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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Betting on the lottery and horse racing in Bangkok should be studied first to see if has a beneficial result for the country.
  2. So, these refugees are coming to Thailand, and my tax will help take care of them. Fair enough.
  3. I am still interested to know how a balloon could be steered all the way to the USA when the winds at high altitudes are extremely fast. Curious.
  4. I've said this before, and I'll say it again. The rich leaders of Hamas live a life of luxury in Qatar. A few Mossad snipers could end this problem.
  5. While I would never have a tattoo, though my father did, girls with tats really helps when looking for loose women.
  6. Developed countries don't all restrict times that you can purchase liquor but generally have tougher rules on who can buy, with many asking to see ID with a purchase if the buyer looks young. Some simply don't care. It is perhaps not surprising which countries have the most alcoholics. Hungary 21.2% Russia 20.9% Belarus 18.8% Latvia 15.5% United States 13.9% South Korea 13.9% https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/alcoholism-by-country
  7. I doubt gambling will raise the education and wealth of ordinary Thais. The foreigners will take most of the wealth and the Thai government will steal the rest.
  8. As a perception survey, doesn't it mean they don't have evidence?
  9. Tired a cigarette once. Coughed my lungs out (almost). I don't see the attraction.
  10. Some good news is welcome.
  11. As a perception survey, doesn't it mean they don't have evidence?
  12. As a perception survey, doesn't it mean they don't have evidence?
  13. I can't understand why the price of eggs hasn't gone down. Probably Biden's fault.
  14. The only two potential assassin's were white Americans. Maybe focus on them more.
  15. I do hope they took all those nuclear weapons when they cleared out. Now it's the oil.
  16. Did the crowd then violently enter the GOVENMENT BUILDING?
  17. False claims, lies, are easily spread and I worry AI will make them harder to distinguish in the future. Imagine a video of Biden admitting he killed his son with a gunshot to the head.
  18. I doubt the law was halted to allow corruption. Corruption is endemic in many countries.
  19. The states have become more emboldened to defy the constitution A proposed Alabama law would force every school to display the Ten Commandments An Idaho bill would force public schools to read from the King James Bible every day https://www.friendlyatheist.com/ Why do they feel they can ignore the constitution? Someone must have given them a lead. Let's hope the Satanist Church (blessed be thou Satan) requests equal rights.
  20. A Golden Age in Arts and Culture? So no more great Greek tragedies by Sophocles or comedies by Aristophanes because the guys all wore skirts? Ban showings of the movies 300 and Troy? Censor “Some Like it Hot”, “Mrs. Doubtfire” and “Tootsie” ? The guy is so weird.
  21. Let the AI wars commence.
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