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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. No suitcases or other luggage, so they have hotels and just want to hang out with friends. Does Thailand want foreign visitors or not?
  2. I would like to know the answer to this problem too.
  3. Thanks for this. Always good to learn more.
  4. It is just stupid to interrupt medical treatment, whatever your nationality.
  5. I foresee a lot of bickering about how to divide the spoils. It may never happen.
  6. They will have to issue receipts for money received so that their income can be taxed. Maybe carry a credit card machine in their handbag. Then there is the annual audit if they are registered as a company or spot check by a tax inspector. In the real world they imagine they won't be bothered by any of these except they will get the benefits like social security.
  7. Over the years I have tried on many shoes before deciding they were too tight or too loose. I have always been treated with courtesy. Sales people will not let you try on shoes if you aren't wearing socks but usually have two plastic bags available for such situations. It seems the lady just walked into the Zero Service shop with her family.
  8. Unless they have support from the Kings Guard? At which point will the military get fed up with him?
  9. Ignoring legal advice then getting into legal trouble. Ironic.
  10. I still haven't seen anything that says how she was murdered. Why were her parents not concerned that their daughter was not contacting them? Did his family in the UK never visit or call them? Bit of a puzzle.
  11. Looking at the menu first is always recommended.
  12. He will "enable" a coup if he keeps interfering in politics.
  13. Getting legal advice before publication would have been sensible. Let the chips fall where they may.
  14. Keeping some jobs for Thais is fine as they are usually low-cost jobs. Why a foreigner would want to massage people's feet is a mystery. Every country requires work permits for foreigners to work in local jobs even though some like Thailand restrict work.
  15. Will eggs be cheap in Gaza?
  16. The Olympics and other international bodies should ban men from female sports. The problem isn't only American.
  17. I was quite annoyed that one prison (outside Bangkok) blocked all signals on the mobile phone that I needed in order to call someone. Couldn't figure out what was wrong with my phone until I got to the gate and was told all phones were blocked for over half a mile around it. I think that prisoners should have easy access to call families, for instance family numbers would be logged and could be called day or night. There is a reason prisoners want drugs.
  18. There is that story of how someone stole a jet engine from the Thai International maintenance team and sold it back in pieces.
  19. Do the Germans still use them? Do they not feel sorry for what was done?
  20. Many years ago, I helped edit a government book called Thailand into the 90s, wherein we were told dual track railway was coming to Thailand "soon". I guess time is a bit wibbly wobbly for Thailand.
  21. I understand you believe that Germany and Poland still have concentration camps. Why would you say that???
  22. I didn't follow the hearing, but did he propose universal healthcare? Today, people pay for insurance that is then pooled so that the money from those who don't get sick is used by those who need it. Sounds legit.
  23. I understand that you mean the Jewish people's origins. However, many Jewish immigrants were Holocaust survivors from displaced persons camps in Germany, Austria, and Italy. Others came from British detention camps in Cyprus. Many immigrated from Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Turkey, Iran, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, while others came from Eastern Europe.
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