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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. I thought assault is assault and everyone who assaults someone goes to prison. There is no big reason to divide martial assault from common assault surely?
  2. No one here seems upset. The girlfriend better not cry too much or they will have to investigate where the family wealth came from.
  3. A meeting doesn't sound decisive to me. I know Thais don't like to put down any animals but make an exception. The swiss guy has to learn.
  4. No one wants the war to continue. But how to stop Russia grabbing more land?
  5. Let's wait and see. If Russia invades Alaska with Trump's blessing, then the arguments will start.
  6. I think there will be some tit for tat expulsions somewhere.
  7. Thank goodness. For a moment I thought it was Thailand's Chinese submarine being tested.
  8. No one thinks it weird that Musk is diving into people's records in the USA while telling others they shouldn't do that?
  9. Seems reasonable.
  10. Another nail in the coffin of the UK.
  11. Not the first time this has happened. Another Darwin Awardee.
  12. Jumping from a sauna into icy showers. Heart attacks?
  13. The film Iron Sky was a documentary and there actually was a project to make a Nazi moon base after WWII. Scientists have now improved on that due to Area 51 and made a base on Mars where no one is affected by gamma rays and ftl travel means everyone in Alpha Centauri is no longer lost in space .
  14. There are many nice people in Thailand, which is why many of us choose to live here. Well done sir.
  15. Just call it Biden inflation. A good example of why goods get made in China.
  16. A young student who lived next door told me her teacher often confused her. I told her to ask questions. She told me later the teacher went bonkers, screaming, "Why are you so stupid? Everyone else knows except you!" After class her classmates told her they had no clue either but were too afraid to ask questions.
  17. Interesting but a bit sickening.
  18. Aye a good beating never hurt anyone.
  19. Was he an illegal Muslim? I guess not everyone fits the picture.
  20. They do need to find a way that allows in rich Thais only. I just can't imagine how they could do this.
  21. Why do I get a sneaking suspicion that the Pheu Thai government could get into serious trouble for this issue, which they didn't make?
  22. There will always be corrupt people when there is little rule of law. Thailand needs to put more senior people in jail.
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