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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. As ice is used in beer here then I guess anything goes.
  2. If the direction is too make prostitution legal and subject to tax, social security and given benefits it sounds comparable to the Netherlands but it looks difficult for Thailand to reach that level due to corruption.
  3. Why do many people call themselves Irish American when they have never been to Ireland and don't have dual nationality? It is like saying someone is German British. I don't think anyone cares. Why do people say, "countries like Europe."? Why is every country with government funded healthcare "communist" but government funded police or firemen are not?
  4. I once had savings in an offshore bank that closed. Taken a long time to get the money back. For this reason, the majority of my savings are in GSB. I asked them to check for me several years ago how much of a guarantee they give and after checking with head office I was assured 100% of savings were guaranteed. I asked what if the bank went bankrupt (there was a brief run on the bank several years ago). They explained that for the bank to go bankrupt, the Thai government would have to be bankrupt. The government guarantees the bank. If commercial banks went bankrupt there is a scheme to pay you one million baht. If you have 5 million or more you will not be happy. I use SCB for salary deposits and ATM and have less than a million in several other commercial banks but I shift money to GSB whenever i need. I also put money into their lottery account because I win an average of 1,000 baht a month plus annual interest.
  5. A "crackdown" usually occurs after the police have suffered a tremendous loss of face and need to be seen taking action against people not paying sufficiently to avoid arrest. It happens. But i don't get why a husband can't help his wife or even why permanent residents aren't allowed to work without a permit.
  6. Interesting that a student filmed the slap. Wonder if the teacher had been slapping kids regularly and everyone knew what was going to happen?
  7. Anyone in any country showing pictures of the prophet endangers themselves. I guess the University teachers in this case reached their conclusion faster than those reading this article.
  8. Ok, so the USA being more violent than France should not concern teachers of repercussions. Second, the number of school shootings in the USA should not concern university professors. Got it.
  9. Never heard of French teacher Samuel Paty? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Samuel_Paty Showing pictures of Mohammed led to violence in Texas too. Whether in University or anywhere outside may lead to violence. https://edition.cnn.com/2015/05/04/us/garland-mohammed-drawing-contest-shooting/index.html
  10. Strange comment by the PM. It wasn't long ago when Chinese backed insurgents try to turn Thailand communist, to the extent the Thai army burned suspected communist villagers alive in red tanks filled with boiling oil. He isn't too young to remember.
  11. Unfortunately, this is not the ordinary censorship we are accustomed to, like dirty words or nudity. Someone is likely to get stabbed in the street for showing a picture of the prophet. I am sure the University was aware of the likelihood of murders following.
  12. They won't dare go far in the investigation. Once he threatens to spill the beans on top policemen he will be flown to China.
  13. Sounds quite complicated, psychologically.
  14. Strange that police crowd control dogs are never pitbulls, isn't it? Never seen pitbulls in the military either. Rather telling.
  15. Not from NZ but I am interested to know if NZ has anyone waiting for the job that people are happy to have as PM? Who would be an excellent PM? She may be famous for stamping quickly on guns after Christchurch and handling the COVID pandemic better than most countries but she seems to be knackered and wants to hand things over - but to who?
  16. This is a good idea. Fewer soldiers but highly professional. Of course military governments won't like it but parents will.
  17. Must admit i have often wondered why alcoholics are not supposed to have a few beers then stop. Must be something complex that one drink can drive them back. Knew some alcoholics but they seemed to have complex mental problems.
  18. It seems frequent that pitbulls savage people. They may not be the only dogs that attack people but maybe keeping them locked in the house or garden is the only way
  19. They are private companies and are not restricted by the 1st amendment. They have the freedom to deny him access.
  20. Well her position as a global activist certainly helped to spread the word. As you know, Germany has gone back on all is commitments for it's own reasons. It doesn't all explain for instance why Thailand signed up to reduce its carbon footprint then immediately ordered 4 more coal fired energy plants. She has a point, they're all liars.
  21. Sorry you feel you have to make stuff up. There is a lot of information from trustworthy agencies if you care to look.
  22. Yes that sums it up.
  23. She didn't pay. As the yacht owner said, "The sailing team that’s taking climate activist Greta Thunberg from England to the United States aboard a high-tech racing yacht says it will fly two crew across the Atlantic to bring the boat back, but that the carbon emissions from their flights will be compensated for."
  24. She never lied and the photo was not staged. She had to catch several trains. "So we sat on the floor on 2 different trains. After Göttingen I got a seat. "This is no problem of course and I never said it was.
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