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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. No, but the 50, and counting, rape and torture gangs that are the subject of this thread, are made up of Pakistani Muslims; so for some reason, you do everything you can to deflect attention away from these vile, Muslim monsters.
  2. Oh, no ….. “or any other” you just couldn’t help yourself could you ? unable to simply criticise these Pakistani rape gangs, which are the subject of the thread, you had to insert a little caveat. So, well done for that, you have just won the far-left “proviso” award of the day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Just read an article in the Times this morning with more alarming news about this obscene attempt at covering up the truth. Council areas where British-Pakistani men raped young white girls have endorsed an Islamophobia definition that views the phrase “Asian grooming gangs” as racist. Oxford, Newcastle, Manchester and Calderdale are four local authorities to get behind a report that critics believe will silence whistleblowers trying to raise the alarm about child abuse. Chris Philp, the shadow home secretary, said: “It’s bad enough to hear these ideas coming from the Labour Party, but it is an insult to the victims that the very same councils who covered up these appalling crimes are attempting to manipulate the definition of Islamophobia to make it forbidden to even talk about the rape gangs" The British public are notoriously slow to get angry about anything, but this issue is now gaining real momentum. The government needs to announce a new and fully independent inquiry focusing solely on these Pakistani rape and torture gangs, and those that enabled them and covered them up. If they don’t do this, it may not be long unfortunately, before we see more rioting on the streets.
  4. And it did not say ‘all’ or even ‘any’ Pakistani men; but you are of course being pedantic, which is a typical extreme left tactic of deflection. You are doing everything you possible can to deflect from the fact that these rape and torture gangs were made up of vile, depraved, Pakistani Muslim men. You obviously have an agenda here; difficult to know or understand why you are doing everything you can to deflect attention away from these vile Muslim monsters, but you become a huge part of the problem when you just shout racist when anyone criticises them ….. absolute shame on you.
  5. Well your first supposed example mentions Muslim men; you obviously don’t even know that Muslims are not a race, they are adherents to the Islamic faith. The second example is just the plain truth, however unpalatable it is to your far left sensibilities; the only racism has been displayed by the Muslim Pakistani men, deliberately targeting young white caucasian girls specifically because of their ethnicity …. shame on you.
  6. Straight out of the far left’s book of denial; if we don’t like it and can’t put up a considered argument against it, call it racism. You would get on very well with David “race card” Lammy.
  7. This entire article is about the rape and torture gang in Huddersfield, who were all Muslim men of Pakistani heritage; what is your agenda that you are trying to hijack the thread away from the focus of the article, as if to deflect any blame or responsibility away from Muslim men of Pakistani heritage ? Maybe you should research the ethnicity of the rape gangs in Oxford, Rotherham, Telford, Rochdale, Oldham, Newcastle, Bradford, Dewsbury, and Keighley; and when you’ve done that, let me know and I will give you an even longer list of rape gangs to research, although you probably won't like the results.
  8. You accused another poster of fuelling Islamophobia, and I simply asked you to explain what Islamophobia is; you seem to be at a complete loss to explain what Islamophobia is, which makes you look rather foolish considering you have accused someone of fuelling it. If you cannot explain it, I suggest you retract your accusation and apologise to the poster you accused of fuelling it.
  9. Oh, really; haven’t heard any of them, particularly in the UK, over the last 30 years, condemning the vile, depraved Pakistani Muslim members of the hundreds of rape gangs in the UK …. but you keep apologising for them, it really suits you, and aligns perfectly with all your previous Hamas apologist comments.
  10. What is Islamophobia ? You've just accused a poster of fuelling it, so you better explain what it is, don't you think ? And while you're at it, your comment is clearly not your own words, so please be kind enough to credit the source that you copied and pasted it from .... many thanks
  11. This shows everything that is wrong with the apologist Labour party; this is from an article published in the Times this morning: The definition of Islamophobia adopted by the Labour Party put “grooming gangs” in inverted commas and suggested that using the term in relation to Muslims was racist. The wording was contained in a report by an all-party parliamentary group (APPG) of MPs co-chaired by Wes Streeting, now the health secretary Since March 2019, the party has adopted the “definition and examples” set out in the 2018 report, which includes a warning that “Asian grooming gangs” were a modern iteration of “age-old stereotypes and tropes about Islam” The document listed these as “sexual profligacy and paedophilia, or Islam and violence”, concluding that they “heighten vulnerability of Muslims to hate crimes” On Wednesday Kemi Badenoch, the Tory leader, said that, according to the APPG on British Muslims report, “talking about sex groomers was an example of Islamophobia”. She added: “This is exactly why people are scared to tell the truth.”
  12. Well, the Labour party have been apologising for them, and deflecting criticism from them for the last 30 years, simply to get their block vote; the damage this has done is almost irreparable, because Labour have now indoctrinated a whole generation of young supporters into believing that Muslims are beyond criticism, no matter how vile and depraved their actions. Look what happened to the Labour MP for Rotherham,Sara Champion, who was forced to resign by Jeremy Corbyn when she wrote in a newspaper that Britain had “a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls”.
  13. Didn’t read your comment properly ?? you said, and I quote: “Israel’s only interest in hostages is to keep them detained” ……….. The only way they could keep them detained is if they already have them detained, which they don’t; my apologies if English is not your first language.
  14. It is disingenuous of the Labour government and any posters on here, to say that no further Inquiry is necessary because of the Jay inquiry (IICSA) This issue is now about the hundreds of male Pakistani rape (grooming) gangs, something the IICSA did not focus on specifically, which is what is unquestionably needed. Labour are happy to see local inquiries, which, by definition, won't address failings at a national level, including the role of the CPS in determining how much effort was put in to prosecuting the gangs. The Jay inquiry only focused on 6 case study areas, Tower Hamlets, Bristol, Durham, Warwickshire, St Helens, and Swansea. The inquiry ignored Oxford, Rotherham, Telford, Rochdale, Oldham, Huddersfield, Newcastle, Bradford, Dewsbury, Keighley, Peterborough, etc, etc, etc, etc. Only a new and fully independent inquiry is acceptable, and there is now a burgeoning groundswell of public opinion that will not be satisfied with anything less. Also, an immediate and separate investigation should be made into the fact that the leader of one of the gangs is still living in Rochdale, close to many of his victims, despite numerous attempts to deport him back to Pakistan.
  15. And even more importantly, possibly lose them hundreds of thousands of Muslim votes; the votes that they have been nurturing for the last 30 years, while prostituting any values that they ever had in the process, in order to gain that demographic of the electorate.
  16. But it is not a difference of opinion, it was an independent inquiry, and that is factual; you deliberately lied about it saying it was “Tory run” which it most certainly was not.
  17. Are you referring to the same inquiry that you deliberately lied about and posted false information about on this forum; claiming that it was “Tory run”, when it was in fact, a completely independent inquiry …. is that the one you are referring to ?
  18. You said the inquiry was “Tory run” which it was not; it was a totally independent inquiry, so you lied and posted false information on this forum, and you are now writhing around in obfuscation and embarrassment, because you cannot summon the good grace to accept your error.
  19. After the Government had determined exactly what the terms of reference were. Which is always the case with such inquiries; but it was an independent inquiry, whereas you claimed it was “Tory run” .. which is a lie, so you lied and posted false information on this forum, and you now refuse to retract your lie and apologise.
  20. It would have been helpful if you had used google before asking me to explain the meaning of indigenous, rather than researching it after I had explained it to you. .. and I don’t mean white, because I did not say so.
  21. Typical of your smug arrogance to claim that someone else has read, or not read, something, when in reality, you have no idea whatsoever.
  22. Well of course the government set the terms of reference for the Inquiry, but the inquiry was totally independent within the set framework; not “Tory run” as you erroneously, and deceitfully claimed.
  23. It takes an absolutely staggering lack of intelligence to think that Israel are holding the hostages that are actually being held by Hamas …. but I’ve seen your Hamas fanboy badge on here before, so no surprise.
  24. As a small exercise in the logistics, last month I transferred £1,000 from my UK Santander account to my wife’s Bangkok Bank account, using Wise as the vehicle for the transfer; the funds arrived in my wife’s Bangkok bank account directly, and was not fed through my own Bangkok bank account.
  25. The term indigenous population, which is what I said, is used to describe cultural and social groups that are native to a country, or that share collective ancestral ties to that country. If you had paid more attention to English language lessons at school, you wouldn’t have to ask me to explain the meaning to you.
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