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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. My guess is that as it gets older it needs a mate. The roaring is a cry to lionesses in the area to come on over. Fortunately Pattaya has lots of mates.
  2. I expect the only thing celebrities have is access to mass media.
  3. I am concerned that the guy who built my house will claim ownership and try to invade it.
  4. Hang on... Aren't the Hamas leadership all living freely in Qatar? Just pop next door for a neighborly chat.
  5. I nominate Kentish Town as a site. Let's see if Starmer wants a nuclear plant on his doorstep.
  6. Apart from his terrible grammar his future is poor.
  7. How many times has Farage met with Clacton voters? He prefers to go to the US. He will lose his seat at the next election.
  8. War does have consequences. The size of the gun welded on the back of the truck tells us they were going to continue the war. Perhaps asking them to surrender was never going to happen but that is the consequence of thinking you are hard men.
  9. He will tell Putin that he can make the Ukraine into a riviera with Trump hotels, casinos and luxury.
  10. Overstaying for a short time is usual not an imprisonable offense. Must be more to the story.
  11. I have to agree that closing hospitals where poor people are sick is the right decision by a country which does not want to be a part of global society. It isn't fair to ask the rich to help the poor. Let them eat cake. As for those who cross the border to get cheap health care, let their own countrymen pay for them even though they can't afford it. Why care for the sick and poor abroad while rich countries already have a lot of sick and poor, which they have no intention to help?
  12. Thanks for the response. I know CT Music and visited many years ago but at that time nothing was broken so I didn't ask. I will follow your suggestions. Thanks again.
  13. Don't transgenders love women/ men/ both? Then they fall under LGB.
  14. Sounds almost Thai. Family spirits embedded in the concrete?
  15. These referendums are not cheap. Give 10,000 baht, take 20,000 baht maybe.
  16. He was lucky. Most have to pay for the pleasure of being hit with stiletto heels.
  17. It may be possible, but will the area be full of Trump Tower, Trump Hotel, Trump Casino?
  18. Not sure if I should post effects pedals here but I have a vintage Ibanez PT9 Phaser from the 80s that just stopped working. I don't think it is seriously damaged as I have never dropped it. Could be dust I suppose but I don't want to try to dig around inside myself. I know there are several guitar repair shops but do any of them repair effects pedals? The only shop that says they do Bangkok Guitar Repair says the owner is currently in the USA. Can anyone suggest a shop? https://www.bing.com/th?id=OIP.tPlHMaB3PHK5Gui3fpyXRAHaHr&w=180&h=185&c=8&rs=1&qlt=90&o=6&pid=3.1&rm=2
  19. How will Australian immigration officers know who is a terrorist and who it not?
  20. The common excuse is that the police don't have enough people to investigate everyone. I wonder what they will say now.
  21. Great idea. Pay the CIA guys to take a holiday in Russia. Others may get a job, but they are mostly administrators. What will they do if they can't find anything that their history degrees qualify them for?
  22. Wasting money like this is the opposite of what he promised voters. I understand that he will get a lot of the costs back if he hires his own people to build it.
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