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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Feel sorry for him as pronunciation of Thai words in a French accent would confuse the best taxi driver.
  2. The population will drop more, and AI will take over several technological jobs, but unemployment will go down too.
  3. Feel sorry for him as pronunciation of Thai words in a French accent would confuse the best taxi driver.
  4. I go home after work and slump into a chair. No energy for dancing.
  5. I personally want to know if the driver has a religious reason for mowing people down, and which Masjid he attended.
  6. It all seems like a normal page in ASEAN Now. Nice to see the left being as derogatory as the right.
  7. Wealthy people do not engage in fighting for fear of losing their wealth. Give them jobs and facilities, not camps.
  8. The issue that makes immigrants dislike the country they now live in is racism. Give them an education and ability to make personal wealth usually changes their attitude. Look at the Saudis who have homes in the UK. The smoke, drink alcohol and gamble. Just like a local. 🙏
  9. There is a lot of debate about what can or cannot be taught in school. I personally liked to challenge teachers while at school. Evil me. However, some schools are actively trying to break the constitution when it comes to religion in school. Oklahoma's State Superintendent Ryan Walters issued a directive requiring schools to incorporate the Bible, specifically the King James Bible, into classroom lessons. Usually, the Satanists would sue for the same rights (to teach the Christians a lesson in equanimity) but they are slow to act this time. North Dakota is about to make it compulsory for schools to teach intelligent design in science classes. There is no evidence to prove intelligent design scientific, so science teachers would be forced to lie. In politics or religion, there will be several sides to every argument and shouting or threatening weakens any argument. Perhaps setting up formal debates to take up differing opinions and argue them with facts would help develop critical thinking. However, this would be unusual in a strictly Christian school I suppose, where disagreement would be anathema to the Christians.
  10. Invade Qatar. Thats where their bosses live.
  11. Phones are a way to keep in touch with friends and family. Line seems to be the favorite app. She Who Must Be Obeyed calls her mother, several provinces away, every day. Can't do that if you don't have a phone.
  12. How will the police track these guys down? If she wasn't raped, they don't have semen. Unless she scratched them, they can't collect skin samples from her fingernails. Unless she knows them and can name them, it is hard to see this going further. Sadly.
  13. I wonder why Thailand has not developed its domestic market over the years, preferring to act as a trader rather than developing at home. Better education, better homegrown technology would mean less reliance on the West.
  14. China has surprised many with its technical advances, whether stolen or not, and the falling demographic will be important for labor but not for technology.
  15. If ever Putin invades another territory, everyone will be so afraid they might let it happen.
  16. Using perceived power to break the law is not uncommon, as is the phrase, "Do you know who I am?"
  17. I think they mean pissed 24 hours, urinating on the streets while fighting bar security one handed.
  18. There used to be US immigration form question, "are you a terrorist?" Apparently, it helped in prosecutions later. Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people.
  19. Has anyone here ever met a heavily tattooed virgin?
  20. I love conspiracy theories where the poster "did his own research". It is especially great when the authors have no basic education in the subject at hand. Always check the qualifications first! Martin Neil, Professor of computer science and statistics at Queen Mary, University of London. UK. Jonathan Engler, Healthcare entrepreneur Norman Fenton, Professor of Risk Agreed, they are capable of reading a spreadsheet. Now compare them with a highly qualified scientist: (Name withheld to protect the innocent) Doctor of Medicine, clinical associate in the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Laboratory of Clinical Investigation (LCI). Chief of the NIAID's Laboratory of Immunoregulation. He developed therapies for formerly fatal diseases such as polyarteritis nodosa, granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and lymphomatoid granulomatosis. In 2003, the Institute for Scientific Information stated that from 1983 to 2002 (he) was the 13th most-cited scientist among the 2.5 to 3.0 million authors in all disciplines throughout the world who published articles in scientific journals. The Republican-led (no scientists) Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic 520-page report, offered no new direct evidence of a lab leak, but summarized a circumstantial case, including that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) used NIAID money to conduct “gain-of-function” studies that modified distantly related coronaviruses. You cannot blame politicians for not being able to study science.
  21. How will they stop the ladies of the night plying their trade? In Macao they line the walls.
  22. It's just the lying. https://images.axios.com/NtRnTf2pHIHz9GXWXHymtjhFmak=/0x88:2880x1708/1024x576/2024/02/19/1708380522229.webp
  23. Where did the flu come from? Wasn't China but still deadly.
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