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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Don't know who is taking what. Wonder which of the candidates will check into the Betty Ford Center first after the election.
  2. I think evidence of his failure at hiring good and capable staff is overwhelming.
  3. Perhaps you should consider that most people have a life outside of Aseannow.
  4. That's quite an assumption. How do you know people are miserable? I along with many others on this forum are quite happy in Thailand. Are you? People come here for different reasons. I came here because a Thai university asked me to do so and start up a new program at Mahidol. Over the years, people establish families and/or other close relations. I do suppose the people with an obsessive concentration on politics and constantly generating topics on this forum might make themselves miserable. OTOH, if it makes you happy, I suppose that's okay. But as for the truth of what I stated originally, which is that politics is a religion for women and sports is a religion for men, I stand by it. Who I try to avoid are all the sad souls who want to wear another man's name and number on their clothes in order to feel they belong to something, not the people smart enough to escape the hysteria and chaos of the American matriarchy.
  5. Ultimately, the responsibility for this situation lies with American citizens. They keep voting for this, albeit indirectly. The people most displaced of course are male workers. But I can guarantee you that women will show up to vote in far greater percentages than men. This is why Trump will lose. Politics is religion for women. Sports is religion for men. So when it comes time to vote, women show up while men go to bars to talk about "footbaw."
  6. "Trump White House Official" for ten days. Not a good look for Scaramucci or Trump. Scaramucci is unhinged. And this exemplifies more of Trump's bad hiring practices.
  7. I'll say this for the cops, they sure aren't pikers.
  8. Dark Mode is okay. It's a shock however to be scrolling along in dark mode and then have quoted text shine out in white. Like the option. Much better than having no dark mode at all.
  9. If Thailand joins this club of dictators, the US and Europe should remove Thailand from existing economic/trade agreements. Time for their to be consequences for actions.
  10. Defund the Department of Education. Massive cuts for DOJ. Put the military, congress, executive, judiciary, and federal government on the same retirement system as everybody else. No Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid for non-citizens. Ban advertisements for pharmaceuticals.
  11. Looks like the communists lied, because that's what communists do.
  12. Definitely has a future as a televangelist.
  13. Pandas like these? https://edition.cnn.com/2024/09/20/travel/guangdong-china-panda-dog-zoo-intl-hnk/index.html#:~:text=In May%2C a zoo in,the zoo admitted the ruse.
  14. Air quality probably not all that good for pandas or anybody else up there for a good chunk of the year.
  15. People applying the epithet have disarmed it. It's just a blanket term, now, meaning "I don't like you." Sort of like "genocide." Everybody "genocides" now whenever there is any sort of armed conflict at all and your side is losing. All those twentieth century terms used to invalidate the opposition have lost their impact, including: Racist Bigot Pervert Degenerate Fascist Nazi Communist Now, people either ignore them or, perversely, glory in them.
  16. Will she take an IQ test? Will Trump? And I mean a recent one. IQ testing declines when a person abuses drugs or alcohol (see George W. Bush's admitted alcoholism).
  17. I do agree with you, here. Hard to mistake what is going on.
  18. This just isn't fair. No matter which way I turn, I'm going to be listening either to the cackler or the stooge for the next four years. If for no other reason than his voice doesn't grate like the other two, Biden would have been the better choice.
  19. I don't know. The young her looks more than a little like Mao. The older her looks like the HR lady from hell.
  20. Because it will be a cold day in Hell before they lose money on the deal.
  21. So they'll buy it from the middlemen instead?
  22. "The man?" "The man?" "The man?" What is this, Adam-12?
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