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Posts posted by Jen65

  1. 4 hours ago, transam said:

    Is it a 4x4.....?

    My 2007 Vigo auto was a 4x4, the only Vigo that could be bought with an auto at the time.


    In gear and stationary, the internal parts of the converter are not doing much at that low idle rpm, the converter casing is continuously driving the box oil pump, which it will do in or out of gear. I have only ever put an auto into "N" if I want to take my foot off the brake and use the handbrake, perhaps a long traffic stop.


    My personal thought is that continuously knocking in and out of gear puts unnecessary stress on the drive train, perhaps over a period of time it will show in the mechanicals. 


    Your ride has a split drive shaft, it has a bearing in a rubber lined mounting, check it out, check the fixings, it maybe worth checking that the torque converter/flexplate (flywheel) fasteners are tight.

    The other thought is the lock-up part of the converter, but I have had no dealings with those to comment.

    I can't see how your garage can give you a job price unless he knows what the problem is..Unless he gets a box from a right-off, or he has a recondition-er contact...


    many thanks for the info .  I did also have a 6.6ltr Pontiac Transam when I lived in Canada !!! some motor !!

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  2. Just now, transam said:

    Are you getting this noise when you start/stop when the ride is in gear or when you knock it out of drive or put into drive..?


    Has your habit been to put it into neutral every time you stop in traffic...?

    The "clunk "  happens when in drive sometimes stopping ,sometimes starting off .   I have been inclined to knock it out of drive in neutral when stopped for more than a minute or so -  is this bad for transmission ?? as I would have thought it was better for the transmission rather than have it trying to drive the car forward with the brake on ??   

  3. 10 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    I would have plumped for a U/J but if you've checked them it sounds like drag on the clutches (yes, autos have them). First port of call for most auto problems is to change the gearbox oil & filter. Also check the idle speed isn't too high.


    By the way, when checking a U/J, do it on a flatbed ramp (wheels on the deck) with someone in the car selecting reverse & forward gears  - handbrake firmly on of course. You can't always see any movement unless the joints under load.

    thanks for that - will do that before plumping for what could be very expensive and unnecessary repairs 

  4. 4 minutes ago, seedy said:

    And how do you know it is in the tranny ?

    the mechanic put it on the lift and we checked the propshaft / diff for movement and we also checked the engine mounts - nothing there .    I do have the workshop manual and do have a fair bit of engineering /mechanical knowledge and that's why I wanted to check  under with the mechanic because I don't take their word as gospel !!! 

  5. I have a Toyota Vigo D4D in great condition but the transmission is giving me a "clunk" when I stop or start off so there seems to be movement in A/T box which is getting slowly worse . I have 200,000km on the clock and this is genuine because cars history was on Toyota's records when bought , although I tend not to use them now .

    My mechanic , who is really only a basic mechanic , quote 30,000 baht for parts and 3000 baht for labour but I can't understand how a figure can be given until the box is opened up to see where the problem is .   Even then I am wary of of having a basic mechanic undertake the job as A/T boxes are really a specialized trade and best "repaired " by obtaining a service exchange unit - one that has been professionally rebuilt and guaranteed .

    Does anyone have any knowledge of aa) where a service exchange box might be obtained / fitted  bb) a specialist/dedicated  A/T repair shop to undertake the job  ???


  6. 8 hours ago, keith101 said:

    No new look with people still queuing for food handouts so the question needs to be asked WHERE is all the reported money going and into WHOS pockets , certainly not the people 

    They have to keep filling all those brown uniforms and pumping out more gold braid and medals - someone has to pay for all those gold plated salaries and pensions and of course have to keep "their own happy" .  Send the ordinary Thai back to work in the fields so we can boost our exports to pay for our lifestyle ! 

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  7. " got caught in flood waters and overturned "  !!!! the mind boggles ???  Tugs, boats, ships are all supposed to float with positive stability under normal circumstances and have proven stability data !!    Seems like these tugs have non of the aforementioned and were probably constructed in some ones backyard !!   I don't see any Classification marks on these tugs/river boats thus no set standards .   Lack of standards, training and seamanship - what does one expect ?   

  8. 1 minute ago, Jen65 said:

    Changes in Reporting Requirements of Foreign Exchange Transactions (2004)

    In order to reduce the paperwork required for foreign exchange transactions (buying, selling, depositing, withdrawing foreign currencies) between financial institutions and their non-interbank customers, the Bank of Thailand has consolidated and simplified all relevant Notices into a new Notice of the Competent Officer effective from April 1, 2004 Changes are summarized as follows:

    1. Revoke all Notices of the Competent Officer and related circulars by issuing a new Notice for easy reference.
    2. All types of transactions are to be reported in a single foreign exchange transactions forms replacing Thor.Tor 3, Thor.Tor 4, and Thor.Tor 5.
    3. Foreign exchange transactions amounting to an equivalent of USD 20,000 or over have to be reported in the Foreign Exchange Transaction Form.
    4. SWIFT documents that have all the information according to the Foreign Exchange Transaction Form can be used as the Foreign Exchange Transaction Form in order to facilitate nonresident customers.
    5. Exporters and importers are no longer required to submit Thor.Tor 1 and Thor.Tor. 2 as the information are already reported in the Custom Declaration Form.
    6. Foreign exchange transactions of exporters and importers arising from trade amounting to an equivalent of USD 20,000 or over have to be reported.
    7. Financial institutions will submit report on foreign exchange transactions and data to the Bank of Thailand in electronic forms instead of paper form.
    8. Reduce paperwork on foreign exchange transactions of government and government agencies.

    Source: Bank of Thailand

    so , as it says , if you do a SWIFT bank transfer , that is accepted as equivalent to the FET


  9. 21 hours ago, skorts said:

    GPS Legal also confirm the FET form is required (Jan 2021) if you are not a permanent resident or are not validly working for a BOI company, you may have to transfer locally parked funds out of Thailand and back in again to receive a Foreign Exchange Transaction (FET) letter from the bank.



    I wouldn’t rely on what a bank says but take the advice of a Thai property lawyer. 

    it seems the FET is still in existence and required. 

    I was told by my lawyer without this FET form I may have problems trying to get the money out of Thailand if I sold my condo and wanted to repatriate my funds. 

    I have FET forms so not a problem for me. 

    Changes in Reporting Requirements of Foreign Exchange Transactions (2004)

    In order to reduce the paperwork required for foreign exchange transactions (buying, selling, depositing, withdrawing foreign currencies) between financial institutions and their non-interbank customers, the Bank of Thailand has consolidated and simplified all relevant Notices into a new Notice of the Competent Officer effective from April 1, 2004 Changes are summarized as follows:

    1. Revoke all Notices of the Competent Officer and related circulars by issuing a new Notice for easy reference.
    2. All types of transactions are to be reported in a single foreign exchange transactions forms replacing Thor.Tor 3, Thor.Tor 4, and Thor.Tor 5.
    3. Foreign exchange transactions amounting to an equivalent of USD 20,000 or over have to be reported in the Foreign Exchange Transaction Form.
    4. SWIFT documents that have all the information according to the Foreign Exchange Transaction Form can be used as the Foreign Exchange Transaction Form in order to facilitate nonresident customers.
    5. Exporters and importers are no longer required to submit Thor.Tor 1 and Thor.Tor. 2 as the information are already reported in the Custom Declaration Form.
    6. Foreign exchange transactions of exporters and importers arising from trade amounting to an equivalent of USD 20,000 or over have to be reported.
    7. Financial institutions will submit report on foreign exchange transactions and data to the Bank of Thailand in electronic forms instead of paper form.
    8. Reduce paperwork on foreign exchange transactions of government and government agencies.

    Source: Bank of Thailand

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