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Posts posted by Jen65

  1. 16 hours ago, Blumpie said:

    Of course!  And as I pointed out earlier, to retire in Canada is just about the most stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life.  Everyone here - EVERYONE  - does not want to be here in the winter.  No matter where you are it is nothing short of horrible.  


    yes , I know only too well having worked and lived in New Brunswick for 5 years !!  

  2. 22 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

    BS. There are more Brits as residents in France than in Thailand. Even they have to learn driving on the right side and to learn to Deal with a Tow Truck.????

    there may still be lots of Brits as residents in France but I guess you are out of touch with how many want to leave after Brexit ! Talk to any property agency and they have loads of British owned properties the owners of which want to leave asap !!  Also can't understand what you are on about re driving on the left or right ???  What has that got to do with anything about having an accident , getting one's car towed away and being left abandoned by the Police ,at night in the middle of nowhere ??   

  3. On 10/25/2021 at 4:10 PM, TigerandDog said:
    Who is considered a resident of Thailand?
    “Resident” means any person residing in Thailand for a period or periods aggregating more than 180 days in any tax (calendar) year. A resident of Thailand is liable to pay tax on income from sources in Thailand as well as on the portion of income from foreign sources that is brought into Thailand
    While the topic makes no mention of "resident for tax purposes" it is worth noting that The Thailand Revenue Office applies the aforementioned in determining whether a foreigner is a resident or a non-resident. Therefore one could consider, if Thai logic actually existed as we know logic to exist, that any foreigner residing in Thailand for an aggregate of 180 days or more in any given calendar year to be a resident.

    and to prove that you can get a tax ID number - just approach the tax office ! 

    • Confused 1
  4. 6 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

    So it's a terrible country because YOU got problems with Police?

    Oh snapper, this might not depends on French people I reckon.

    Not the only one who considers the French Police to be inconsiderate and a pile of dicks !   I had a car accident late at night travelling from the ferry to my house . Car was severely damaged by a stray animal that shot in front on a country road .  Police came , statement etc all done - they called for a tow truck to take the car away and when it arrived gave me the address of the garage .The truck left and so did the Police - left me stranded at midnight on a country road in the middle of nowhere !!   Luckily I was able to flag a passing car to get a lift to next village .   France and the Police !!  mmmmmm very LOW opinion 

  5. Must be joking !!! France !!!  I just left there and couldn't get out fast enough - the land of high taxes / high cost of living .   Incredibly expensive to go out to eat .    It's cold and wet in the North .   When I first moved there 24 years ago it was fine but latterly if I went out for a good time to a club or even at the train station there were , how should we say "immigrants " trying to sell you drugs !  Totally out of control .

    France has BIG immigrant problems which are not going away .

    I had some choices on where to retire -  Thailand , Panama , Costa Rica , Philippines , Vietnam , Portugal .    Quite happy here so far .

    The main worry now is whether Thailand will return to being a "democratic " country to live in  AND the immigration system does not adopt more negative rules and regulations to those who retire here .    


  6. Update on the vibrations and the " clunk " in the drive/transmission on my Vigo.

    As it was suggested that most of the problems come from worn U/Js or centre bearing on the prop shaft I decided that bearing in mind the age/mileage it was a good idea to renew all ( all new parts received )

    However , again today I was under the vehicle with the mechanic and he had a bar to lever the front engine mounts and sure enough the right side mount rubber had perished and was causing the engine to kick to one side !!!    So finally we have the real cause of the problem and new engine mounts are on order - all three (2 front and one under the transmission ) .  We will change the transmission and transfer box oils and do an all round lubrication service .    After all these new parts the drive/transmission should be A1   ( fingers crossed )

    Oh , and the engine was leaking oil from a badly fitted rocker gasket cover so that is also on order !!     


    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, rughead said:

    i think all retirees, O visa , marriage visa , etc etc , should have adequate medical insurance cover , too long the O-A visa has been propping up retirees who think everyone owes them a living . They expect the thai government system for free.

    Exactly !!  any overhaul of the Immigration system (as it is supposed to be in the process of ) needs to sort it .   They need a system whereby anyone who spends 180 days or more here is considered a resident and ALL in that category have the same medical insurance requirements - sorted !!   The rest are just tourists 

  8. 3 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

    sadly not correct Jens, I was told by one of the CW supervisors to consider changing to a non-o next year as this change was about to be made. I was doing an extension.


    I do agree with you on the non-o, its does not make sense (if I were a gov official) having two different ext of stay fro retirement processes,

    mmmm If I go out I may consider to change to an O-X visa but have to check on the insurance requirements for that - probably same ?


  9. 21 hours ago, KannikaP said:

    Mine was in a Foreign Currency Account, which is NOT readily accessible at weekends as would a Fixed Term account as you would have to go into the main bank to withdraw from it. But it was accepted by my IO as the balance was over 800k on that day.

    Mine also in Foreign Currency deposit account and always accepted . I would also mention there are 2 types of foreign currency accounts (at least with Bangkok Bank) , one is fixed term interest bearing but very small interest and the other non interest bearing account . The important difference is that of being able to access ones money or even part of that money in an emergency ie medical reasons or other . Fixed term you are stuck !! I shall take my Thai Baht savings account book with me next time in case I get asked what do I live on !!  Good info 

    • Like 2
  10. 12 hours ago, transam said:

    You will laugh.....Mrs.Trans drove the Vigo to here mums, about 80km, when she came back she said the truck was making a horrible noise. Hmmmm, jumps in the ride to see what it was, yep, horrible noise coming from under the truck, sounded like a serious drive shaft prob.


    Anyhooo, drove it to my "friends" at B-Quik, got it up on the lift to check everything underneath, they said it all looks OK, so I get under the thing to search, there must be a problem.


    After a lot of pulling and pushing I noticed a shiny bit on the split prop, at the floor mounting, on closer inspection looking up there was what looked like an alloy heat shield, it had a nick out of it, looked at the prop, yep, somehow she had driven over something that had come up and hit this shield bending it towards the prop, from then on every time the prop turned it hit the shield, so when driving there was this continuous clattering.


    I pointed it out to the fitters with a smile, bent it back to where it should have been, job done and the dollar signs that were revolving in front of my eyes disappeared...????

    What a coincidence - propshaft issues - touche !    Checking my centre bearing it is also an original Toyota/Lexus part so all the parts I received are original - good.     Even my workshop manual advises to be careful removing the shafts and not cause any "burs" from mishandling otherwise balance will be affected !   If, after replacing these parts there is still a problem, I suspect the diff may be the issue and it was the previous mechanic who replaced the shaft entry/bearing so I'm wondering if that was done correctly .    Just wait and see .  

  11. 13 hours ago, transam said:

    Aaaaah, my split drive shaft bearing mount suggestion....????

    Drive shafts are balanced at factory, yes, they weld on a bit of metal to do that. 

    The Vigo has grease nipples on all UJ's, it is a service item that they should be pressure greased.

    Fingers crossed.

    yes thanks for that .I have ordered the right NGLI 2 lithium based grease for the couplings . I will change the A/T fluid and the transfer box oil same time .   Workshop manual quite comprehensive - advises to tap the yokes with a hammer to ensure snap rings are seated properly and yokes turn smoothly.

  12. Glad to say after all the useful informative replies here , I now have a new mechanic who went for a drive and agreed with me regarding the "clunk" noise stopping / starting off and we went back to the garage to investigate under !   Problem appears to be  the U/Js and centre bearing ( the rubber in centre bearing worn ) .   So I just ordered 5 new U/J's and a new centre bearing (all good quality / the U/J's original Toyota ) so will change ALL U/J's front and rear drive shafts and the centre bearing . At least the mechanic knows about marking the couplings so it all goes back together same alignment .Should be a metal patch welded on the shaft somewhere when it was originally balanced .  Lets see how things are after this job done .  

    • Thanks 1
  13. 22 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    What parts were listed on the quote from your mechanic? 


    If he quoted 30K for parts and 3K for labor, he may know exactly what the issue is and it may have nothing to do with the A/T. 


    If I owned a 4wd pickup with 200K on it and the A/T was truly going out I would sell it and buy something else, unless I could get a good junkyard replacement.


    A a note, even if nothing is wrong with the A/T, I would take it to one of the shops that have the units that "re-refines" the fluid,  have that done and then change the fluid & filter a month later. 

    No parts listed or mentioned from mechanic - I think it came out of the top of his head - only said "big job"  and didn't even bother to visibly check under the vehicle ! I did the initial check on my own - just paid a guy to put vehicle on the lift for 15mins .   It was the mechanic recommended that came up with a ball park figure out of the blue and the reason why I don't put my faith in what many tell you - thus the request for any advice here .  Advice / knowledge is free and can be researched free on the internet such that one can then make their own informed decisions and I'm thankful to those more experienced than I for giving such advice . 

  14. Unfortunately am too entrenched now with property , partner etc but I never thought 10 years down the line and having my only residence here ,that I would still not be a "resident" , just a one year tourist with a visas that could be snatched away in a flash and told to leave . I also did not think 10 years down the line that there would still be a Military Junta in power   SO , one has to accept the bed one has made and sleep in it - for now anyway !  

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