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Everything posted by observer90210

  1. Sorry to barge in but visa issues do affect a majority of foreigners in Thailand who don't give a sh** if Putin comes or not.
  2. Some would suggest to pay a group of thai bouncers to give the creep a crash course in good behaviour.
  3. Obviously sometimes trouble just falls and for no reason one can get assaulted. But very often, trouble comes for those looking for it. Rude behaviour. No respect towards other clients foreigners or locals in a bar. Excessive drinking. Over displaying cash to the girlies at the club. Loudly bragging after a few beers. Such behaviour in public space no matter where, leads to trouble and consequences.
  4. As a farang, it could lead to the airport for deportation, with a nice brown n'golden wing uniformed-clad escort. I would not take the risk to break the law even if you may be right...if you don't mind.
  5. A raid ? Now would that mean in other words that some did not get their weekly brown enveloppes in time ?
  6. Sleepy Joe and his gang have enough trouble with the law back in good ole' USA.
  7. Many people seem desperate to currently sell their property now, as they plan to relocate to avoid the future tax hassles. The markets are flooded with sellers. So could be a good time to buy as it is now the buyer who makes the rules (and the price)
  8. The PM is acting for the interests of his people, for Thailand. Not for the interests of the US or Europe who are equally only looking into their own benefit, Russia has cheap oil, cheap ressources to sell. Why must Thailand boycott Russia when EU (European Union ) nations are openly permitted to maintain russian imports of gas and other basic products ? How about the USA who voted a bill at the Senate permitting the import strategic ressources from Russia (like fertilizers etc) . Bill voted just a month after the USA imposed Russian sanctions to the gullible European Union. Why not buy our oil or gas directly from Russia ? Currently, Russia is selling it's crude to many other free nations, who are refining it and selling it back to Europe and making substantial benefit. How far can western political absurdity go ? The world economic is global but remains a delicate ecosystem where boundries are far beyond any propaganda or bullying from the USA or Europe. The BRIC nations are a future superpower with economical giants like Bresil., Russia India and China and many others to follow. The dollar supremacy is comming to it's end once fossils and oil will be banned in new vehicle imports in Europe around 2035. The first duty of any head of state is to take care of one's own, before trying to save and pay for the rest of the world. That is precisely the mistake Europe is making that is plunging the European economy in an unprecedent economic depression and social chaos. The Thai PM is fully right in keeping doors open with Russia for economic and diplomatic issues.
  9. The USA with China are amongst the biggest wasters of natural (and unnatural) ressources of the planet. On the other hand nuclear power needs to stop being targetted by the green environmental terrorists (mainly in Europe). The fusion technology (currently it is fission tech used) that is safer, cleaner and more efficient, need to pursue research and developpment for the energy supplies of tomorrow. Getting independant from oil is fine. Great for the ego to have that latest EV SUV in the front porch. But if there are no alternatives to respond to the electric demand, it's plainly going to end up in a junk yard in 30 years and generate more waste.
  10. Kindly respect forum rules and take the entire comment you quote and not just manipulate the issue in using and quoting a sentence out of context to use it for your propaganda. Unless you wish to end up in the ignore list. And by the way WW2 is long over just incase so you need to revise your discourse.
  11. Simply put, take the exemple of marketing. Why else does marketing exist ? Plainly because it has influence and dispenses an impact on the public. Same goes for the topic posted here. Imbedding a nimble mind in a ultra violent environment does end up in influencing. Just as a violent or unstable family environment does have impact on a kids developpment. Amazing how many ignore or brush of the basics of human nature and influence.
  12. If the banknote becomes a social media video star on tik tok or other platforms, it could end up it being worth far more. Such arwe the absurd ways of the web...
  13. So no more excuses to justify absurdly high prices in shops and various retail outlets in Bangkok.
  14. I'm sure you are right, but trying to convince your point, if arrested may be a totally different ball game.
  15. What will make it bad is if the OPEP+ nations get involved or take their sanctions against western nations. It will lead to a global disaster and plunge stocks, pensions and all the collateral involved. Europe is as usual foolishly taking sides and getting indirectly involved.
  16. He means Sukhumvit around Nana Plaza area ?????????. Same ole girlies and ladyboys I would say and the same girls hunting only Korean or Japanese customers at the Thermae who foolishly shell out double or triple charge.????
  17. They say eat like a begger at night. Your days will be better and your health will say thank you. We all make the same mistake to overeat out at night that is the worst thing to do to one's health if done on a daily basis.
  18. Russia has far cheaper oil and energy to sell and benefit Asia then the US unfortunately or fortunately, depending on each personnal opinion. At the end of the day, it is a wise choice not to close the doors with Russia. Europe is harshly suffering due to the US sanctions. Asia has not made that mistake as if it did, prices will soar and many foreigners will feel the pinch harder in Thailand. When it comes to politics, every nation be it the US, Russia, Thailand, European Union. can be rogues and advocate for their sole interests. What matters for Joe Soap on a daily basis is his cost of living and what is done to maintain everbody's standards of life. You won't change the world in taking sides in any war. Morals reach their limit when it hits one's wallet.
  19. Develop the fast rail network to connect Bangkok Airport with all the popular destinations like Hua Hin, Pattaya, Phuket etc, Enable people from these towns to commute to the other towns. This will be done in say 50 years from now ?
  20. Never to forget that where Thai's can get away, does not apply to us farangs. Just look at police roadblocks in touristic towns. Mainly the foreigners are targetted and pulled over. Don't try to feel over thainess. Respect the local customs, respect all people in general in Thailand, no matter what other people may do or say. As a farang one has less rights in Thailand so better not to learn this the hard way. ????
  21. Depending where you are, always use the service that provides to purchase COD as the delivery service often is not at all reliable. There will always be people saying it went fine for them...well good for them, but make sure first with neighbours if it is the case in your area.
  22. Better to postpone that winter stay trip for the moment. This year there is a global amo in the weather due to El Nino, that obivously will settle by next year.
  23. The law should force all developpers who sell either on freehold or lease hold to assist and get the blue or yellow book formalities done and handed over to the buyer. To take one's money, those house developpers are all nice and accomodating. But once you have paid up, they just try to see how they can get more money out.
  24. Life must be frustrating for those always wanting to be right and have the last word. It can feel good for the ego at some point to bat-n-ball and get the wicket. But for such people, life is lonely as nobody wants some smart a** around always wanting to lead the talk. Many of our fellow foreigners in Thailand should practice the golden mantra to let it go, loosen up. We all enjoy the daily rant and to give out on issues that irritate. That may not be caomparable as when interacting with acquaintances or with another individuasl directly in life and wanting to take over. It's just all about control, being a bully, lack of self confidence and troubled past, maybe. Cheer up, chill up and don't think nice people are stupid and don't see it comming.
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