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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. From what I can tell, for peons like me, there isn't going to be much impact, if any. But the guys and gals with income levels that meet, for example, the Long Term Visa or Elite Visa, those people are going to get taken to the cleaners.
  2. JKN tried to export them. JKN is bankrupt now. Otherwise, I think they intend to keep bringing low cost productions to Thailand, where the producers can avoid the expensive costs in places like Hollywood where you must enforce union guidelines on fire, water, and electricity usage on set. In Thailand you can cut corners and make cheap movies that will generate a profit.
  3. Thai silk was once world renowned. But it took an American to do it. And he is long, long gone. Sort of like the Thai silk industry.
  4. The Thai navy is going to need Chinese "technicians" to be based in Thailand along with the submarine. They wouldn't be needed for a business as usual frigate. That's why the subs stay and the frigate is forgotten.
  5. Waiting now to see the blue ringed octopus story to make its way to Chinese social media.
  6. Knew it was the "I swear to God I thought turkeys could fly" episode before I even scrolled down to the youtube link.
  7. The Avengers was my favorite of the British imports back when it first hit American TV. But looking back, it's my least favorite now, although still okay in small doses. Danger Man and The Saint were/are far better, IMO. Danger Man is simply exceptional TV. Patrick McGoohan was far, far ahead of his time, as an actor and producer/creator.
  8. Liked 12 O'Clock a lot less when Robert Lansing had to quit and was replaced by Paul Burke.
  9. In Bangkok it looks like winter consisted of those four or five days in mid November where the night temperature dropped to 22ish or 23ish. That's it.
  10. BTW, best and most memorable Rod Taylor performance for me is Dark of the Sun. Curry (Taylor) to Henlein: "Put your swastika back on. You've earned it."
  11. Rod Taylor always had an aura of danger around him. He went from Hong Kong directly to The Time Machine and then a couple of years later, The Birds. BTW, the entire one year series of Hong Kong is available on the Internet Archive.
  12. You found a real, actual SCB ATM? Wow! There used to be four of them within a couple of km of my house. Now, they're all gone. Last week I went to Lotus on Phutthamonthon Sai 5 and walked over to where the SCB ATM usually was outside their bank branch. Both branch and ATMs gone.
  13. Soooo, here in Bangkok it looks like those four or five days back in the middle of November where the temp dipped down to 22 or 23 were it for "winter."
  14. I did find interesting Tim Newton's otherwise totally unrelated "recommendation" of a hospital at 6:11.
  15. The "Big Fish" the article says Thai IRS is after would probably be people on Thai Elite and the Long Term Visa?
  16. He's going to eat up the small individually owned shops, and if any owners refuse to play ball, then what?
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