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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. I cannot remember when US media did not identify the race and deliberately write "a black man" . It is not a modern or fashionable occurrence.
  2. So, this is what Republicans are most concerned about. Placing blame. The economy - nah. Ukraine - pff. Infrastructure - eh? Suppose the answer is... China was the source? What then?
  3. He says at one point, "Rolled into harmless looking cigarettes." This is what makes it truly crazy.
  4. China may lend money to Russia without expecting it to be returned but may receive some ports and harbors in payment
  5. Why do newspapers have to stress the color of the family? Do they write "a yellow family was arrested" if a Chinese family is stopped? Isn't it rather common for people to carry guns because that is what the 2nd Amendment is all about? If carrying marijuana is a misdemeanor why make a big deal out of it? This looks so messed up.
  6. Wonder how concerned American parents are that their sons and daughters are likely to be pushed into yet another foreign war in countries they can't find on a map? Some pressure from them might put NATO's plans in disorder. Aren't Americans sick of these neverending wars?
  7. Better than the most outrageous soap opera.
  8. Is Thailand really a Haven for criminals? I would have voted for Cambodia. Does Thailand have any agreement to share criminal databases or not?
  9. When will people realize there are so many cameras now, it is hard to escape justice?
  10. Yes well, you might enjoy this but I don't. https://news.mongabay.com/2022/10/thailand-bets-on-coal-despite-long-losing-streak-for-communities/ PS, agreed that natural gas is better than coal but coal produces so much carbon that the number of natural gas plants has to increase by a lot more. Pounds of CO2 emitted per million British thermal units (Btu) of energy for various fuels Coal (anthracite) 228.6 Coal (bituminous) 205.7 Natural gas 117.0 Source: eia.gov
  11. The govt plans to add 4 more coal fired plants by 2034.... It has dumped its emissions reduction targets.
  12. AI will be of help in countries with a falling birth rate as it can take on the jobs of people retiring. Seems there are always swings and roundabouts.
  13. Not going to buy one while Thailand partially generates electricity with coal fired generators. And so few charge points.
  14. The picture doesn't show a naked woman. It shows a woman with an open blouse exposing her breasts. Maybe she is a flasher and missed the soccer match.
  15. I have a feeling that comparing them on their looks would upset them both. At least you would get a swift kick in the gonads from Michelle.
  16. Some replies are hard to argue with. Strictly speaking, work is not defined by whether you make money but by the act of working, which is not really easy to understand. Thais have mellowed a but and I have met foreign volunteers who don't have a work permit but are seen as "helping Thai people." No one rats them out and the local police ignore them when they are helping the really poor.. As others have said, just keep it to yourself.
  17. The UN is largely impotent and its record of preventing war is really zero. It boasts about its peacekeeping but those efforts only happened after war had started. They come in at the end, not before the beginning. The last time Russia had the presidency, nothing happened and I doubt it will this time also.
  18. Ukraine has not lost its sense of sovereignty and independence. Hmm.
  19. I doubt they need expensive submarines. That could be one reason.
  20. Of course, there's nothing for Russia to worry about. Imagine if Cuba were to allow Russian bombers to use its airfield.
  21. Well, I knew there had to be a reason why Thailand should not have a nuclear power plant.
  22. Understood the term is wrong but he is being accused of something and the prosecutors will try to prove they have a case, so what is he? The Accused?
  23. The defendant isn't allowed to present his case as i understand it. I could be wrong.
  24. I doubt he will turn up as it isn't mandatory. No judge is present; the proceedings are led by a prosecutor and the defendant has no right to present his case or (in many instances) to be informed of the proceedings at all. The only other country that still uses the grand jury system is Liberia.
  25. The Americans passed a law allowing themselves the right to invade the Hague (The Hague Invasion Act) to retrieve US soldiers imprisoned for war crimes, (the Netherlands is an ally) so certain are they that such crimes have been committed. Guantanamo Bay and black sites are a few crimes that come to mind. This fear of providing information on Russian crimes is that they may be charged with similar crimes in Afghanistan.
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