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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Fine. Then maybe those faltering Western economies should apply reciprocal tariffs on Thai good going to the West until Thailand no longer has a trade surplus. Then, it can enjoy a trade deficit, just like it does with China.
  2. While the Chinese delegation to Thailand was being invited to meet the new PM, the American ambassador was tweeting pictures of the last place he went jogging.
  3. Don't worry. PTP and Srettha are going to be taking care of monopolies.
  4. Prawit and Prayuth perhaps distancing themselves from what they see as a fiasco on the horizon?
  5. Check inventory, maintain their area, watch over the shop, be alert to customers when they walk in.
  6. I don't know the United States would choose Thailand over Philippines for anything. Filipinos have widescale use of English, familiarity with the US, a large number living in the US, and the overt tilt of the Philippines from China to the US.
  7. The 13.5 billion baht spent on submarines could instead help subsidize electricity costs. How about it PTP?
  8. Beginning to look like it perhaps. They're not even throwing out crumbs for their base.
  9. Chinese real estate is in huge trouble, and Xi doesn't want people going in and out of the country the way they used to. Visa rules will not impact this. Don't know about India or Indians and their economic issues, but personally I prefer Chinese over Indians. Neither one, however, impacts my life where I live on the edge of Bangkok. Essentially, I don't care who comes here or who doesn't.
  10. At this point, the two uncles parties are more popular than PTP. Quite an achievement for a newly elected PM and his party.
  11. The point of the article is that Srettha and his government will be asked to make a decision, among their very first acts, regarding this issue. Should he or the people pulling his strings, now, elect to do an FB ban, you'll have large scale unrest. And PTP's popularity will plummet down past the 10 percent I believe I saw in yesterday's news. As for what Srettha says or has said, that's already a matter of laughter. The man is reversing himself on one thing after another that he and his party promised in the campaign. Frankly, I've never seen a politician or party completely turn around like this guy and PTP. Their word, whatever it is, has become worthless.
  12. Amazing to see a man utterly routed even before his first day in office.
  13. Because it's in the OP. Or do you think Srettha has nothing to do with this "new government?" "A new government is expected to be sworn in sometime in mid- September. One of the first challenges facing the newly installed communications minister is a crisis over the future of Facebook in Thailand."
  14. I see. That makes sense. Still seems that the retirement extension is simply easier to deal with. As long as they don't make changes.
  15. So Srettha's first act will be to ban Facebook? Ought to make him even more popular.
  16. It doesn't matter where you stand, when the taxi on a two lane road takes the outer lane and never looks along the inner lane where you're standing. Why are they in such a hurry to avoid getting a fare?
  17. Are the visits for the marriage extensions carried out during the 30 day period while your application is under consideration? Or can/do they visit you anytime throughout the year?
  18. Then what if both husband and wife are out of the country for an extended period? This is beginning to look to me like a marriage extension locks you down in one place.
  19. I thought about this. But what if your wife happens to do work that requires her to be out of the country frequently? Do marriage extensions require you to be prepared for visits on a day's/week's or whatever notice?
  20. Now that I see what's replacing him, I wish Prayuth was sticking around longer.
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