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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Is he saying that foreigners are to blame for renting rooms to prostitutes? The article seems to jump around a bit.
  2. I would always bet on Buffet, not a cheat.
  3. I admit to having long hair at school when it wasn't allowed. The Deputy Headmaster used to stop me in the corridor and ask when I was going to cut my hair. My response was always, I will cut it immediately that you promise that short hair will help me pass exams, sir.
  4. Don't give Diego Garcia to the Americans, sell it to them. For a high price. Levying fines looks good, but some would call it lawfare.
  5. Understand the Beeb is concerned about the family relationship, but does anyone know what the son said that was inflammatory or controversial?
  6. Great idea. Get students out of schools. MADA. Make America Dumb Again.
  7. China gets the money. Should help their cash flow.
  8. Doesn't seem like a large percentage of schools. Such is capitalism. Efficient players win, inefficient players close their doors.
  9. Stabbed in the back by allies. Seems bad.
  10. There's always an issue with putting anything around your genitals, except a donut.
  11. If they can find evidence on paper or computer showing she knew about the corruption, ok. But this all looks like the bum's rush.
  12. Surely this is a criminal case and the DSI has the right to investigate if it has received complaints?
  13. Maybe pause Canadian bands going on the road in the USA until they repair their roads.
  14. The lefties in Greenland gives the people free healthcare and free education at a tax rate on 44%. Think about it. The average rate in the US is 37%. No free healthcare, no free education, financial assistance, home nursing care and social services. Greenland has never fought a war in modern times. Just saying...
  15. People seem to think that giving away bits of your sovereign territory is easy for any country. Putin entered Ukraine with the Russian domestic population thinking it was a special operation to give Ukraine a bloody nose and would be over in two weeks. Three years later, he has grabbed land that he should return to Ukraine should they negotiate peace, but he won't. the U.S. wants to grab the natural wealth of Ukraine where it would make many times the value of what it provided Ukraine. If Russia were to reclaim Alaska, should Europeans not assist America?
  16. If Ole Bone Spurs wants to withdraw forces from Europe, then the bases closest to Russia should run away, sorry, make a strategic withdrawal, first. Europe must get its act together (although people will complain about spending money on weapons, there isn't much choice).
  17. So will Trump introduce the universal healthcare and free education that Greenland has to the USA?
  18. While Labor have only been in office a few months, they have to deal with a wrecked economy partially caused by Brexit and Tory mismanagement. Yet higher taxes for the rich are not part of the plan?
  19. The military spends a lot of money teaching soldiers how to kill and then we are surprised when they do
  20. "I don't know the details but whatever Musk says must be true."
  21. Alien alcoholics this way please |→
  22. Poor Thailand, always a balancing act.
  23. Presumably, the candidate was very popular.
  24. I'd rather eat a buffet than a Trump.
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