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Everything posted by observer90210

  1. I think that despite your very throughly documented (and numerous) posts, nobody really gives a sh.... on charts and figures. Churchill said there are 2 ways to lie.....one is with plainly a lie and the other with stats and so on. Kindly do not misunderstand. I doubt that any amount of charts would have any influence to change the minds of well matured and nasty characters like most of us here. One will not be able to make a Democrat change his mind, neither will you be able to make a Republican change his either. So what's the point if I may ask and if you do not mind ? A basic and factual element may refer to the retirees pension investments globally speaking. They gave far better yields under Trump, then with Biden. With that in mind, I may assume that many a Democrat with some grub in his portfolio, would rightfully prefer a secured future on his investments, over any other ideology.
  2. Australia is planning to require a specific driving licence for all these supercharged vehicles. The laws of physics are usually beyond the laws of egos and unexperienced supercar handlers. Other civilized nations should follow. And of course nothing to do if the chap is Chinese or whatsoever.
  3. Customs can make a fuss for a silly wireless Sonos speaker in luggage... so it's about time they use some of that manpower on more lucrative serious issues.
  4. The new E visa for Vietnam takes a few days to process and deliver. E visa from Thailand takes more then a month depending on your location and can even take more for no valid reason.
  5. It could be a relaxing idea to have soapy parlours in major airport's premises ????
  6. As long as the credit cards majors will screw holders on crappy exchange rates or absurd fees, when abroad...cash will rule. This being said, I personnaly don't mind being screwed, but maybe not so much by a bank or credit card brand firm.
  7. Do not misunderstand my point as I have no belief in any form of religious symbols or practice. Obviously peer pressure exists and has influence. But I may consider that once an adult and if living in the west, people can choose for themselves and bypass certain codes. Furthermore, I do see many kids within the norms as considered by some... of a "decent family" (caucasian, white, christian catholic bla bla). The teen girls leave home dressed to the neck and once outside, they change clothes and wear the tight tank tops showing cleavage. All teens have social pressure should it be muslims or the puritain catholics and so on. But obviously it can reach some other extremes as you have stated. One cannot take muslims seriously banning booze, praying and on the other side getting drunk or stoned in hi-so circles in Abu Dhabi or Dubai and similar. Neither can one take seriously those in Sunday church service with wife and family, all squeeky clean and the next night they are showering 1$ bills in some seedy stripper club during the Monday "business trip". One could consider the atheists and agnostics as the future to peace in the world.
  8. When we hear all the (justified) lassitude or ranting regarding immigration hassles in Thailand, I am afraid that many would not agree.
  9. India has many of the best doctors in the world. Good choice as many top indian doctors, dentists, surgeons are comming back to India from the USA as the indian living standards for the educated professionals, have highly gone up...and often go beyond what we know in the west.
  10. The problem is that many of the girls choose to wear abayas and do not wish to dress differently. Saying that they are force is not always true.
  11. A brave choice from France. Hope it does not lead to French flags, French sybols getting burned or vandalised or bibles getting burnt in anti french riots. Reminds us of the other extreme right wing freaks burning Qurans in Sweden or Danemark, who are no better.
  12. A very sensible move and it should start for this high season from say october this year. Enabling a 90 day stay on the visa waiver scheme (to replace the current 30 days), will encourage more of the quality visitors and retirees to sojourn in the kingdom, to purchase property and spend. Good money-money to come in easy !! Opening bank accounts must also be made easier. Banks could be told to stop asking for the Residence certificate for each and every formality. Why would anybody give a fake address after all on one's own bank accounts ?? Same for the driving licence conversion from international to Thai that should be delivered on presenting any document like a lease, rental, phone bill or similar. The Residence Certificate requirement is one of the big bureaucratic dinosaurs that need to be amended, ????
  13. I have often ranted against some forms of excessive feminist propaganda, arbitrary climate constraints/taxes and so on. Humble confession. But in this case, considering it was non consented kiss on the lips, the chap deserves to be sacked. It's due to such jerks with a total sense of impunity, that extremes emerge from feminists and Co. Would you have liked this to happen to your sister, daughter, mom, aunt or a anybody close ? Me, not really. This fine individual must be banned from anything to do with sports.
  14. To all the keyboard and sythesizer fans into Roland's, Korg's, Access and other EDM goodies, what are your tips to get good gear in Bangkok ? And how do you see the keyboard and synth scene in Thailand ?
  15. Not to mention retail global giants in the garment industry who are massively producing in Bangladesh or Burma. Ok they are mainly the Penny style stores but it does confirm that China also needs to compete with other Asian nations producing cheaper stuff. And Penny's is not all that bad with those 5 €uro T shirts !! Same for India that mainly in only attracting upmarket brands and for long has dropped the 5 $ or 5 €uro international fast-fashion garment production. In fact now one can get better bargains in Spain compared to the swanky hi-so Thai malls that have gone totally jet-set in their prices.
  16. Nothing wrong with a nice cup of Earl Grey bergamot tea or a nice cup of Jasmine Green Tea (even better). Plenty of fine choices from the major global tea players, that are India, Japan, China, Sri Lanka and Taiwan.
  17. I guess one can understand a bit better now, why certain visa proceedings for Thailand are getting so stringent.
  18. Does this suprise anybody really ? Power/money have a well-honed network.
  19. Anybody knowing his way in Bangkok where to find pharmacys that offer homeopathy in or Bach Flower dillutions ? ????
  20. I would not mix tablecloths with napkins. Sorry for the metaphor !!... The point is that sadly some believe one can buy indisputable loyalty, love, full submission in the kitchen and bed.... thanks to a good exchange rate !! But the reality is obviously different. I would not mix social groups in a relationship leading to marriage. Play hard and work hard for sure. But tying the knot ????? Without solely naming the age gap between the couple, when the social barrier is enlargened (a polite way to say if he or she is richer then the partner), there are higher chances to end up in a household Armageddon. Exceptions of course, but rather rare and why chance it ?
  21. Looks like an old stale trolling and bashing topic has again been dug out on the drink sharing !! But let's not forget that at the end of the day for the Thai's should it be a falang, a foreigner or whatever....most are plainly considered as non Thai and somewhat tolerated guests in the country. Consequently it is always "interesting" to read some of us westeners...foreigners in Thailand, considering themselves above the other visitors.
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