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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. This was more clear and understandable explanation I believe we all agree on! Thank you
  2. Mocking because of the claims made by hardcore religous who claim their beliefs is The truth, and the only truth without evidence, do deserve mocking when it harm people and societies and try to keep them or return them to dark ages. Did Monthly Python mocking religion in a good way or a bad way?
  3. How come we have or you have with many lost their faith in science? Thats a really good question, where the origin of mistrust of the science coming from. When I was a kid, there where especially one group who was in conflict with science, and these days there is another heavy weighted group who goes against science, while other group make more profit and manage to stay in business longer because of the mistrust against science, such as oil companies, sugar, tobacco, alchohol producers. Lately we see mariuana/ganja business booming because of insufficient clearly fooged data about the overall health benefits of their substances. Religious and clima change deniers ( including politicians) is big groups that manage to brake down the trust in science, not only scientists themself. I have followed this guy for awhile and find his videos quite interesting, and this video is more a logical explanation of the illusion of truth than any of the above I wrote.
  4. Used to be via Phuket bus terminal and no direct bus to Krabi.
  5. One Astrazeneca and one Pfeizer in Thailand and one Pfeizer in Norway. No covid or symptoms as far I know, not my wife either. Believe we are the only one I know who did not have it so far.
  6. Seems like the most important question to be asked is: Who do we trust most? Trump or FBI? Have Trump always told the truth?
  7. Once or two times a year would not hurt, or limited diet say 3 months no carbs as I have done before, which made me loose 16 kg and had energy surplus during the loss. But year around ? No
  8. I prefer a all in diet within limits
  9. How many days a week ? ????
  10. If there was a conspiracy against Trump, FBI would have made sure they brought enough evidence with them, to arrest him on site! How hard can it be to falsely plant evidence when working in FBI? Can not believe The greatest circus of all time can continue the show in public as The Joker he is! And his followers still trust and believe in him. Talking about illusion
  11. Need an IDP https://legacy.dica.polimi.it/en/internazionalizzazione/welcome-office/driving-licence/index.html Need to book time through their app DLT QR License Good to know for next time
  12. You need to find a diet that match your lifestyle and what you need and what's easily accessible for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle that suits you. An active younger guy compared to one who never walk a mile a day? For him, he is obviously on the extreme side of what considered healthy in the long run! 280k follow him and 56millions views, so obviously something people are interested in. I do not like
  13. The bible is an important book for its time, but I do not see it as an absolute truth. Bear in mind @AsianAtHeart the big bang theory accept there most likely was something before, and there have always been something. A big bang theory is no more fantasy than a sperm finds its egg and create life? Also considering every little thing happening inside your body to keep you breathing, walking and talking. A virgin birth? Do you believe in that? I do not need a god or creator because I am great full what ever it is, every time I get the chance to be in nature and also be around people Iove? Humble Knowing Im part of it gives rest to my mind If the bible was the truth, god would not have given humans such a powerful weapon as sthe criptures to be used against each other in the way it have been. In one way given accept for exploiting this planet in Jesus name.
  14. Someone need to stop smoking!
  15. On a 2 wheel rear drive you need more weight in the rear! Never heard about 5% offroad tires but hybrid, mixed driving or all terrain driving tires. There will always be a compromise when you want both! I regret I didn't by 4x4 when I bought a new car Google find many reviews articles and YouTube clips. Check some reviews and see if you find some that suits you which is produced in Thailand. Following soon time for me to change tires, and need better grip as well. https://www.customwheeloffset.com/blogs/200/top-5-best-hybrid-truck-tires-for-2019 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.motortrend.com/features/best-on-off-road-all-terrain-tires-tire-rack-owner-reviews/amp/
  16. I have read the bible, and do not see the bible as the truth about god! I see it as a family saga claiming land and titles for their tribes. A book of laws and guidelines to be followed for future succes.
  17. Boredom stimulate creativity, so no problem with being bored.
  18. I agree with the fear of living to long, and therefor try to make the best out of it as long as possible while I can. The best thing I have learned, is to breathe, stop, and enjoy being bored. Being bored is a luxery problem when you finely manage to stop the racing thoughts and can allow yourself to just sit and be, be in the moment and do nothing.
  19. I also know what you are saying and It is a good start to appreciate the very right her right now moment even the smallest things in your life. It is a good mental exercise, even its a cup of coffe in the morning, a fruit, a flower, enjoy the sunrise as sunset just to start training and forming your brain, and create some positivity. I have been there, same as you, and had to take a grip on my life step by step, and it works.
  20. Sheepless often used during vaccination start against covid, and mostly a right wing term. Those who use the term, often believe common good do not benefit them, and do not want to pay for other weaknesses.
  21. We are all followers who have to walk in more or less same direction, shop in the same stores, consume the same news, the same food, more or less the same philosophies and the same laws! Even the most hardcore one percent motorbikers follow their own rules and dress codes like sheeps. There is no freedom outside the society, just more work and more risk of failure. However, I buy quality things based on my needs, not because some famous use the brand.
  22. A change in life philosophy/belief/religion, the truth and also lifestyle behavior or approach to life regarding your belief. One bad but quite normal behavior is to cultivate the negative past, and our daily problems, blaming everyone else for where we are in life instead of accept, forgive and move on. Trapped in past physically and mentally is heavy chains to carry sometimes.
  23. Nature is god! Typing mistake I obviously have to many of Apology of what? You making fun, being rude, and we are talking above our heads and ego? Come on ???? Sometimes you elevate yourself up there with the answers as a truth, but I have several times made an apology to you, seems you forget that’s, and also stated I know one thing, and thats I truly do not know, and do not try to be one who knows. I believe I think I feel I experienced Is terms I like to use, as well my illusion of life, I create my own illusion and so on, and also guilty of being horrible to make myself understood obviously
  24. Funny, but there is two sides of it, not only one! Science need to find the connection, if there is necessery to do so, but Im comfortable as I have said many times, with my self, and what I can understand. There is very little we can express here between us to make the whole sense what we can accept, and what we believe, and what we might change our opinion for or trade if you want. I have always said nature is good, and we are part of it. Also how free your mind is when you cut loose from the daily life and search out and inside your self without disturbance when you are present in the nature of yourself. For me, it is actually physically in the nature, where no humans have touched or disturbed the orign fauna. I sometimes when I struggled could find energy among old trees, but some find the same among crystals, so I know that is my illusion because I want it to be. Also a little answer to the “freedom” question, where first step is to cut away mentally from your daily forced on you routines. But everybody can not do that, so, Doesnt say Im not interested to learn, but I accept my limits and other limits to find the answers before I escape this planet. Someone said, it takes a genius to make something simple, and I try my best. Someone also said, there is indeed a fine line between genious and madness! And it seems to be true because both share the same gene. https://www.ndtv.com/offbeat/a-fine-line-between-genius-and-madness-402422
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