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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. That does sound as if the people this tax revision most likely hurts are the "quality retirees" Thailand claimed it wanted so much. Elite and LTR sound like they could be put on the rack for this. The small end guys not so much--just the new people bringing in their 800K for retirement extensions who it seems will have that taxed. And then they'll need to top off what was taxed to get back to the 800K. But then the top off will be taxed too. It's like going into a store in the USA where you need to calculate the sales tax before you buy an item and make sure you have enough money.
  2. CNN reported that one of those killed was a Chinese citizen. I can see the travel bookings from china being cancelled already.
  3. Looks like a game show host. This ought to inspire investor confidence.
  4. Side with China but ask for US firms to come to Thailand? This does not compute.
  5. And they can always come back and get the low end guys by ramping up the 800K in the bank to 1.2 or more and then taxing that when you bring it in.
  6. What I'm gathering from this is that, for the US at least, the small guys getting only social security and maybe an annuity will not have much, if any, of a problem. It's the big spenders at the high end that are going to be put on the rack. Weren't those people the high quality Thailand claimed it was wanting most of all. Did this place just turn into one giant roach motel for the wealthy?
  7. Essentially, the Immigration Act of 1924 did so, drastically curtailing all immigration into the US. during the intervening 60 years. During this time, the US achieved a cohesive culture and became the wealthiest country on the planet, a situation that has since reversed into an open border, mountainous debt, and global entanglements in far off wars, each of which was lost one after the other.
  8. I was hoping we wouldn't need this topic this year. Alas, it appears some flooding is on its way.
  9. Can't imagine Foodland or Gourmet Market ever letting dogs even get near their entrances. Foodland always tries to be on top of things and is my number one choice. GM comes in second. The FL is just 3.5km away and the GM is a little over 1km away. Were the distances reversed, I would never go to GM.
  10. That's what the Lotus hypermarket I go to does. It takes frozen meat and puts it in metal pans on the aisle open to the air. At least the nearest Lotus Go Fresh has a glass lid over their's. Can say that Foodland apparently does much better. Meat is always behind a glass covered counter and when I buy chicken they usually open up a sealed package before they bag it.
  11. Yeah, I want to see the stroller or bag that holds a pitbull back. Reminds me of someone I knew over in Thonglor who took his St. Bernards into a pet store and asked for plastic dog carriers.
  12. Haven't been there in a while, but I remember K-Village being open air.
  13. So, they can walk around and lift their legs in the bakeries, restaurants, and food courts?
  14. A 14 party coalition in which how many members are going to be gouged by his tax policy? Man is incompetent.
  15. My Lotus has the chicken and other meat uncovered, laying out where you pick it up with tongs to put in a plastic bag. I'm not going to buy something that may have been licked, bit, chewed, or slobbered on by some stinky hound.
  16. Would not be surprised at all. The guy is jumping heels first on everybody's toes in a country where most people wear flip flops.
  17. Wonder if they're going to interview this guy: https://aseannow.com/topic/1307677-witch-hunt-against-big-joke-persists-police-probe-rental-properties-linked-to-top-cop/
  18. Cambodia is a one party dictatorship mostly under Chinese control where its people don't even have the right to hold property or residence in Chinese "territory." Is that where Thailand is going?
  19. So all those of us from the US need to do is submit our IRS filings (which includes our social security numbers, financial status, home address, phone numbers, and bank accounts) to the Thai tax department and where it goes and how it's used, who knows??? No chance of it being passed along to people working illegally in the US for identity theft. Nope, not at all.
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