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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Has anyone that has received one of these mails decided to just ignore it ?
  2. And where were ‘Verify’ when the BBC’s number two antisemite, Jon Donnison, reported that the blast at the Al-Ahli Arab hospital was caused by an Israeli airstrike, and not, as it actually was, by a misfired rocket from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) from within Gaza. This caused Lord Carlisle, the UK’s former independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, to say “We rely on the BBC for accurate reporting. Twice the journalist concerned has produced major stories which were contradicted by the evidence. This is plainly a situation requiring clear and transparent action by the BBC.”
  3. Where where the BBC’s Verify when the BBC war correspondent, Jon Donnison, posted a photo of a young girl lying on a hospital bed with bloodied clothes, with the caption “Heartbreaking. Pain in #Gaza” …. when it transpired that the photo of the young girl was actually taken in Syria; he along with the odious Jeremy Bowen are the founder members of the BBC’s antisemite club, and one of the main reasons that the BBC has now lost all credibility as an impartial news reporting agency.
  4. Maybe you'd prefer to read this report from the Financial Times https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.ft.com/content/0a219548-9c27-4e69-a76d-c543f1eddfab&ved=2ahUKEwjVz-jzuYCKAxUmUWwGHXfIH8IQFnoECBkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2MXEqddYesGTYvBVohYChK
  5. You’re easily discombobulated by facts; must be a Guardian reader ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. UK Plod are capable of anything at the moment; they have recorded a non crime hate incident against a 9 year old who called another school kid a retard. And another against 2 secondary school girls for saying that another pupil ‘smelled like fish’ ….. you couldn’t make it up.
  7. Over 2 million now; this could become a very serious issue for the Labour government, and one that they might not be able to ignore. Over 2 million already and the petition has a deadline of May 2025.
  8. I think everyone knows what TDOR is about; it’s a day of remembrance for dead men that liked to wear frocks.
  9. Another woke lefty; traumatised by any criticism of this repugnant clamorous minority.
  10. Indeed, but remember the men have always liked to wear a skirt kilt
  11. Oh, another little leftie that has been traumatised by a democratic vote, and has resorted to cartoons to express his little feet stamping tantrum …. ah, bless
  12. Another left winger traumatised by a democratic vote
  13. You seem to have missed my point completely; and the “they were just doing their duty” apologist deflection does not cut the mustard with me. Every UK police force, and not just the Met, where it all started, have become infiltrated by the left and heavily politicised. This was a political decision taken by senior police management, which is where the all wokesters are ensconced. Every day in the UK there are thousands of burglaries, bicycle thefts and sexual assaults that go un-investigated; why aren’t they just doing their duty regarding these crimes ? There are thousands of shoplifting incidents every day, and the police claim they don’t have the resources to investigate; why aren’t they just doing their duty regarding this criminal epidemic ? However, give them an opportunity to harass a journalist from a right wing publication for possible hurty feelings towards an anonymous person over year ago, and they suddenly have the resources to dispatch two plod to knock on her door. As an obvious left winger yourself, I’m sure you were quite happy to see this happen to her, which would explain why you have ignored my main criticism, which is the two tier policing system which this incident clearly highlights, and the two tier justice system that allows leniency towards any left wing, or muslim protesters, on the rare occasions they are hauled before the beak.
  14. I did not say 'or else' so why are you asking or else what ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Try reading and comprehending comments properly, before making pointless and puerile replies.
  15. Stop all this attention seeking nonsense immediately. What do you want her charged with ?? You have been asked several times to tell us what she has said and why she should be charged, but you cannot answer because you are clueless. How dare you suggest that she may write slurs against any other people or groups when you don’t even have any idea of what she wrote. The only bigot here is yourself; you are bigoted against anybody that does not belong to some diverse minority group.
  16. The irony of the Telegraph being described as a comic by a Guardian reader, is quite breathtaking.
  17. What on earth are you talking about ? How can she be found guilty when she hasn’t been charged with any offence, and the police themselves are calling it a non crime. It might help if you read the article before making puerile comments.
  18. If you can't be told in some detail what you are accused of, you should not have 2 plod knocking on on your door on a Sunday, or any other day, a year after what the police themselves described as a non crime. It’s very Stasi, denunciation by stealth; but however, is what you get with a left wing police force that have been infected with woke liberals like Mark Rowley, and his predecessor, the token lesbian appointed, and unfortunately named Ms Dick. As if the UK police didn’t have enough problems with their institutional racism, misogyny, homophobia, and a burgeoning list of sexual assaults and rapes by serving officers. They have completely lost the trust of the UK public, and incidents like this merely amplify the mistrust.
  19. I don't think so .... @georgegeorgia doesn't do nuance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  20. You are talking absolute garbage again. I have already asked you what it is she said or wrote, but you haven’t got a clue have you. How can you want her re-educated when you haven’t any idea what she said, and how it was offensive; stop making an utter fool of yourself.
  21. Her name is Allison Pearson; the incident is reported in other UK news outlets, but not in the extreme left wing publications that you read. That whimpering little slug, Owen Jones, at the Guardian will no doubt be praising the police for following this important lead, whilst neglecting any real crimes.
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