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Big A

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Posts posted by Big A

  1. The 72-year-old former Bangkok governor has vowed to push for the return from exile of ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

    Errr, aren't there more pressing things to be dealt with?

    :o Rampant corruption at all levels

    :D Border Police kidnapping and Extortion

    :D Failing economy

    :D Appalling Education standards

    :D Ever increasing division between rich and poor

    :bah: Standards of driving

    I'm too depressed to go on. I too am starting to think about another country to live in.

  2. There is a certain lovely satisfaction in seeing the junta so roundly defeated by the people!

    Thats an extremely naive comment.

    PPP, or whatever derivative name you want to give them, cheated, scammed and hoodwinked 'the people'.

    The junta, who is allegedly the big bad giant, played by the rules.

    Come back in 6-12 months time and see what a complete f#ck up this circus brings to town :o

    Extremely well put, JacknDanny. I couldn't have said better myself. It's gonna be another TRT scam. Ah well, who was it said that 'the people get who they deserve'?

  3. The quality of air in Thailand is horrible! What you see is in your lungs! Why do people accept this? We drink 'clean' water from bottles yet we breath in endless numbers of pollutants when we breath. It's silly. The FDA should just lower the standards for bottled water to that of the air. If the air is fit for inhaling then those same particles surely should be allowed in bottled water. It's all a big stinkin' joke. We and our children are going to suffer from this.

    Without sounding rude, do you think these people give a dam_n?

    'I say, Minister Somchai. remind me again.......is it (their) health or (our) wealth we are concentrating on?!!'

  4. Fortuners are pretty bulky compared to most other vehicles here, hence they're more imposing if the "might is right" approach is used. In the States, I've seen and driven vehicles that would squash a Fortuner like a cockroach. An example is a Ford F-250, 4 door with a 7.3 liter turbo V8 diesel. It was pretty quick off the line for a diesel pickup, and built like a tank.

    Yeah. But I'm sure they are driven more courteously and with better road manners than the dickheads who 'drive' here!!

  5. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably isn't true.

    Greed will make people do silly things!!

    People who fall for pyramid schemes probably have dealings with Nigerian government officials, UK Lottery prizes that they didn't buy tickets in - there is no such thing as a free lunch.

    I found half a Big Mac in a rubbish bin the other day. Wrapped up and thrown away. I got a free lunch :o

  6. Toyota Fortuners:

    1) You are always right!

    2) If you are wrong, see 1).

    3) You own the road!

    4) Drive as you please!

    5) Everyone else on the road will yield to you anyway.

    (During two weeks holiday in Chiang Mai i had two almost-accidents, riding a Honda Wave... both times i was run off the road - and BOTH involved Bangkok-registered Fortuners, a white and a silver one. This is NO joke!)

    You have hit the nail on the head there, mate. I have seen some real dirt scumbag bastards in Fortuners. 'I can afford this, so I will drive as I please' attitude.

    Of course, this isn't to say ALL of them are fuc_kwits (about 90%!!! :o )

  7. Thanks, Dunc. I actually did it a few months ago with Fame Tours from Chumphon when down at father in law's funeral in November. Decently priced at B1,100 all in (Chump - Andaman - Chump incl Burmese visa) but was wondering if it could be done as an individual in my own car. Now I know it can.

    All the best for the new year

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