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Posts posted by Jen65

  1. Foreign exchange transaction document was scrapped about 5 or 6 years ago .  I got one with my first property purchase here about 10 years ago but recently when I asked for one for a new property purchase and showed the form - the bank said it was no available and had been done away with !  So just keep a record of of the transaction .

    Also , why don't you set up two accounts - a savings account in Thai baht and a sterling deposit account .   You can transfer all the sterling to the foreign currency deposit account and then take out the amounts you need / change into Thai baht at the current TT rate and put into your savings account .   This way you can just draw what you need and have the opportunity to benefit from the exchange rate when it suits you .    

    • Haha 1
  2. 5 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

    No bilge blower?

    yeah! exactly !  Most Thai public / passenger boats have zero safety .   I don't think they have ever heard of bilge blowers fitted on a delayed engine start relay or flammable gas detectors .   Most have no clue about marine safety and as for Marine safety Inspections - a bit of a joke ( money for the boys )   .   Just waiting for the next major accident when there are passengers onboard !

    • Like 2
  3. I just tried to register on the Mohprompt App , put the ID number in and my telephone number but a message pops up in Thai that my telephone number not recognized !

    OK - so I had my vaccinations done at a private hospital - Medpark - and the gave me the correct vaccination certificate with ID and QR code .

    I used the QR to access the MOPH site and received my Certificate of Vaccination from their website to my phone !!  so my telephone number must be registered with MOPH ????   so why can't I now register to get the digital health pass ???  beats me !!!  

  4. On 9/7/2021 at 6:57 AM, misterphil said:

    Urinals. You just gotta have urinals when you build your own house. 

    And what about a seat in the shower and a shelf for the Mrs 20 different types of soaps that all do the same thing? Clean lol88E0FD42-909C-476D-AE1D-AC576F7A6AD1.jpeg.918de749400c9abdc3a2397e2968600a.jpeg



    all good except no shower screen so water water everywhere - nothing worse than paddling in water from the shower when only going to the loo !!  

  5. 9 hours ago, Crossy said:


    We have all teak doors and windows with mai-daeng (Burmese ironwood) frames, only one door moves significantly with the weather and that one takes full sun and rain at times.


    That said, none of it was cheap, Madam doesn't do cheap ???? 

    termites still eat teak !!   The house I renovated had wooden hardwood internal door frames and doors but the termites had got in to the frames - how I will never know as they would have had to get through concrete to get in the frames !   ALL now UPVC or aluminium or stainless .  There are a few timbers that Termites don't like - not sure about Burmese Ironwood ??  

  6. 36 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

    Tempted? Yes, still. But not like 10 or 15 years before. Things have changed here. People less friendly, too much Chinese with their stinking tour busses, beaches and air polluted. 

    But I'm still grateful. I had a very good time in Thailand, maybe the best of my life. Never problems with visa, no bad experiences with the folks here.

    If I'd look for a place to stay now, Thailand would not be my choice. If my son was a bit older I would think about moving to the southern part of France.

    I just left the land of high taxes - France !    It now costs you best part of 1000euro for the mandatory house inspections BEFORE you can list your property !!!   Electric , fuel (especially on motorways) , vehicles , eating out , land and house taxes _____ list goes on --- astronomically expensive !    Things may have gone up a bit here but if you are prepared to live , buy and eat the Thai way then you are by far and long quids in !  

    • Like 1
  7. On 9/9/2021 at 6:10 PM, cormanr7 said:

    Indeed, for instance, the Netherlands does not recognize the Siam Bioscience produced AZ vaccine as it has not (yet?) been registered at/approved by the EMA. Officially this applies to all EU countries but in the end they can decide to overrule this.

    If you got an approved AZ vaccine outside the EU, for instance one produced in South Korea (SK-...... code) and a vaccine passport with the details, after arrival you can call a number in Utrecht, make an appointment. For this you have to be a Dutch national of live in The Netherlands. Then need to go there and they will enter you in the CoronaCheck app (a digital certificate with a QR code, part of the EU DCC set-up) than can be used both domestically and other EU countries (in Dutch: https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/coronavirus-covid-19/coronabewijs/ vaccinatiebewijs/gevaccineerd-in-het-buitenland). I assume other countries have something similar.

    If you have a non-valid vaccine passport/certificate (e.g. With Thai AZ shots)  you can still travel back to Europe (at the very least to your 'home' country) subject to pre-flights test, possible quarantine on arrival (home quarantine for 10 days in the Netherlands) etc. but you may not be able to enter various venues and travel to other countries may be difficult. A list of the officially approved vaccines is shown at  https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/coronavirus-covid-19/nederland-inreizen/eisen-vaccinatiebewijs-voor-reizigers-naar-nederland. Should be an English version somewhere. Interestingly, unlike AZ produced in Thailand, Malaysia and some other places, Sinovac and Sinopharm seem OK. 

    Morale: check very carefully what rules are applicable for your destination country and if they have an Embassy/consulate in Thailand call them. 

    looks like a travellers minefield !!

  8. 6 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

    Will older men want to come and settle in Thailand? Hmmm, tough one, you mean the Thailand that comes with a sex-guarantee for older men? Hmmm, it's a tricky one, let me think, sunshine, cheap accommodation, easiest retirement visa in the world, vibrant culture, top 5 cuisines in the world, beaches, exciting cities, and oh yes, easy, slim, stupid women who give a sex-guarantee for older men. Really hard question.


    Of course older men will come to settle in Thailand. Obviously not super rich, but those with a bit of cash who want live in the sun, have adventures, have sex, eat good food,will come. They've been coming for 40 years plus.


    The thing is look at the alternatives:


    1. France - ice cold in winter, women even colder, expensive.


    2. Spain - like all of Europe dying cities, overrun by Africans, Romanians, extremely high crime in the cities, clammy winters


    3. Italy - see Spain


    4. USA - Too many crazies who will kill you, crumbling infrastructure, homeless everywhere, insane immigration requirements


    5. Caribbean - Too far away, too expensive.


    6. China - Too many Chinese


    7. Phillippines - Terrible internet, crime, homeless everywhere


    8. Vietnam - Too Chinese, too Communist, no visa options


    9. Malaysia - Visa option too expensive, too many Arabs and Africans, too Muslim


    10.  Indonesia - Terrible internet, crime, visa difficult


    11. All of south America = insane crime rates.


    Yes, all the complaints, tough residency requirements, expensive luxury tax, idiot driving, lack of ownership rights, that's all true, but these are small annoyances one can put up with.


    Thailand is the only sensible choice really. Even Uruguay has a killer crime issue now, Panama is in the middle of nowhere.


    Thailand is hands down, one of the most, if not the most, attractive options for expats.

    Panama is actually a very sensible option .

  9. 11 hours ago, George masaoka said:


    So the Thai yellow book if filled out correctly is recognized by WHO as an official record and should be acceptable for international travel.

    Thanks much for information . It sounds reasonable and I'll go with that. I will also bring my Thai certificate of 2 injections and Thai app.


    The International Certificate of Vaccination ( Form of Certificate prescribed by the International Health Regulations , and coloured Yellow was brought in mainly to record the only disease (at that time) for which mandatory proof of vaccination for entry to a State party is required ie Yellow Fever .   However they included space for persons to record other vaccinations and as long as that is done as prescribed then the document is accepted .   ALL seafarers had to have this during my time at sea .  Also , as stated elsewhere on this topic , if one can have a recognized document listing ALL ones vaccinations it does compress everything into one small booklet which is easily included in your passport rather that than having endless bits of paper . Much easier to check on ones status and due dates etc .    

  10. 10 hours ago, BKKBike09 said:

    Good to know that they were happy to endorse your existing international certificate - but doesn't the way they've completed it make it appear that you've only had one shot (because it only lists one date)?

    yes, I had thought about that so I will just attach the Hospital Certificate which does actually show both dates .  Main thing for me was to try and get all my vaccinations on one approved document rather than having many bits of paper which are easily lost .

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