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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Okay. All of the above posters who were claiming that other Western nationalities, especially English speaking ones, behave just like this, got any examples? Outright criminal thugs, threatening a beat down on hospital staff over 8000 baht. Russian mobsters it sounds like are running Phuket.
  2. All these rich Russians. Right. Sounds like Diamond Jim, doesn't he?!?!
  3. MFP's first and only meaningful act when coming into office was to do a self purge of all its sex harassers. They did nothing else. Not serious people.
  4. Too many Euros come here without any experience with how to deal with high temperatures. Not to mention that none of them are acclimatized to it.
  5. So the business practices that put it in its current crisis will continue?
  6. The majority of Americans will crawl across broken glass to vote against him. Only his core acolytes will vote for him. And they aren't numerous enough. They appear larger than reality because they follow him around the country appearing at his rallies like Deadheads for the Grateful Dead.
  7. I remember that from my very early years as being a two or three parter on The Wonderful World of Disney. Pretty good high contrast color. But I also seem to remember some really horrible song in it that sounded like Johnny Horton Meets Halloween.
  8. All these complaints. And the crowds. And the pollution. It makes me yearn for the Golden Age of Covid Thailand. Cleaner air, fewer people, easier to get around, no problem finding taxis. I really liked things then. (The economic problems are out of my lane, so, yes, Covid Thailand caused economic destruction. But as someone living here on a retirement extension, it was the best time I've ever experienced.)
  9. BTW, also several places at $1000 or less. But the quality of similarly priced houses in Goliad seems a lot better.
  10. Limited opportunities to work often time means lower prices for rent for retirees. I like Goliad a great deal. It's majority Hispanic and 40 percent Anglo. But I like Hispanic ways, especially those from Mexico.
  11. Goliad has less than 2000 people I think. Victoria, too, seems okay. A place with 80,000 or more, just a little bit over Victoria, is Mission, Texas. It's right along the border in the Rio Grande Valley. Might be even more options there.
  12. Just did a quick look at house rentals in Goliad, Texas, because I happened to have Goliad on my mind. Several houses around $1000 or less listed on rental dot com. Goliad strikes me as a pretty good place. South Texas, warm, picturesque in places. https://www.goliadtx.net/
  13. I really don't mind the Chinese. They look to get value for their money and will not take being cheated.
  14. I'd rather we take in another 10,000 illegals than this parasite.
  15. Why would you be "proud" your uncle was eaten by cannibals? To me, that sounds humiliating.
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