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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Can't provide a link because it's in the Bangkok Post update on the story. Next to last paragraph.
  2. Well, he must have his ways. He's 45 years old and on a retirement visa/extension. How did that happen, when the age requirement is 50?
  3. Thought there was a "crackdown" on this, especially as applied to property/house ownership about 8 years ago. Circling around, I guess.
  4. Went to Lotus today and was extra careful. Sure enough, cart jam on the water and drinks aisles. Just waited for it to clear, as I usually do. Managed to get out of the store without assaulting and putting someone into the hospital.
  5. When I send a message via FB Messenger and FB refuses to send and has the link put in red. It's monitoring private messages. I've had things blocked like links to books on Goodreads, in addition to Z books. Why are they poking into my private messages. LINE doesn't do that.
  6. Elon's X is dependable. Zuckerberg's FB is glitchy, plus they monitor your private messages in addition to your posts.
  7. Or, even, if it's crowded, just turn your cart around and go the other way and come around.
  8. Aisles in Tops and Foodland seem to be crowded like that. Not so much Lotus. I encounter a cart jam just about every time I go to these stores. I just stand there and wait for them to move. Not punching, shoving, or yelling. What was so important in this guy's life that he couldn't wait a few seconds or even a minute for the woman to move out of the way?
  9. FB is really an unpleasant, out of date platform, with censorship constantly looking over your shoulder. If an option, Twitter/X is much better. You can even talk to X's owner about problems, whereas you can't contact a human for customer service on FB at all.
  10. Sure looks like the sort of guy you want to hire to teach English, huh?
  11. I'm not going to disagree with someone's enjoyment of a movie or series. But I do think the talking is just too much in the latest version. And the guy playing Blackthorne doesn't actually talk as much as he grunts. I needed subtitles for when he was speaking English. BTW, I watched episode 3 today. Fell asleep about 14 minutes in. While watching Shogun, I've also been watching Masters of the Air. Forget the time of the setting of the stories, both Shogun and Masters feel and look exactly the same, with washed out colors, smoky and fuzzy establishing shots. I like the saturated color of the original. Not to mention that Clavell executive produced the original, so he must have felt comfortable with it.
  12. Another event from just a few years ago. The guy who kicked the Thai woman who accidentally walked off with his grocery cart.
  13. Tarred, feathered, and ridden out of town on a rail.
  14. In the video I saw, Urs' shadow falls in front of him and he appears to be storming up to the two women with plenty of momentum. Then, after the "GTF Outta Here," the woman on the right seems almost launched from the steps. He put some force behind the kick. He's a brute.
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