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Posts posted by Tofer

  1. On 1/23/2021 at 12:05 PM, Tofer said:
    On 1/22/2021 at 10:29 PM, RayC said:

    I also hope that the EU member states are successful. Care to echo that sentiment yourself, and call on your fellow Brexiters to do the same?


    I will echo your sentiments, but for the states - not the EU.


    As requested...

  2. 4 hours ago, stevenl said:

    Nothing to do with pettiness , the British know in France and Netherlands procedures and regulations are in place to maintain quality.


    Total BS! As I understand it, the UK has higher food standards than anywhere else in the EU. We certainly don't try to disguise horse meat as beef, for one instance...!

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, stevenl said:

    Judging from these threads it are the British who want to see the EU disappear, whereas the Europeans wish the British all the best.


    Holy Moses - do you really believe that... ???? ???? ????


    We don't care what happens in the EU anymore, fill your boots, if you still have members to do so in 10 years time.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 6 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    If you need a 10 minutes YouTube video (which I won’t watch) and insulting others to make your point, it’s pretty clear you’re lacking any arguments. 


    If you don't watch it, then you don't know what the argument is, derrrrr!!


    So your uninformed point is......??

  5. 18 hours ago, RayC said:

    You refuse to take me at my word - when I say that I hope tto be proved wrong and that Brexit is a success - but then accuse me of not acting with 'good grace'!?


    Taking your word is a matter of belief in your proclamation.


    Your lack of good grace was the refusal to accept a freely given agreement to your statement which, by the way, you had specifically requested...

    • Like 1
  6. On 1/23/2021 at 1:57 PM, welovesundaysatspace said:

    It’s only now that you realize that this is how laws and “take control” work? Wow. You must have lived under a stone. Certainly you have never crossed any borders. 


    Not when you're supposed to have a trading agreement, or did you miss that salient point....


    There you go again with your juvenile insults, grow up or join a comic book club, since this forum is for adult debate.

    • Like 2
  7. On 1/23/2021 at 1:46 PM, david555 said:

    A border has 2 sides ...and thus the taking control too......we told you soooo....! ????


    Dont cry about those sandwiches ...just eat them before crossing .....

    BTW  your beloved Australia can show you examples enough from food and others  not allowed to bring inside Australia....also many airlines restrict food in handluggage


    Taking controle of OUR borders ...you can not blame us ... Boris border control  not ready ......he had the opportunity to extend you know ????




    As I said gloating...


    If this is what your trade agreement looks like, then perhaps we'd be better off without one, as I always suspected. It's just the EU showing their true colours, yet again..... twisting the knife to scare off any other potential countries from leaving. It's doing you know good in real terms, since the rest of your members are watching closely..... Let's wait and see shall we!

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, Hi from France said:

    Robert Palmer, the director of the Tax Justice UK campaign group, said: “Post-Brexit the UK tax havens have lost their protector within the corridors of Brussels. I’d expect to see the EU to ramp up pressure on places like Jersey to clean up their act. The UK itself has been warned that if the government tries a Singapore-on-Thames approach, with a bonfire of regulations and taxes, then the EU will act swiftly.”


    Scared of a bit of genuine competition are they?

    • Like 2

    Well, perhaps you should look a bit harder and more indiscriminately,,


    13 hours ago, RayC said:
    13 hours ago, RayC said:

    but I hope to be proved wrong.



    - then we might believe this statement!


    13 hours ago, RayC said:

    I also hope that the EU member states are successful. Care to echo that sentiment yourself, and call on your fellow Brexiters to do the same?


    I will echo your sentiments, but for the states - not the EU.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, candide said:

    (1) That's the exports figure for goods only. Add exports of services and you get £294.3 billion (225.5 in 2015), so it's 13.3% of GDP. Not that small contribution.


    I was responding to a statistic on trade goods figures. The arrangements for services have not yet been finalised anyway.


    1 hour ago, candide said:

    Economic growth is higher outside EU. However, in any case, It's still better to export to BOTH EU and non-EU zones.


    I agree, which is exactly what we are now doing, all now under our terms of trade deal agreements, free of EU stipulations to non-EU zones.

    • Like 2
  11. On 1/20/2021 at 6:38 PM, bannork said:

    The wider stage is the EU, over 40% of our exports.

    Now it's the last of the summer wine.


     Statistics can easily be selective to show the worst case scenario, but complete the data and it can be seen as a relatively small contribution to the UK economy.


    Quote from Full Fact - "Goods exports to the EU were worth £170 billion in 2019, 46% of the UK’s total of £370 billion worth of goods exports. UK GDP in 2019 was about £2.2 trillion (£2,200 billion), so goods exported to the EU account for 7.7% of that". 


    What's more;




    I'd rather be on the upward trajectory stage of world trade than a downward one.

    • Like 2
  12. On 11/11/2020 at 6:52 PM, PJPom said:

    Good idea but I will miss the Ferry ride, it was always pleasant to have the short sea trip. 


    I agree. The ferry ride is a pleasant novelty, albeit could be better with some improved ferries and service. I will also lament the views / unspoilt environment, oil pollution excepted, with another gross scar on the landscape, akin to slashing a knife across a beautiful painting.


    However, change is inevitable in the march on progress, but this could be seriously detrimental to the environment and atmosphere in Lanta. You only need to look at the ridiculously designed and incongruous dual carriageway / 6-lane highways being built on the West coast route of Lanta Yai island, to accommodate the projected traffic, with no soft landscaping, bicycle lanes with electric posts in the middle, already overtaken by businesses and motorbike parking rendering them useless for the purpose intended, with extremely dangerous / unprotected 'U' turns and ineffective lane diversion markings, a raised central reservation for the full length of the village encouraging traffic to travel the wrong way down the carriageway. etc...


    Thankfully the new roads on the East coast route are far better scaled and more suitable for the purpose. Now all that's needed is a campaign to encourage the people living alongside the road to clean up their frontages to the roadside and provide suitable off road parking spaces to avoid the new roads being clogged up with parked vehicles. Not an inconsequential task considering the lack of property / environmental pride on the island, and the excessively increased elevation of the new roads.


    All this money spent, and a lost opportunity to create a pleasant, comfortable, safe and welcoming environment.

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