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Big A

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Posts posted by Big A

  1. If you have all the necessary paperwork in order and have over B400,000 in a Thai bank, why not try somewhere closer to home ie KL or Singapore?

    Age 46 (nick name) = not get any non visa in the area.

    Have the paperwork, retirement with guarantee letter from embassy.

    So expecting "red stamp" in my passport this time , if i go there apply for tourist visa.

    That's why I considering going to UK to get a multiple TR or Non O visa.

    Any better idea in my situation ?

    Your post is somewhat unclear. Am I right in assuming you are wanting a retirement visa? Not under 50 you can't.

  2. Arrived in Bangkok yesterday, had a previous visa on arrival from April, the immigrant officer marked my entry with a circle and 2 inside, and the text: "FOOL" next to it, what on earth is the meaning of that, anyone experienced the same?

    Maybe you had far too many previous visas and they want to show their appreciation as an acronym

    2 Fond Of Our Land ??


  3. ABAC poll: 65% of respondents ready to sell votes

    Enough said. Corrupt people deserve a corrupt government.

    Now do the survey in other countries. :o

    I am sure (I know!) there are much more corrupt countries than Thailand. This is a Thai forum. We are discussing Thai politics.

  4. If found guilty, THROW THE BOOK AT 'EM.

    It's people (!) like those who force immigration to really clamp down on visa rules, and law abiding residents suffer more stringent rules (sometimes to the point of departing LoS forever).

    Law abiding residents should not have anything to worry about more stringent visa rules i would have thought.

    I would have thought the hang em high brigade would like the rules as stringent as possible.

    Unless of course they are "Bending" those rules to stay in Thailand themselves in either the spirit or letter of the law?

    I have been here for 10 years and recently have changed to a Non O multi entry. I have never failed to pay taxes, always have paid road tax and 1st class insurance, donated to temples, never broken any laws (OK, littering the odd time and not crossing at a designated place), but may be subject to getting only a single entry visa (or tourist visa) the next time I apply because immigration sometimes tar falangs with the same brush. Please do not lecture a law abiding person.

    Why would they change your visa type if you are abiding by the rules for that visa type?

    So, if I never break any laws in the future and keep my nose clean, I am guaranteed (visa-wise) to live here all my days? I mean....this forum is littered with posters saying they are in uncharted waters because of visa changes to the norm over the last few years

    I really do not know - if you qualify for O through say marriage etc and you do not get divorced then why would they change it?

    I can only really remember it being tightened for 30 day visa runners???

    Hmmmmm. Please see the thread entitled

    40k Baht Per Month For Non-o, Be careful! This could happen to you

  5. So you want to legalize every drug in the world, your all screwed up if you think that will happen. People are still going to beg, borrow and STEEL to get that drug whether its legalized or not (I suppose some of you are forgetting that drugs are addictive). So who ends up paying for it then, the general public.

    With regards to the death penalty, no they shouldn't get it, it would be far worse for them to be tied up in a Thai jail for the next 40years. But an eye for an eye, yes I do believe in that.

    Good day to you all.

    Oh, the IRONy of it all!! :o

  6. They are the type of people who make us visit immigration every 90 days to check in like criminals.

    No, the type of people who make us visit Immigration every 90 days are Thai.

    It's people (!) like those who force immigration to really clamp down on visa rules, and law abiding residents suffer more stringent rules (sometimes to the point of departing LoS forever).

    I disagree. While they may be used as an excuse to clamp down on visa rules the real reason is nationalism and xenophobia.


    Fair enough comment, Tud.

  7. If found guilty, THROW THE BOOK AT 'EM.

    It's people (!) like those who force immigration to really clamp down on visa rules, and law abiding residents suffer more stringent rules (sometimes to the point of departing LoS forever).

    Law abiding residents should not have anything to worry about more stringent visa rules i would have thought.

    I would have thought the hang em high brigade would like the rules as stringent as possible.

    Unless of course they are "Bending" those rules to stay in Thailand themselves in either the spirit or letter of the law?

    I have been here for 10 years and recently have changed to a Non O multi entry. I have never failed to pay taxes, always have paid road tax and 1st class insurance, donated to temples, never broken any laws (OK, littering the odd time and not crossing at a designated place), but may be subject to getting only a single entry visa (or tourist visa) the next time I apply because immigration sometimes tar falangs with the same brush. Please do not lecture a law abiding person.

    Why would they change your visa type if you are abiding by the rules for that visa type?

    So, if I never break any laws in the future and keep my nose clean, I am guaranteed (visa-wise) to live here all my days? I mean....this forum is littered with posters saying they are in uncharted waters because of visa changes to the norm over the last few years

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