obligations to get their own way. Pathetic and deeply worrying, that an advanced and educated group of nations would act in this manner. It's even prompted remainers, like Robert Peston of the BBC, to come out and criticise the EU for their behaviour, stating he now understands Brexit. The penny finally drops with some....., whilst others still have their coin slot bunged up with a quagmire of petty peevishness, and accusatorial gloating.


    They ordered enough to ensure they wouldn't be in the middle of a feeding frenzy at a later date, to avoid the problems the EU are now facing. Not selfish, but sensible. If they hadn't done that, and were now short of supplies, you and many others would be the first to criticise the UK governments actions...

    We have the safety and health of our citizens and then disadvantaged nations to consider first. The EU are big enough, advanced and prosperous enough to look out for themselves, and their ineffectual governance is not our concern anymore, thankfully...


    It would appear the EU are missing our support and direction, but then engage in a campaign of punishment and obstruction over a trade deal they signed committing to "fair cooperation". A very bitter and confused bunch, I would suggest.


    Many a two faced argument going on here, actively looking for any opportunity to find fault with the UK governments actions and the Brexit decision. All, by the way, extremely short sighted opinions. But hey, you carry on pointing to, and cheering the short term disruptions to the UK's business, if that pessimism and negativity makes you happy, it is your prerogative to have a lack of foresight, and faith in the people of the UK.

    • Thanks 2
  8. 1 hour ago, candide said:

    "Freedom to trade world wide, without the restrictions imposed by the EU - 63 new trade deals to date and increasing....."


    Followed by, "I doubt very much they are identical" - which you agreed with in your follow on post confirming they were "broadly equivalent".


    So where's the contradiction in my stance?


    And where do I infer -


    1 hour ago, candide said:

    The freedom to get part of the same benefits as before


    - particular when I already stated "free of EU imposed restrictions"..... 


    I think you gave up digging that hole and resorted to building a very thick brick wall, for me to bang my head on.... Enoughs enough. ????

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