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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Indeed James; while China, the US, India, and Russia, who between them account for more than 50% of the CO2 emissions from the World’s 195 countries, are laughing at our woke clowns.
  2. Woke socialist virtue signalling with other people’s money is easy; pursuing a risible nett zero emissions policy, while China was responsible for 32.88% of World CO2 emissions in 2024 and the UK for circa 1%
  4. So the most recent example of Socialism being successful that you can cite, is the Cheyenne and Arapaho sharing a buffalo carcass equally more than 150 years ago …. cosmic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. Truly wonderful news. I would be distraught if someone like you agreed with me. That notwithstanding, just to take the first point I made, which you obviously disagree with; please tell me somewhere, anywhere, where Socialism has been a great success.
  6. Socialism has failed miserably everywhere it has been tried. It promises prosperity, security, and equality, but instead delivers poverty and a tyranny of misery. The only way in which it achieves equality is by dragging everyone down to the lowest possible level, thus making everyone equally poor and miserable. Socialism is a repressive, retrogressive system, and its only function in the modern world is to allow the left-wing nut-jobs that promote it to feel more virtuous, sanctimonious, and morally superior to everyone else; so no surprise to see you promoting it as the holy grail.
  7. A socialist; someone that doesn't have anything and wants to share it with everyone else
  8. Two years in a holiday camp for stabbing someone to death; you have all the prerequisite credentials to be a judge in the UK
  9. I do indeed say so, and although it may have escaped your myopic vision, I am not the only one that has said so. You must be really proud of yourself, wearing your racism from the comfort of anonymity, like it was some perverse badge of honour.
  10. Will the special needs, Swedish doom goblin be making an appearance
  11. Confirmation, not that it was really needed, that you are an antisemitic racist; of course, apologists for terrorism like yourself don’t think antisemitism is racism … but it most certainly is.
  12. Classic left wing disclaimer; you make an antisemitic statement and think you can excuse it by preempting it with the claim that you will be accused of antisemitism. Guess what, it doesn’t work, you are what you are. I accused you of antisemitism because you said “Israel has it coming big time” if you thought you could make that statement without someone accusing you of antisemitism, you are either naive or foolish. I did not accuse you of antisemitism to shut you up, you are free to say whatever you want; antisemitism is not an offence either in Thailand or on this forum; so you should at least have the good grace to own what you are, rather than continually making it obvious with your comments, whilst remaining in denial.
  13. Right on the money; and the Hamas fanboys on here need to ask themselves exactly what UNRWA is. Because it is, in practice, an excellent example of the modern phenomenon of third sector organisations whose primary aim is not charitable relief of the genuinely needy, but is instead the marketing of propaganda to justify its own continued existence. If Hamas surrendered and disarmed, Gaza established a legitimate democratic government whose mandate did not include ‘destruction of all Jews’ then UNRWA would have no need to exist. Why would its 30,000 employees, and the sub-economy which thrives on spending the $1.1billion annual grants, work to achieve any outcome that puts an end to their lucrative shill?
  14. Phuket rolls out 6 wheeler IED’s in bold push to keep tourist numbers down ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. Another useful Guardian reader ally for the Hamas propaganda machine. UNRWA employs nearly 30,000 people, almost all of them Palestinians living in Gaza. I wonder if you know who controls every aspect of UNRWA, especially the financial donations that they receive. Here’s a clue for you, they are under the complete control of a prescribed Terrorist organisation …. need any further clues or can you work it out for yourself ? NB: it is UNRWA not UNRA ...... you couldn’t even get that bit right.
  16. Spoken like a fully qualified antisemite ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The BBC war correspondent, Jon Donnison, posted a photo of a young girl lying on a hospital bed with bloodied clothes, with the caption “Heartbreaking, Pain in #Gaza” …. when it transpired that the photo of the young girl was actually taken in Syria. Then he stood in Gaza, and reported that the blast at the Al-Ahli Arab hospital was caused by an Israeli airstrike, and not, as it actually was, by a misfired rocket from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) from within Gaza. Antisemitism is endemic within the BBC, as it is within the Labour party, and has been for many years.
  17. Spoken like a fully qualified antisemite ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. Classic, unapologetic, Hamas propaganda, but I’d expect nothing less from you; UNRWA, who employ almost 30,000 people, almost all of them Palestinians, and all of them under the direct control of Hamas; and also some who took part in the Oct 7th barbarism …. your support for terrorist organisations shames you.
  19. It is blindingly obvious that you either know nothing whatsoever about the antisemitism that runs through the UK’s Labour party, or that you are in complete denial of it; now let me guess as to why that might be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  20. It takes a very special kind of bias to call facts, irrational nonsense; but I think everyone on this forum knows who’s side you’re on. Try researching David Lammy and funding for UNRWA ; but I doubt if you’ll let any evidence get in the way of your blatant bias.
  21. She is a Jew, so her welfare will be meaningless to this Labour government; a government that is infested with antisemites like David Lammy, who as Foreign Secretary made one of his first moves approval of funding for the Hamas affiliated ‘Agency’ UNRWA.
  22. You distill the very essence of all the self-righteous, moralising nonsense that was destroying the USA; the nonsense that the electorate just rejected out of hand, thankfully.
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