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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Baggage claim is dangerous, too. Nothing is safe until you're in car and have cleared the monkey house. https://finance.yahoo.com/video/10-person-brawl-filmed-breaking-113451669.html
  2. ABC poll says the public blames Biden. I must admit, however, that I don't think Trump will do any more than he did in his first term, if elected. His only two pieces of legislation were tax breaks for billionaires and letting criminals out of jail early. Here is a pdf of the poll. https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2024-02/Topline ABC_Ipsos Poll Feb 10 2024 final PDF.pdf
  3. It is on the longer video, the one that runs for over 5 minutes.
  4. I thought they did. In the video, the captain came on the intercom and announced the plane was turning around to land because of the incident. At least I thought that's what I heard.
  5. Just to follow up. Today, I transferred the remainder of my tax fund--somewhat small than the sum mentioned above. It took 5 hours to go through. The only difference aside from the lesser amount is that I made the above transfer at 11:46am two days ago. Today, I made the transfer at 9:42am. I know that Bangkok Bank has an international desk for approving transfers that opens at either 10am or 10:30am, so maybe nothing goes through until then and somehow gets stacked up waiting to process.. Maybe they come in the office and also flip a switch for other low amount transfers. It's all magic. At least I got my money. Glad I didn't have to wait for the bank approval for paying up front for something like emergency heart surgery.
  6. Are you kidding? In the US, they need to institute an IQ requirement just to enter the airline terminals. Have you seen all the brawls that happen in US airports?
  7. Before being allowed to board any commercial aircraft, all would be passengers should be required to submit a registered IQ identification card. No boarding for anyone with less than a 100 IQ. That will stop just about 95 percent of these type incidents.
  8. How did she get into Laos with only $7? Used to be $5 cash but I think it's now $15.
  9. visa free apparently also means import free for Chinese
  10. A London startup with offices in Bangkok and Vilnius. Sounds like just the sort of outfit to let access your bank accounts.
  11. Looking at the prevailing winds this is what is blowing down into western Bangkok for the past three or four days. The entire Bangkok region to the north, west, and south is solid red for AQI (unhealthy). A line of fires running along the entire western border area. I don't think that's rice burning.
  12. American series from 1960 with Rod Taylor, Hong Kong. Entire series available at the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/hong-kong-
  13. Don't know that one either. It sounds really very interesting.
  14. What I find odd about Hindu India is that it doesn't seem to have the same dislike for the Moguls that it has for the British. Or does it? Anyway, I would think that a horde of invaders in vastly more numerous numbers who came into your country and forced you to convert to their religion would seem at least as harsh as one that sort of voluntarily went away.
  15. Back in 1988, I wrote a brief letter of complaint to Lufthansa, because the flight from Bremen to London, which I often took, was almost always 90 minutes to 2 hours late. In return, I received a six page reply from Lufthansa, detailing flight plans, flight corridors, rules, airport slotting, and more. Single spaced.
  16. He's 46 years old. He probably still has some testosterone left.
  17. Never spark fury. As I was reading this I could only wonder at how many laughing emojis I would find at the bottom of the article.
  18. Blue Cult vs. Red Cult. Vote for RFKjr instead.
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