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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Folding dors is an good option for balconies, but maybe better other places than bangkok where you keep the doors open and do not have the noice or pollution. Any way folding doors is lighter to carry.
  2. Racism is natural, complexed and stored in our dna memery for reasons. Our anchestors being invaded, exploited, and foreigners coming with diseases is a few obviously reasons. Written history as we have read and learned sometimes of people colouring the history in their own views, as well propaganda we daily read and see in news. Some is better to handle irrationale thoughts better than others, and see where it is logical to point fingers at others behaviours and cultures when needed. right now, how much do we love russians? Im been back in Europe the last months, and with higher prices on absolutely everything, and Putin being blamed, russians have a long way to fix their reputation for the future. When it comes to different ethnic people with attributes formed by adopting to different climate, it is more about social skills what to say, and not to say, especially when it comes to lack of language understanding, you should know how easy it is to step wrong. Some got it, some do not
  3. Read my first reply to you once more please
  4. They still celebrate the victory the day today, that's what's kind of annoying for the chatolics, but I'm not Scottish, Irish or English, neither German! It was just an example how people still many centuries later, still get reminded of being exploited because of a stupid march.
  5. You better know your history of origin of orange men, since he was King of England and won a few battles that is celebrated as march of orange men
  6. William 3. of England? Prince of Orange?
  7. Why should any scottish like Englishmen? F orange men, still making their pride walk! If I was Scottish, I would not like English or england either.
  8. German and english = Dissaster
  9. When you start excusing their behaviour!
  10. Good luck doing the walk. Condos is sold through agents and developers offices so better look for the companies with good reputation. Google is your friend
  11. It is like voting for one fotball team! After all it is just football no matter who you choose, and simple as that is it. As we all know, fotball is not everything in life.
  12. Most likely, everything we think and feel, is wrong, but does it really matter? What floats you boat,,,,,,, Humans have an exceptional possibility to do something for the planet and all the living creatures on it, but what do we choose to do with our lives? Great lyrics if you give it a try Conquest to the lover and your love to the fire Permanence unfolding in the absolute Forgiveness is the the ultimate sacrifice Eloquence belongs to the conqueror The pictures of time and space are rearranged In this little piece of typical tragedy Justified Candy, brandy for the nerves Eloquence belongs to the conqueror You and me, we'll all go down in history With a sad Statue of Liberty And a generation that didn't agree You and me, we'll all go down in history With a sad Statue of Liberty And a Generation that didn't agree I forgot to, I forgot to let you know that Justified Candy, brandy for the nerves Eloquence belongs to the conqueror Conquest to the lover and your love to the fire Permanence unfolding in the absolute Forgiveness is the ultimate sacrifice Eloquence belongs to the conqueror You and me, we'll all go down in history With a sad Statue of Liberty And a generation that didn't agree You and me, we'll all go down in history With a sad Statue of Liberty And a generation that didn't agree Generation, ah What is in us that turns a deaf ear to the cries of human suffering? Suffering now Suffering now You and me, we'll all go down in history With a sad Statue of Liberty And a generation that didn't agree You and me, we'll all go down in history With a sad Statue of Liberty And a generation that didn't agree Generation (belonging, belonging to)
  13. Wondering where all these freelancers, Vip nightclub girls, escorts, and uni students at shopping malls ending up? They learned to frequently attract westerns and my best guess, there is more of them than bar girls who ended up married to a foreigner? These days, more girls working from their phones as well, but a bar girl is easier to measure I guess. Most bar girls who spoke fluent english, only worked 3 months,,,,,,,, as standard, and those who had their first day, did not speak english at all
  14. I would not becto sure, boredom can create great things under right circumstances, but it was not my point of my post where my meaning was cut down to one single sentence, and changed meaning to evolution. However social media will change humans future and will eventually be part of our evolution? Or not?
  15. Here, meaning this platform, or wasting time on any platform on internet like most of us do, like we do something important. Maybe changing somebody’s view, ????
  16. Nature creates chain reactions even inside our bodies all the time! We just able to copy nature
  17. It is not we or I do see the hierarchies, it is just that hierarchies just forms and exists in a moment of time, before it takes a new form or new the top of food chain takes over. For an instance, an human tribe of todays creatures, put them in to the jungle naked and without tools, and se how far from their nature they have come. Im sure the natives and those who have lived on very little alike Isaan people would survive longer than you and me alike, but it should tells us how far from the top of food chain we have become, with or without a consensus soul. we are just as anyone else controlled by nature, and god is nature.
  18. I have stated before I know very little about this life, world, dimension and time being we are living in, but I manage to separate information Im able to consume, and try not to get stuck In wormholes. Meaning being superior to other creatures, and take the bait for another pissing contest. I try not to limit myself believing humans is superior to our surroundings, neither Im superior to other humans, just because I believe I understand more than most. I could be mislead to believe so after measuring my logical and problem solving IQ, but those numbers says very little in fact when it comes to the wider aspects of life.
  19. For how long did humans really had this power to control the environment around themself? Or is the problem carbon dating to give an exact dating of humans in comparison to life on planet earth?
  20. You forgot the pyramids ☝️???? We have been through all this before 10 000 posts behind. Animals design, create, and do complex structures that make the pyramids in shame, and also beautiful art because they have time and trying to attract each other. How do we know they do not have their kind of Mozart? If you only look at the stars when stuck in mud, I understand you missing out the beautiful happenings around you ???? If your only measure of the world is as you see it, then,,,,,,,,, I understand. I believe you have said similar about your imaginary world to many times now to quite a few who have replied to your posts who do not see it from your point of view. What do we really see, feel and understand? Thats the question, and how do each and one of us experience it? Thats why we have leaders to guide us, hopefully for our best
  21. I like the idea where there is no discrimination, and we are all one, and equally important and have an function on this planet. I kind of dislike the superior idea and mislead to believe we are more worth, which is an human idea and a religious idea abused to long now, and we see the results of this idea as we coming to our end of our superior area.
  22. Nothing about me not being ready to see, nice try thow, but its more about your limited created reality. If humans was not bored, we would not been here, or made social media more wealth and have more power than any organization existed without so much as a blood drop shed. We have given them control businesses, politicians, countries, and each and one of us. Poor souls who never learn from past are we?7
  23. How do you know all animals have a boring life? If any of them have time to be bored at all? Do not animals have a soul? Animals have language, fantasy, are creative, populate, have culture, singing, trade,
  24. Thank you, on rehab now away from overdose of adrenalin, and retarded retired ???? Do more normal crazy things now, and try to stay alive at this wonderful wonderful planet we are cruising space at 107 000 km/h around the space.. Just came to mind this song by Nick Cave when he did a cold turkey of his drugs
  25. If she lives in Thailand, and are CHINESE, I have to give you right on that one. To be more specific, give me one middle aged and above expat who actually make money on youtubing? I know a few, but the work they put in with their skills, compare to what they could have made doing a proper job, it doesnt really pay off in the lenght. But as a temporary experience, yea
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