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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Better to contemplate the best and use them as a guide for future excellence. #1 FDR #2 Eisenhower #3 Wilson #4 TR #5 JFK
  2. The wheels have really come off since Anne got herself involved in this pageant mess. Too bad. JKN had a thriving and expanding little niche market for imported Asian TV series, while also doing some Thai exports. It was profitable, and they had some ancillary proposed studio deals that would have made money and expanded influence as well. All blown to hell because of a narcissistic infatuation with a beauty pageant.
  3. Easy to compare last year's weather with this year. https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/th/bangkok
  4. Last year, things remained relatively cool for quite a while. I remember going through the first week of April without much hot weather at all. Things warmed up soon thereafter, however, and May was pretty hot. But nothing I couldn't deal with. I agree, though, that the past few days have been sort of normal as to what I'd expect. Right now, at a little after 2pm, it's 34 and comfortable.
  5. Got through several 43 degree days in Bangkok last year with some misery but no problems. Figure I can make through a few at 44. Limit aircon to use at night only, if possible. Acclimatization helps.
  6. Combine the no notification under 50 baht rule with something like SCB's waiver for foreigners' losses on transfers and they can suck you dry and leave you nothing and you haven't any recourse.
  7. Cars need to exit off the expressways, and then what? Seven or eight years ago a new expressway opened leading to an exit that feeds into Borommaratchachonnani at Phutthamonthon Sai 2. What used to be a strait shot down Borom now clogs up pretty much 24/7. Place is a nightmare thanks to the new expressway.
  8. I found out last week that I am only notified through a text message of a banking transaction if it is 50 baht or more. Was told if I wanted to be notified of lesser amounts, then I need to pay extra.
  9. Knew it. All the people in other topics saying my worries about being forced to use phone apps for banking were unfounded, well, let's see what happens when you have your money disappear into one of these digital black holes.
  10. Did anyone else see this quote in the link to the original article? I couldn't find it. In fact the "source" looks rather different than the above OP.
  11. Where are all the people who wanted an international ban on the companies using coconut monkeys? Apparently, using a monkey to climb a tree and pick a coconut is torture, but this is okay?
  12. If that is the case, then nobody using Bangkok Bank will be able to get a 12 month statement, because BBK require a seven day notice. They do give you a receipt, signed and stamped, on the day you order the statement, but the statement itself will not be emailed to you for a couple of days at least.
  13. Often wondered if it would be a better idea with Bangkok Bank if people on the retirement extension got a six month bank statement six months after the extension and then could get another six month statement at any branch same day as the next extension. Work?
  14. All the Thai negotiators could see was big money for durians, pork, and timber being shipped to China (and the resulting increase in prices for Thai consumers of those same exports). It apparently never occurred to them that the other side (China) would use the trade agreement to pillage, ruin, and abuse the Thai economy just like they do everywhere else.
  15. Thank you, Singapore, for keeping this middle-aged hag hidden behind a quart of make-up out of Thailand.
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