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Posts posted by garbolino

  1. On 9/23/2017 at 12:31 PM, Coconut Kidd said:

    Thanks and I should have mentioned it in the OP; I tried that, however there were no restore points. Win update was shut of from the shop I purchased it at and no other significant changes were made to warrant a restore point being made.

    remove programmes which are rarely used to create HD space....

  2. 14 minutes ago, johng said:

    The reason the boats and tractors are back on the road again is due to bad government policy in the first place...the boats where evicted from a perfectly suitable launch at Bali Hai pier...to make way for a navy shindig this November.

    i know but was not moved for the BIG navy show....were moved "to tidy the bali hai area up" i seem to recall and they also talked about making another market there , which, I think has been dropped..

  3. On 9/23/2017 at 8:01 AM, Thanyaburi Mac said:

    However, a small bottle is now 320ml rather than the earlier on 330ml, and just a few years ago for Singha, 350ml.



    small bottles have been 320 ml for ages.....and large bottles have had less liquid in them for ages too.....another money making scam !!!

  4. On 9/23/2017 at 2:17 PM, Curmudgeon1 said:

    Talk about being proactive. In jomtein beach 30+ large boats a day are being run around unsecured into the traffic. They bounce off the trailers while being dragged by unroadworthy tractors driven by unlicensed idiots. 

    First time an immediate stop occurs and the boat will jump and crush anything adjacent.... likely unknowing tourists. 

    An obvious unsafe creation occurring every day. I fear the inevitable is due. 

    this has been going on for months and months....NO NUMBER PLATES or lights OR TAX DISC  on Tractors....NO NUMBER PLATES OR LIGHTS ON TRAILORS.....BOATS UNSECURED ON TRAILORS......and what do the POLICE DO ....NOTHING

  5. On 9/16/2017 at 6:15 AM, bartender100 said:

    Most of us that have lived here have gone though this at some point, tough on the ones that buy, renters have a choice. If its only temporary your lucky, some projects go on for many months   

    yes look at the TUNNEL.....and Siam Country Club Road....it is still impassable

  6. 18 hours ago, johng said:

    A feeble excuse, if there was (there isnt) a dedicated lane for motorcycles (presumably they mean the far left lane) on normal roads then why arent pickup trucks and

    speeding minivans fined for using it ?

    and even worse using it as a high speed "undertaking" lane.


    undertaking is suppose to be illegal..........but who takes any notice of this law ???

  7. 14 hours ago, Thechook said:

    Most armies act on instructions of governments but not in Thailand.  In Thailand the military doesn't take directions from the government it does as it pleases and answers to nobody and if the government doesn't do as its told the army will turn on them and eat them.  The country is currently under military rule not civilian.

    Did you NOT read a few days ago the Prime Minister say "I DO WHAT I WANT"  ???

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