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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. This article makes a nice accompanying piece for the news that visa fees are quadrupling for Westerners. Not Russians, of course.
  2. Pretty sure that the Chinese stimulus is for China, not Thailand. And I doubt the first thing on people's minds who have seen their property development company go bankrupt is a trip to Thailand.
  3. The other side of the coin, where apparently Americans adjusted and didn't throw out the newly arrived Thais. https://daily.jstor.org/thai-american-life-in-los-angeles/
  4. Apparently, nothing. I've seen no stories or claims that the Chinese vaccines caused dangerous side effects. If I'm wrong, I'd like to know.
  5. He'll be back. And when he does . . . beware! Because . . . He's making a list He's checking it twice He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice
  6. Reading the headline, I initially misread it as "Monkey Dispute," instead of "Money." Looking back, a monkey would have been better behaved.
  7. Why recycle a news story from four years ago?!?!?!? https://nationalpost.com/news/tripadvisor-places-warning-notice-on-thailand-resort-after-management-sues-guest-for-bad-review
  8. Many people are in such debt that it doesn't matter how much the government and banks tinker with things, they're never going to get out from under what they owe. Need something drastic like lopping off a zero or two from the amount each person owes.
  9. Remember where your UK tax dollars are going the next time you get skipped over for 90 day visa free entry to Thailand.
  10. I haven't seen anything either, but my wife says it's popular in her village. For myself, it seems to cool things down for at least an hour before the effect wears off.
  11. A Ukrainian and a stateless person. No Russians. Something tells me Boris and Natasha are getting a pass.
  12. Wonder if a lot of people piling on him will find themselves in Big Joke's database when all is said and done? They thought he was finished when forced out of Immigration, too.
  13. Take three or four cold showers when the days are hot. That helps a great deal, and it's what many Thais do to cope.
  14. Or it chooses them because of what it will do to them, and, again, the West, as you point out with your experience, does nothing. Western governments allow Thailand to insult, offend, and repudiate them and then crawl back and beg Thailand to accept more money from their industries.
  15. You've just identified the reason Srettha does do these things. There are no consequences from Western governments if he does. China wouldn't wait a day to slap Thailand around were it being constantly spat in its face, as Thailand does to the West. US ambassador is too busy posting his jogging pictures to squeak so much as a pip.
  16. Boeing is a shell of its former self. Utterly untrustworthy. Need Elon Musk to start manufacturing airliners.
  17. Personally, I know nothing. I see nothing. I hear nothing. Everything is fine. Just give me my extension without any changes. Yea police! Yea immigration! Yea authority!
  18. If you're going to melt down, might as well get your money's worth. Good job, Zhang Yanxin!
  19. Why give Thailand either jet? Their capabilities and tactical limitations and strengths will be passed directly to China. http://eng.mod.gov.cn/xb/News_213114/TopStories/16236106.html#:~:text=News Top Stories-,China-Thailand joint air exercise Falcon Strike,2023 kicks off in Thailand&text=BEIJING%2C July 10 -- The,Thailand on July 9%2C 2023.
  20. In retrospect, Prayuth did a pretty good job balancing Thailand's interest among the big powers. He would back away from China, at times, or delay. Srettha is just going whole hog Russia/China and damn everybody else.
  21. Should go to the pharmacy and buy some celebrex. Problem solved.
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