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Posts posted by Cadbury

  1. This campaign is intended for nothing more that to make the government's domestic economy look better than it otherwise would. Give the bourgeois 10 billion baht to spend and let the money go around in circles multiplying as it goes.

    Then they will follow up with the bragging media releases.........."look how Thailand's domestic consumption has increased by blah, blah, blah, aren't we clever".


    On 10/11/2019 at 8:13 AM, webfact said:

    Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob insists the (SRT) will sign a contract to develop the high-speed railway crucial to the Eastern Economic Corridor with a Charoen Pokphand-led consortium by the revised deadline of October 25, with no further delays.

    Really? And pray tell what if the CP Group refuses to sign the contract because they are not happy with it. Is The Minister going to threaten them again like he did before with heavy penalties and having them removed from the list  of eligible tenderers for Thai government contracts? 

    The CP Group might just be sitting back watching what happens to investors like Hopewell now that the SRT and the Transport Minister have sunk their teeth into them even though they won the damages claim. 

    Anyone wanting to go into business with the SRT must have rocks in their head. The SRT couldn't run a bath let alone the national rail system.

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  3. 20 minutes ago, webfact said:

    EEC opens one-stop service system for investors

    If this is as good as it sounds then it may be of some benefit. And Somkid is now the official EEC sales Manager and out there ferreting around the globe for new investors.

    Things are all go then with the one-stop shop! Only 40 licences and permits now instead of 60 and 2 and half months instead of 5 for the application period.

    They make no mention of the final approval period, that could be years or even decades. HS trains for Thailand were first approved of by government in 2010 and now after almost 2 decades they still look like being half a century away. 

  4. This is turning into a real shambles, but comes as no surprise see the SRT is involved.

    33 minutes ago, hansnl said:

    Can one ask why the board members resigned?

    From what I read it was a political move and the minister wanted the Board replaced and forced them out.

    Out with the old SRT dullards and in with the new. He might have been influenced with the ongoing stuff up with Hopewell. Or he might see it as job opportunities for family and close friends.

    In the meantime the issue of the contract signing for the new HS rail system and the acquisition of necessary land has turned into a shambles, but that shouldn't come as any surprise. Ministerial and administrative ineptitude always rules the day.

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