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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Oh come on, this is just left wing student politic cliches. You would do well to research some history of the UK within the EU; the die was cast to our second class membership back in 1970 when the Fisheries Minister, Geoffrey Rippon, told Prime Minister, Ted Heath, “if we want to join the EEC (as it was then known) on the terms stated by General de Gaulle, we will have to sacrifice Britain’s fishermen” This is exactly what the treacherous Heath did, and with that one submissive act, set the tone for how the UK has been treated by the EU ever since; it also resulted in our fishing industry, that was the largest in all of Europe, being completely decimated, leaving huge unemployment and poverty in towns like Hull and Grimsby, the latter once being the largest fishing port in the world. Heath was also made aware of the “Werner” report in 1970, which set out the EEC’s plans for monetary union and a federal state; he deliberately kept this information from the British public, who subsequently voted to join a “common market” unaware of the political and monetary aspirations of the EEC. The EU has never treated the UK equally despite us always having been a nett contributor; even at the end, they refused to grant a few lame concessions to Cameron, concessions that would have prevented the referendum. I look on cheerfully as the whole edifice is starting to implode ….. oh Mutti, look what you’ve done. apologies, it’s slightly off topic, but you brought the EU into the conversation.
  2. Ah, so the UK are free to make whatever independent trade deal they can negotiate with the USA; rather than have to accept whatever trade deal the EU negotiates with them, which, by default, will be for the benefit of Germany and France, to the detriment of the rest of the member states ….. thanks.
  3. Weak negotiating power in what respect; please explain
  4. Well, it certainly doesn’t seem to matter to you, because you don’t seem to have any idea what it means or how it can be defined. You called a vote by 20% of the eligible electorate the will of the people. Risible; and to extend that, the UK has a population of over 68 million, not all, for various reasons eligible to vote. So if you take Labours votes at the election (9,708,816) the 20% is nearer 14% …. will of the people ?…. hilarious and embarrassing in equal measure.
  5. Utter nonsense as you well know; you have made a complete fool of yourself by calling a 20% vote of the eligible electorate “the will of the people” … how utterly embarrassing for you.
  6. As a UK resident, I fully understand the concept of first past the post, even though it is a system that I have never agreed with; however, you are obfuscating, because you know that you have erroneous called a vote by 20% of the electorate “the will of the people”
  7. The Starmer led Labour government received 20% of the votes of the eligible electorate of the UK; you have a bizarre interpretation of “the will of the people”
  8. Much more importantly, I am not sure that Mr Trump’s likely administration will have much in common with the present UK government; as for any remaining confidence in intelligence sharing, that was completely destroyed by David Lammy renewing funding for the Hamas affiliated ‘agency’ UNRWA; funding that had been suspended by the previous UK government, and remains suspended by the USA.
  9. This succinctly summarises the left and their intransigent belief that they know better than everyone else, and that they can never be wrong; it is arrogance of an astonishing magnitude. This arrogance is compounded by them supporting a party labeled ‘The Democrats’ when democracy itself is anathema to them if the results democracy produces are unsuitable to them.
  10. Well, if you’re a left wing liberal bedwetter, an antisemite, or a supporter of Hamas and other Iranian proxy terrorists, I guess it’s not all bad.
  11. So you voted for Ed Davey, who as Postal Minister in 2010 refused to meet Post Office Campaigner Alan Bates, and oversaw one of the greatest injustices in British history; a man that cannot even define what a woman is …. Wow
  12. Remember that Labour were elected because of the UK’s bizarre FPTP electoral system; however, only approximately 20% of those on the electoral register actually voted for them. They do not have a mandate for the radical socialist changes they are implementing, and might need to call a general election well before their term of government is up.
  13. In a very short time, Starmer has established a huge catalogue of errors; none more erroneous than appointing David Lammy as Foreign Secretary. Lammy is vehemently anti-American, anti-British, and antisemitic; he is the worst kind of racist, because he thinks that only white people can be racist. One of his first moves was to approve funding again for the Hamas affiliated ‘Agency’ UNRWA; then he cancelled export licences to Israel, all to appease the muslim block vote in the UK; Israel, who after America, are the UK’s most important source of antiterrorism intelligence. He has berated, insulted, and derided the President of the USA, he is an absolute disaster, and a disgusting, disingenuous human being. What in god’s name has happened to my country ?
  14. Not a fan of democracy then ?
  15. Well if Secretary-General Mark Rutte wants to work with Trump, he better very quickly get Germany in particular, and several other NATO members to start paying the requisite percentage of their respective GDP's on defence spending … otherwise NATO will be down the gurgler.
  16. All the left wing luvvies at the BBC, and that whimpering little slug at the Guardian, Owen Jones, will be inconsolable; ha ha ha
  17. It's raining in Baltimore
  18. Apologies, I misread / misunderstood your satire; the doom goblin is indeed an antisemite. It is a shame that the scarf is not tied tighter, much, much, tighter. … apologies again for my faux pas
  19. There is no genocide going on in Gaza; try to educate yourself as to the meaning of words before using them. And don’t try and hijack threads for your own agenda, it is against forum rules.
  20. So sorry to read about Poo, and hope it is just the arthritis which can be managed to an extent. Huge respect and admiration to you for all that you are trying to do for her; and the love, care, and patience that you are showing her. The decision to euthanise is a heartbreaking and inconsolable one, it still haunts me 20 years later. However, sometimes it is the right decision for the dog, rather than for yourself; and remember, you took her from oblivion and have given her the most fantastic life that any dog could ever hope for. Best of luck.
  21. Yes, you said that she was also Nigerian, and that she is a dual-national. So, please provide a link to the report on YouTube that claimed she was a dual-national. You must have the link if you watched it; or did some geezer in the pub tell you about it ? More importantly, please explain why she should not be allowed to hold any high political office in the UK; something that you have again refused to explain.
  22. More pointless prevaricating. You have simply recycled information about her that everybody knows, information that has already been posted countless times on this thread. What you have failed to do, in fact, deliberately avoided doing, is to explain why you falsely claimed that she is Nigerian, when she is a British citizen; and why you think that she should not be allowed to hold any high political office in the UK.
  23. So, nothing to do with the millions of immigrants from a homophobic, misogynistic, medieval culture then; one that is totally incompatible with traditional British values. A religious culture whose adherents have, against British law, set up 30, and counting, Sharia councils; councils that promote honour killings, female genital mutilation of prepubescent girls, old uncles marrying teenage nieces, etc. No, it's the fault of the Mail and the Express for continuously highlighting such things, while the Guardian, the BBC, and the Independent, cocooned in their elitist metropolitan bubbles, pretend nothing is happening.
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