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Everything posted by observer90210

  1. Everybody loves their job.....on payday ????
  2. Whatever it may be, always push to buy only on COD, no matter if online or at the store if it has to be ordered and delivered.
  3. Very true as many are tend to violent surges. The artificial hormonal destabilisation maybe ?
  4. Not to mention the trap the other way round with the automatic exchange of tax information. Could concern foreigners who have purchased property or deposited funds in Thailand that are not declared to their respective tax revenue departments in their home countries. Not surprising why people are rushing now to sell and nobody is wanting to buy.
  5. Never used it for domestic personnal purpose as far to much uncertainty on cyber safety-privacy matters.
  6. At 00.01 on the 1st of Jan and at 23h59 on the 31 Dec.
  7. You are so right. But the point could be not to skin the cat, but to catch it in the first place.
  8. Never understood the farang arrogance in a foreign country, fingerpointing on the local dresscodes.
  9. Always very entertaining to watch the ladyboy strolling towards a hotel followed by a bodybuilt tatooed macho closely behind, pretending like "no I'm not with him her...".????
  10. What can the law change, considering that most of the guns being passed around are non declared and pass through underground networks ?
  11. Any news about the Redbull heir fugitive ?
  12. A crook, but a Thai crook and that too, in uniform. In other words, the caste of the untouchables, high above the law for the mortals.
  13. On buying in Thailnd, only put in what you can afford to loose. Even renting sometimes leads to unpleasant hassles.
  14. With the forthcomming tax absurdity on foreign income, who want's to stay long and get ripped by the boggie(tax)man ?
  15. Better a looner...then a looser surrounded by toxic "friends" or barstool gold diggers,
  16. They may come...but they rarely spend in non-chinese run businesses...
  17. Enjoy and use your money ... But don't let your money, use you...
  18. After the random shootings in the Bangkok Mall, tourism numbers will crash low in Thailand. Any place in the world had similar shortly after such mass shootings on the street.
  19. The rest of the world has the same laws for all and no special privileges for the hi-so. Just to remind. But if the restaurant owner has family back in Thailand, they could be in some sort of hot soup as well as their assets or property.
  20. price fixed okay...but how visible are the prices for toursts wishing to hop on ?
  21. Very brave police officer who deserves full credit and a immediate top level promotion.
  22. Thank god it was not a foreigner....
  23. frustration and anger in a context where the average thai (or tourist) perhaps cannot afford anything more then a bottle of water ? who knows...
  24. The horrific and tragic incident confirmed on all media sources. A 14 year old seems to be the killer on this shooting in Bangkok. It would not have attracted a second glance had it been in the USA or some major European metro. But here in Thailand....very bad image and very tragic for any potential victims.
  25. Once in a life, just to say you did it on a short distance, just for the photo on some absurd social media...well why not ? But on a daily basis, it's just a tourist trap.. Unless you ask your thai girlie to negotiate the price or that you are aware on what alternative public transport would cost for the same journey.
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