Well, taking the land was a good strategy against the Pawnee, the Cheyanne, the Sioux and so on. I think the Israelis should be sent to Europe as that is where many came from. However, I don't approve of forced evictions.
People have a choice of whether to buy cheap goods. If they do, they cannot blame anyone for the quality. If Thais were as well-off as those in the West, they probably would prefer higher quality. Even now, those who are wealthy pay more than the poor for their goods.
The main issue is that the West cannot compete with the Chinese.
The EU could follow the UK's shining examples of deals with places in the Pacific. If the UK were to reenter the EU not much would change. Better to find ways to build products that are high in quality and low in price.
I guess the same old faces will be there but some will have an office and some won't. I vote for Ben Brix, current affairs reporter for Housekeeping Weekly to be given a room too. Ben is a hard-hitting journalist who has advised the White House about how to arrange chairs like, forever.
I for one like the idea of America defunding foreigners to pay for domestic veterans, free healthcare and education, better infrastructure, cheaper eggs and so on. I look forward to the forthcoming announcements on how the savings are making life better for Americans. More power to them.
I admit the permanent residence is a big benefit for me. After paying to get it, I feel good that I don't have to go to immigration and can't be caught out if the law changes, e.g. THB1m deposit for retirement visa.
The red book is updated every 5 years. I asked the policeman who did it, what happens if I forget to stamp it?
A fine.
Cancellation of the PR?
As with the Russia-Ukraine conflict, countries have been identifying other countries to do business with. If the situation with the US becomes a trade war, countries will look for other markets to sell and buy products. Even China.
If the fireboats were in disrepair, WHY were they left to rot? Was it just the California fires that woke someone up?
In that case, what other essential services are currently not fit for purpose?
Maybe if foreigners take thousands of pictures of Thais (like tuk tuk drivers) peeing at the side of the road and posted them to the web someone would consider adding to the public toilets available.
Peeing in public is so common here that Thais have a special phrase.
Shooting rabbits (ยิงกระต่าย)