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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Very few of us who have participated in this thread, believe in old scripts, we are at another level, but still confusing and at times a bit far over and above the edge ???????? for most
  2. Any reason why you do not enrich your world with interesting videos? Also include documentaries?
  3. Is there of importance believe or not? In god I mean? Why is it so important to so many people to claim there is a god, and the controversy opposite there is no god! I cant understand that in view of everything we are surrounded with, because, most individuals should know by now, if god exists, it is everything, not just god, but everything we know and do not know. Can only speak for myself, but My hero is David Attenborough, and he is all I need to know about my world and my god. Great interview and please watch to the end if interested in comment about him. He have done tons of interviews during his lifetime about god, but he have a very valid point here.
  4. Something that embrace most of the population, will always have a role in the society. Easy as that, like it or not! 57 % in Uk, and 79% in Norway who is not as diversed as Uk who have less ethnical population.
  5. It is no more difficult to understand perhaps, than you and me is individual big bangs, we come, and we go as solar systems as universes. We can only see as far there is light, right?
  6. Hehe, good one, Draw a picture of god, and I will show you my picture of my god
  7. To narrow view, you have to look at each and one possible bang that lead to enviroment that created life be it with help ofvan creator or not. Even when you where infested in your moms egg, your start was a bang right, and a impact? Inside our bodies who is constantly processing nuclear reactions and other chemical reactions to keep us alive.
  8. Most likely started with a big bang, and here we are ???? Many bangs on the way until life transformed to humans on this planet for sure. Quite interesting by the way but no one can for sure know the details, and will stay a mystery for a long long long time, if ever solved before this planet goes extinct. However Im sure life from this planet will find a new host somehow, with or without our help, if not already done.
  9. Triton is a good budget car and Mitsubushi is Great on service and Quality. Got one myself
  10. Knowing Chevrolet past and future in Thailand, I can't understand why you want to buy a used Chevrolet? If new and half price, maybe, but still depending on where you live and you know you have a service line you know you can trust! Another point, you can't expect it will be an easy sale if you decide to sell. Cheap to buy but hard to sell for the price you might want in return.
  11. Or our watcher on our shoulder. Some call it their guardian angel! At some days I have believed I have been blessed with one, because out of things I got away with, but at same time afraid of claiming one. Why should I have been so lucky, when so many dont, and why I deserve one and others dont. I have not done anything to deserve one compare to others as far I know.
  12. There is always calculated in their flight schedule how much fuel they need to make an emergency airport even after circling around their main destination. KL would most likely be one of the options.
  13. I'm aware of the physical limits of airplanes. My point is if they knew it was not possible to make a take off from Don Muang, they would not have landed there, and made another airport.
  14. Pissing contest or at best pissing upwind!
  15. What Master of Sun said! Have a good weekend ????????????
  16. I guess the hardest part is to realize you are to old yourself!
  17. We will know soon, found it strange if it was not, since they already landed there, or what do you think?
  18. Greenhouse gases is essential for our planets temperature "control" but as anything else, to much is not good, and partly our foult because of gluttony
  19. Hm, if you think so, but how can you know! If there is a creator, then he created us with all the features and functions we have for a reason
  20. Charles have an impossibly task in front of him! William should have been the next King. Queen of world Rest in peace
  21. Could saved their speculations until it is official if she eventually have died.
  22. Medias speculations about her death, and what to expect, ceremonies coming, the plan for funeral, Disgusting!
  23. I have not excluded an creator, but for me, an creator is of no importance in my spirit of belief. It is what it is and nothing more and nothing less! The nature we live in, do not need an signature of a creator, because what ever it is, it is amazing enough that it exists at all, and we are here to explore and enjoy it. There is so many in this world, that is not as privileged as me and hopefully you as well, and for that Im grateful for my experiences so far. May it last longer than Putin and anyone else who is threatening our lives at the moment.
  24. When It comes to Buddha, People of nature and Jesus, I believe physical connection have been the truth among the many different belief systems, and cherry picking have been one absolute since the very beginning of our species orign. At least after we managed to have structured communication, and repeat them over and over until they became truths. So when the first humans walked out from what we now have accepted is Africa, they most likely had the base of spiritual ideas already with them. And if no direct connections between the tribes spread around the world, I believe the basis of their thoughts had much of the same ideas. Im quite positive Jesus had Connections to India and spiritual people who had brought ideas with them for Jesus to learn from. And we have also our genetic memory that connect us. Quite surprised not many seems to accept that as a possibility, even many hypothetical articles have been produced and studies have been done, and still ongoing.
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