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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Absolutely not; and I find it abhorrent that you, as a non UK citizen, come on this forum defending the pernicious, divisive, Islamic Sharia councils in the UK. However, people are finally waking up to the destructive nature of the extreme left wing views that you, and others, have been advocating, in your monotonous promotion of both Islam, and, of course, your own virtuosity. But fortunately, what you believe to be a virtue, is now being seen as a profound weakness, and your views have been an enormous part of the problem, rather than offering any solution to it; thankfully, your views are now proving to be on the wrong side of history, as the western world rails against your deleterious advocacy; shame on you.
  2. FGM has been illegal in the UK since 1985, and therefore rather obviously, procedures are either clandestine within the UK, or the victims are sent abroad for the mutilation. The NHS started collecting statistics in 2015 and they have reported a total of 37,615 individual women (and girls) having undergone the procedure. Because of the secretive nature of these procedures it has been very difficult for the CPS to bring prosecutions or convictions. However, in the insular muslim communities in the UK, absolutely nothing is done without the knowledge of, and approval of, the Sharia council (if that community has one) or otherwise the Imam of their mosque. Most people, both muslim and otherwise, that live in the UK know this; which because you don’t live in the UK is probably why you are absolutely clueless about it. It is obvious that your myopic defence of Islam and anything related to Islam has become an obsession, but even you cannot believe that something like FGM can happen in a UK muslim community without the knowledge of their Sharia council ….. or maybe you can ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Attaching a link from your go to news outlet with some of the appalling statistics; do they not have this issue in the US ? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/sep/19/nhs-reports-increase-in-female-genital-mutilation-cases&ved=2ahUKEwipw7jlpqGLAxXexjgGHZiuCwAQFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw047OhfeyQUJ4dBuVH5OjrU
  3. Without any evidence ? try this. I have had a great deal of interaction with muslims in the UK. This lad, that I knew as Naz, was one of about 30 muslim customers of my wholesale business in London. I served him every day, 6 days a week, for 3 years, and got to know him very well; at least I thought I had. He was very westernised, and we mocked and harangued each other about our respective cricket teams. Then one day with the help of his 17 year old cousin, he knifed his beautiful 18 year old sister to death in an “honour” killing; you couldn’t script the irony, it was because she wanted to marry a refugee from Afghanistan, but he was the wrong type of muslim ….. link attached from one of your favourite sources, the BBC https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/5179162.stm&ved=2ahUKEwjo1vfKwZ-LAxWRS2cHHaHrANgQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2GIH_VwQwD4-oS6c9qYxsy
  4. This comment distills the very essence of the deflective and disingenuous way in which you comment on this forum; rather than opine about the practices of these Sharia councils in the UK, you simply say they are not against UK law, although they have no legal jurisdiction whatsoever in the UK; the practices they promote and oversee, such as the female genital mutilation of children, the marriage of 13 year old (and younger) girls to old men, honour killings, divorce settlements, bigamy (men allowed 3 wives) and the persecution of gays, are all against UK law. Do you approve of these practices ? because you seem to support the existence of Sharia courts in the UK, but refuse to make any comment about their practices.
  5. The irony of you saying that is absolutely breathtaking. I hope you are going to start following this innovative dictum.
  6. Bizarre comment of the days far, and it has beaten off some stiff competition; you think the indigenous population of the UK should do whatever is necessary to make immigrants warm to us, rather than that they should do whatever they can to make us warm to them; like integrating into UK society. The only way we can make them warm to us, is if we convert to Islam; did you really not know that ?
  7. I notice that you don’t have anything to say about the 85 Sharia councils that are operating with impunity in the UK, against UK laws. These councils are preventing integration, which is what the post is about. These Sharia councils are causing great division in British society as they promote inter-cousin marriage, the female genital mutilation of girls as young as 10, honour killings, homophobia, and the subjugation of women; yet you don’t seem to have anything to say about it. Maybe that’s because you don’t live in the UK, and know very little about living there, apart from what you read in left wing news outlets like the Guardian and the BBC. "know thyself" ..... oh, please ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. The UK was a multiracial society, very successfully, from the 1950’s through to the 1990’s with beneficial integration from immigrants of different races and cultures. The real problem started when immigrants that are adherents to Islam started arriving, with their refusal to even attempt to integrate, but rather a dictum to start parallel societies within the UK, which they have done. There are already 85, and counting, known Sharia councils in the UK, and every one of them promote hate preaching, honour killings, the subjugation of women, the persecution of gays, and the female genital mutilation of children. They also promote middle aged uncles marrying (several) of their prepubescent nieces; this is hugely popular with the menfolk, not so much with the schoolgirls. It is the insular nature of these Sharia councils within communities that has fostered, enabled, and protected the myriad muslim rape gangs; making integration impossible for most of them, because they have been indoctrinated into believing that it is wrong to integrate with infidels; whilst a few well educated muslims have integrated to an extent, they have moved away from the vicelike grip of their original communities. Whilst the left wing virtue signallers (including several of the usual suspects on here) try to shut down any conversation about it, by screaming Islamophobe, racist, bigot, or xenophobe, the UK’s march towards an Islamic state, or a civil war, gathers a momentum that it appears cannot be reversed …. Private Frazer was right on the money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. I replied about the BBC, simply because you asked me specifically about the BBC. Make sense ? The IDF have not allowed reporters into Gaza because it is a war zone. They have had enough problems trying to fight an army that does not wear a uniform (except when handing hostages to the Red Cross) making itself indistinguishable from the civilians that they hide behind, and under, in schools, hospitals and nurseries. The extra responsibility of safeguarding reporters would make an almost impossible job, impossible; but you know that don’t you, yet still you have an overwhelming desire to believe everything this terrorist organisation says. I hope it is not because you have embraced the modern left wing orthodoxy of being antisemitic.
  10. Because they take the figures that they quote from the Palestinian Ministry of Health (Hamas) They usually add the caveat of where the figures come from. However, it suits the BBC to use the numbers supplied by Hamas because the BBC is institutionally antisemitic; you also seem absolutely determined to believe any numbers provided by Hamas as well, not sure what your reason is ??
  11. @bannork The institutionally antisemitic BBC, would not publish inaccurate figures that put Israel in a bad light; please confine future comments to planet earth. The BBC have been deliberately reporting inaccurately on the Gaza conflict, and still will not refer to Hamas as a terrorist organisation.
  12. You’ve cited The Lancet, The BBC, and the UN, who all get their figures from Hamas, you’ve forgotten so far, The Guardian, UNRWA, and Al Jazeera. Are you simply gullible, or just incurious
  13. Hilarious; the survey is using mainly information from the Palestinian Ministry of Health (Hamas) So you are just regurgitating Hamas propaganda … shame on you. “We used a three-list capture–recapture analysis using data from Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH) hospital lists, an MoH online survey and social media obituaries”
  14. No, you stated the percentages, it is for you to substantiate your claim; if you cannot then it is quite possible that you are posting false information, and your comment will need to be reported
  15. Where did you get these percentages from please ... thanks
  16. Whoosh …….. hilariously predictable left wing response; thank you kindly for obliging with some classic default whataboutery. Cosmic. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  17. The usual left wing suspects will no doubt be on here soon, blaming the targets of this proposed antisemitic terrorism, rather than the perpetrators; this, while their very own societies sleepwalk towards Islamification.
  18. Please point out exactly where I made any claim to the statement being articulate, persuasive or eloquent; that notwithstanding, please explain how the comment was inarticulate.
  19. Oh, no, Joe, not another one I hope; surely you haven’t fallen for the biggest consumer con-trick of the twenty first century, and bought an EV ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  20. EV’s ….. the Betamax of the twenty first century.
  21. Well, that’s just about the most smug, sanctimonious, condescending comment I’ve ever read on here; but now that you have vilified most of the other posters on this forum with your sweeping generalisation, can you please give just one example of where any poster has said “The Middle East is a foreign wasteland of "camel-riding rag-heads with curved knives"
  22. Here in your original post from which I have copied and am pasting below: “Hamas began sending thousands of its forces onto the streets to establish control. The deployment—envisioned by the agreement that pauses the fighting while the combatants exchange hostages for prisoners—highlights how the U.S.-designated terrorist group remains the dominant power in the territory” Seems that you don't even know what you have said now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  23. Mind reading is superfluous to requirements, when you have made your position towards Israel and Hamas transparently clear on many threads. Those on the far left (and antisemites) follow a few particular dictums; the one you used is the classic side step of not referring to Hamas as terrorists, or a terrorist organisation. The BBC, where I’m sure a job awaits you, still only describe Hamas as a “Government proscribed terrorist organisation” The BBC is institutionally antisemitic, something that predates the present conflict by decades, rather than years; it was ever thus at the BBC. It would have been far easier for you when referring to Hamas, to write “the terrorist group” rather than “the U.S.-designated terrorist group” but you just couldn’t bring yourself to write it without the disclaimer; you made a conscious decision to prefix terrorist group, with U.S.-designated, you fool nobody, I see you.
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